FIFTEEN: Cameras Flashing Every Time We Go Out

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Briley's POV

    I wake up to a knocking sound and the door opening abruptly.

    "Good morning, lovebirds!" Louis says loudly. Harry and I jump awake in a panic, realizing simultaneously that neither of us are clothed.

    "Louis! What the fuck are you doing here? Get out!" Harry says quickly, pulling the covers up to his chin. Thank god I didn't throw the covers off of me in the middle of the night. I hold the covers close to my chin as well as I squint my eyes sleepily. I feel terrible. I have the world's worst headache, it is way too bright in here, and I am exhausted. I definitely have a hangover.

    "Ah, come on! Get up you two! It's a beautiful day outside!" Louis says walking over to the curtains.

    "Please, no." I beg. He ignores me and throws the curtains open anyway, letting in so much unnecessary light. I wince and close my eyes tightly, shoving my face into the pillow.

    "I thought you were staying at Zayn's?" Harry asks, also squinting from the light.

    "I did. But I decided to get an early start and come back here to make sure you were awake before we have to go to the studio. And I guess it's a good thing I did because we have to leave in, uh, no less than ten minutes. Hurry up, get dressed." Louis explains, walking back to the door. Harry sits up.

    "What day is it?" Harry asks. Louis laughs.

    "Tuesday, let's go. Come on, up and at 'em." Louis says. Harry throws a pillow at Louis and Louis lets it hit him.

    "Out." Harry says. Louis laughs and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

    "I'm coming back in five minutes!" Louis yells down the hallway. Harry groans and looks at me.

    "You have to go to the studio today?" I ask him. He groans again and pulls the covers over his head.

    "Yeah." he replies.

    "You went to the studio yesterday." I say. He pulls the covers off of his head and looks at me.

    "Simon likes to keep us busy." he says. I sigh and nod. He pushes some hair out of my face and laughs a little.

    "What?" I ask. He shakes his head and pushes me over to lay on my back, then crawls on top of me.

    "You're so fucking sexy." he tells me, kissing my collarbone playfully. I giggle and run my fingers through his hair. He laughs and looks up at me. "And I'm sorry I have to go. Our work schedule is consistently inconsistent and demanding. Always." he says. I shake my head and look deeply into his beautiful green eyes.

    "That's okay. I know who my boyfriend is." I tell him. He smiles and nods. After a second or two, he jumps off of me and walks across the room to get dressed. He throws me one of his t-shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. I think I wear his clothes more often than I wear mine at this point. We both get dressed and sure enough, five minutes later, Louis knocks and walks back into Harry's room.

    "Ah, so he is getting ready!" he says, chipper as ever. I look at him confused.

    "How are you not hungover?" I ask him. He laughs.

    "Only had four drinks, darling. Plus, I have a high tolerance. Are you ready?" he says, turning to Harry. Harry grabs his journal and gestures for Louis to lead the way. I follow them to the door. Harry turns back to me before he leaves.

    "Bye, princess. I love you." he says.

    "I love you too. Write something good today." I tell him. He smiles and stares at me for a few seconds.

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