TWENTY-SEVEN: You Got Me Tied Down

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Briley's POV

    We walk into Harry's room and he shuts the door behind us. He takes a deep breath. I can tell he's nervous about talking to my mom.

    "I really hope your parents don't hate me for not asking their permission before I proposed." Harry says, walking slowly to the bed and sitting down next to me while I pull up Skype.

    "Oh, I wouldn't even worry about it honestly. My parents aren't super traditional like that. Plus, I don't think anyone could ever hate you." I say, turning to smile at him. He smiles, but rolls his eyes a bit.

    "You'd be surprised." he says. I shake my head and text my mom that I want to Skype. Within a couple of seconds, she texts back that she is logging on. As soon as her icon shows as "online", I hover my finger over the call button. Just as I'm about to call, Harry pulls my hand away. "Okay, wait, I'm actually really nervous." he says. I look at him, sort of surprised.

    "Why?" I ask. He shrugs.

    "Technically, if you don't count the short phone call in the car, this will be my first time meeting your mum. And we're engaged." he says. I realize he's right. He's never actually met my mom. Does he even know what she looks like?

    "It's going to be okay. From what I've already told her about you, she loves you. And she was practically begging to meet you that day in the car, remember? Just be your Prince Charming self." I tell him. He takes a deep breath, then nods. I call. It doesn't even fully ring once before she answers.

    "Baby, is everything okay? Why'd you want to call again?" she asks as soon as she answers. She sees Harry and that I'm no longer hysterically crying and looks at me confused. "Hi, Harry." she says, a small, confused smile creeping onto her face.

    "Hi, mum. How are you?" Harry says politely.

    "Just fine, thanks for asking. Briley, what's going on? Should I be worried?" she asks me.

    "Mom, you're asking if you should be worried that I'm not crying anymore?" I point out, laughing. She laughs a little and gives me a look.

    "I don't know. It's just throwing me off a bit that when we hung up earlier you were sobbing uncontrollably and now you seem borderline happy and your boyfriend is sitting next to you." she explains. I nod and look at Harry, trying to figure out the best way to just tell her. "So what's up?" she asks. I look back at her.

    "I'll start with the smaller thing first... I'm not coming home tomorrow." I tell her. She looks at me confused.

    "That's the smaller thing? Now I'm really worried." she says.

    "Are you upset that I'm not coming home tomorrow?" I ask. She sighs and shakes her head.

    "No. I guess not. I really think you should come home tomorrow, but you're an adult and you can make your own decisions. If you don't think coming home tomorrow is best, then I trust that I've raised you well enough to have good decision making skills and to know what's best for yourself." she says. I smile.

    "Awesome. Thank you. Keep that energy. Here's the bigger thing... I'm engaged." I tell her. She grins and freezes a little.

    "To who?" she asks. I laugh and Harry takes my hand and squeezes it. I know he's still nervous.

    "To Harry. Who else?" I reply, laughing. She nods slowly and doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

    "Okay, uh huh. I'll be right back. I'm going to get your father." she says. She doesn't seem upset at all actually. She sort of just seems pleasantly shocked. As soon as she walks off the screen, Harry mutes us.

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