FORTY-TWO: I Want Everyone To Know Now

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Briley's POV

    "So are you excited to start coming to the studio with us tomorrow?" Liam asks me as he and Zayn help me organize the bathroom. Well, they're trying to help anyway. They both keep getting distracted by my things.

    "I can't even tell you how excited I am. It's seriously a dream come true. It still doesn't really feel real." I reply. Liam smiles and picks up my eyelash curler, inspecting it carefully. "Are you guys excited to have your every move for the next year and a half captured on film?" I ask. They both look up at me.

    "Jesus, I thought we were done with that for good once The X Factor ended." Liam says.

    "I'm excited and nervous. I think it's going to take a lot of getting used to, having a camera around all the time again. Especially now that we've grown up a bit more." Zayn says.

    "For sure. I'm excited to watch you work. You always get to watch us do what we love, but we've never really seen you work a camera other than for fun." Liam agrees. I continue organizing and feel nervous butterflies.

    It's going to take some getting used to certainly. Everything I've seriously worked on in the past was so low pressure. Not only that, but I worked with the same group of people from basically the start of my filmmaking career. I have to admit, it's a little intimidating going into this project not knowing anyone and knowing how high the stakes are. Okay, a lot intimidating.

    "Why does it look like this?" Liam asks me, holding up my eyelash curler. I giggle.

    "How do you mean?" I ask in a British accent.

    "It looks so scary. Personally, I wouldn't want to put this anywhere near my eye. That's what this thing is for right?" he asks. I laugh and take it from him.

    "Mhm. It's an eyelash curler. It's not dangerous, you don't even feel it. Unless you accidentally pinch yourself." I explain. He and Zayn wince a little at the thought.

    "Does it even make that much of a difference? I feel like it would just be more effort than it's worth." Liam says.

    "I think it makes a difference. Here, look." I say, pulling out my hand mirror and curling my left lashes. I turn to show him. He and Zayn lean close and look at both of my eyes.

    "I can barely even tell." Liam says.

    "No, look. Those look longer than those." Zayn says, gesturing to my lashes.

    "Sort of." Liam says. I laugh and put my eyelash curler away.

    "It's easier to tell with mascara. Plus, I naturally have curly lashes. It really makes a difference for people with straighter lashes." I say. I look over at Liam. "I bet it would really make a difference on your lashes." I say. He shakes his head and leans away from me.

    "Absolutely not. Keep that thing away from me." he says. Zayn and I laugh.

    "You could do mine." Zayn says. I shake my head.

    "I could if you want me to, but you already have pretty lashes. I don't know if it would do much." I tell him. He grins.

    "Hey! What are you trying to say about my lashes?" Liam asks, jokingly offended.

    "You have pretty lashes too. Yours are just straighter." I explain.

    "Come on, Liam. Let her curl them. I want to see how much of a difference it makes." Zayn says. Liam looks at him with wide eyes.

    "Not a chance, mate! I don't want my eyelids pinched!" Liam says.

    "You don't feel it, silly. It only hurts if you get too close, which I won't, I swear." I tell him. He looks at me, scared as I pick up my eyelash curler again. I bring it towards his eye and he leans away.

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