THIRTEEN: We're Going In Circles

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Briley's POV

    I freeze and stare at Zayn nervously. He is sitting on the couch between Harry and Isabella, talking to both of them and laughing. Zayn looks up from the conversation and his face falls when his eyes meet mine. It feels like the room falls deadly silent even though everyone's conversations carry on as normal. He gives me a tiny polite smile and a single wave. I do the same.

    Harry, who hasn't realized I've walked back into the room yet, tries to get Zayn's attention. When he succeeds, they start talking like normal and laughing together again. Good to know he's only mad at one of us, I guess. Especially considering none of this was really Harry's fault at all. I decide it's probably best to stay away from Harry while Zayn is around and go sit by Louis. I lean over to him as discreetly as possible.

    "I thought you said he wasn't coming." I whisper to Louis. Louis holds his smile and leans towards me a little, trying not to draw attention.

    "Never said he wasn't, just said he wasn't here at that moment. And technically, I never said anything, just shook my head." he whispers back through his teeth.

    I sigh and glance back over to Zayn who is trying to be engaged in a conversation with Harry, but is ultimately failing as he keeps glancing back at me every couple of seconds. Louis continues speaking with Liam and puts his hand on my knee without missing a beat, fully aware of the situation I'm in. I sit there anxiously watching Harry and Zayn interact for a while until Louis cuts off his conversation with Liam.

    "Hold that thought, Payno. I'm going to take some of these empty cups to the kitchen. Bri, care to help?" he hints. I nod and we start picking up empty teacups. We go into the kitchen and set everything down, then I turn to him.

    "What am I supposed to do?" I ask him. He shrugs.

    "I don't know, ignore him? That's what he seems to be doing to you." Louis responds. I shake my head.

    "He's definitely not ignoring me. Every time I so much as glance in his direction he's already staring at me." I say, slightly annoyed.

    "I'm sorry, I actually didn't know he was coming. When you were taking out the last of the tea, he texted that he was about to pull up." Louis explains.

    "You didn't invite him?" I ask.

    "Oh, of course I invited him. I was just under the impression he wasn't coming." Louis says, rinsing out some of the cups. I stand there with my hands on the counter thinking of how to best handle this situation. "I think you should go talk to him." Louis tells me. I look at him with wide eyes.

    "Are you joking? Why? He hates me. He doesn't want to talk to me." I say.

    "The only way out is through, right?" he says. He's right. The only way to fix this is for us to talk and work it out, whether either of us wants to or not. "And he doesn't hate you. He's just hurt." he adds. I sigh. 

    "Alright, fine." I say. Louis and I walk out of the kitchen and I look around, noticing Zayn is nowhere in sight. "Where did Zayn go?" I ask Liam. He points to the front door. I nod and step outside to see Zayn facing the street, smoking. I come up behind him. "Thought you were quitting?" I ask. He takes another drag, then puts the cigarette out.

    "Was. But shit happens." he replies. He turns and looks at me. "I'm actually glad you came out here, I want to talk." he says. I start to feel nervous as I look back at him. I know he's still upset with me, I can hear it in his voice. I just want him to not be mad at me anymore.

    "What's up?" I ask. He sighs and stares at me blankly, not saying anything. I give him a couple of seconds to respond, but he doesn't say anything. "You know, I could just apologize again if that would help. I'm still sorry. I still feel awful and--"

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