chapter 14 : the new world

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The next day.......kirito...

Kirito : i am suppuse to meet sasha at her inn right now , gotta hurry , i wonder....why did she call me all of a sudden?

In the inn....kate....

Jessica :!

Kate : ahhh!.....Jessica stop i want to sleep!

Jessica : sasha wants us outside!

Kate : eh?

Outside the inn....kirito....

Kirito : sasha! Long time no see.

Sasha : kirito! Welcome!

Kirito : so...why did you call me all of a sudden?

Sasha : someone wants to meet you....he's probably coming right now.

Kirito : me? Why?

Jessica : dad! Stop! That tickles!

Kate : who's the monster now huh?

Kate opens the door.

Kirito : that voice....this white hair......these red eyes........this kindness...

Kate : you shouldn't mess with m-.....kirito!

Kirito : kate....

Kate : i think i forgot something in my room! ( f$#$ this shi# am out! )

Sasha : kate! Stop!

Kate : ok ok! Fine......long time no see....kirito.

Kirito : you're ......alive....just like you promised.....

Jessica : you're mr.kirito right?

Kirito smiles : yeah i am kirito , nice to meet you jessica.

Jessica : are you a rotten banana?

Kate : pfft! Hahahahahaha! It worked! Yeeees!

Kirito : what did you taught her kate?

Kate : nothing....anyway......i came to save someone...

Kirito : just like me....asuna is trapped in here...

Kate : i came to save koharu , but since asuna is trapped in here as well , ill help.

Kirito : as a welcome lets have a duel , WITHOUT BUFFS.

Kate : ok threetwoonego!

Kirito : wait!

Kate : huh? What's up?

Kirito : i didn't even send a duel request!

Kate : oh! Sorry....

Kirito vs kate


Kirito : haaaa!

Kate : fireball!

Kirito vs kate(winner)

Kirito : can you stop beating me?! Just once?!

Kate : lets get serious now , i am going to the world tree , to save koharu and.........destroy the tree.

Kirito :!

Kate : system login : ID Kate

Kirito : what?!

Kate : system command: generate object ID damned blade.

Kate grabs his sword : this time...ill end his game.

Kirito : .....

Meanwhile...the world tree...koharu.

Sugou : hello koharu.

Koharu : sugou , just leave me alone!

Sugou : calm dowm koharu , i won't hurt you!*starts touching her body*

Koharu : s-stop.....please.

Sugou : hehehehehe.....hahahaha!

Kate's voice : stop sugou.

Sugou : wha-

Kate's voice : if you touch her again...ill come for you.

Sugou : who are you!? How!?


Koharu : he came back....he...

Sugou slaps koharu : who came?! Who ca- what!? My arm! Its moving on its own! *sugou's arm break*

Sugou : ahhhh! My arm!

Kate's voice : i warnned you.

Back to kate....the salamander village...

Kate : Jessica what kind of weapon do you want to use?

Jessica : i kinda like that one! *aims for a repair*

Kate : a repair? , hmm...i think it kinda fits you, you know?

Jessica : thanks!

Kate and Jessica are training.

Jessica : haa!

Kate : you're fast! Amazing!

Jessica : hya! Dad! Fight with all you have got!

Kate parry her attack and instantly points the sword at her neck.

Kate : don't underistmate your enemy.

Jessica : oh.....sorry.

Kate : that's're ready.

Jessica : yeah!! Wooho!

Kate smiles : now...shall we go.

Jessica : yeah! Lets save mom!

Kate : Jessica.

Jessica : dad?

Kate : i am sorry for what happned in sao....i lied...your real mother and father died protecting sorry.

Jessica : but you saved me , and became my dad , made me happy , played with me whenever i wanted to , i....i love you dad! So you don't have to apologize.

Kate smiles : thanks , you're really daughter *pats her head* lets go!

kate and Jessica left the village to save koharu , on there way they meet a strong warrior.

???: hyaa!*slash*

Kate : wha- *parry* who are you?

Yuuki : hiya! i am yuuki nice to meet you!

Kate : but you just tried to kill me!

Yuuki : sorry but i am not done yet! Haa!

Kate : bastard! *parry* *parry* *slash*

Yuuki : what?! You're....

Kate is about to stab yuuki but..

Yuuki : kate?

Kate stops : you know me?

Yuuki : yeah! I was looking for you!

End of chapter......

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