FORTY-FIVE: Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Harry's POV

     As I stand in the corridor, waiting for the doors to open to send me down the aisle, I turn back to Louis, who is arm in arm with Gemma. They both smile at me comfortingly.

    "Come on, you rarely get stage fright anymore. What's up?" Louis asks me.

    "I don't know, I've just got, like... massive butterflies in my stomach." I tell him, unable to keep a smile off of my face.

    "You have nothing to be nervous about. We're all here for you." Gem tells me. I nod and hug each of them.

    "I'm proud of you, pumpkin. And I'm really happy for you." Louis says, hugging me.

    "Thank you, boo. I love you." I respond.

    "I love you too." he says, releasing me. I turn to Gemma and hug her tightly.

    "I always knew you'd get married before me." she says. I laugh.

    "I love you, Gem." I tell her.

    "I love you too, baby brother. Now go make mum and I cry." she whispers as my and Briley's mums walk up to escort me down the aisle. I giggle and nod, pulling away from the hug. I link arms with our mums and take a deep breath. Traditionally, we would have had only my mum escort me down the aisle, but it was important to us that Briley's mum was included. The next few seconds before the doors open feel like hours. Time seems to slow down in a way I've never experienced. It's nerve-racking.

    When the doors finally open, I take a breath and take a step. It sort of feels like my body is moving for me while on the inside I'm overcome with excitement and nervousness--mostly excitement. When we get to the end of the aisle, I kiss both of our mums on the cheek and they sit down in the front row of chairs.

    I stand at the altar and watch as the wedding party comes down the aisle. First, Louis with Gemma. They both smile at me and give me a reassuring nod before parting ways and lining up. Following them is Zayn and Perrie, then Niall and Isabella, then Liam, Felicite, and Lottie. Once the wedding party has completely filed in, Phoebe Tomlinson (one of Louis' nine year old twin sisters) comes down the aisle carrying the rings. Behind her is Daisy Tomlinson (Phoebe's twin sister) who spreads pink flower petals all over the aisle. Phoebe hands the rings to Louis and the twins take a seat. I feel my heart start racing as I anticipate Briley's entrance. For a split second, I start to feel like I might be able to control my emotions.

    Not a chance. As Briley appears at the end of the aisle arm in arm with her dad, I lose all control and immediately start crying. She smiles at me and starts crying too. I have never seen someone look so beautiful. I can't believe the most beautiful woman in the world is about to become my wife.

Briley's POV

    I hang back around the corner, out of view of Harry. It's hard knowing he's so close, but we can't see each other yet. My dad comes up to me and hugs me tightly.

    "Hi, baby. Are you ready?" he asks me. I pull away and nod.

    "Yeah. I'm really nervous." I tell him.

    "Don't be nervous. You look beautiful, you love him, he loves you. You have nothing to be nervous about." he reassures me, taking my arm in his.

    "Thanks, dad." I say, already feeling like I could cry.

    "You know, Michael would have loved this." he says quietly. A single tear falls down my face.

    That was one of the hardest things I've had to overcome over the last year or so of wedding planning: that my brother wouldn't be here for it. We arranged for an empty chair to be left by my mom and dad in the front row in Mikey's place.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Book 2 of the Summer Love series) || 1DWhere stories live. Discover now