She's Here!

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I just woke up. It's been about three hours since I've fallen asleep with Jace by my side. I felt well rested but I know when I have this baby I'll be extremely exhausted. I adjust myself but as I'm doing that I can't feel my legs at all. The epidural goes crazy. I look to my left and see Jace sitting there on his phone. He notices my motioned movement then puts his phone down and scoots his chair closer to me.

Jace: Hey baby how was your sleep?

Y/N: Hey it was good but I'll be very tired again soon. How was yours?

Jace: Mine was good as well. It was a much needed nap you know?

Y/N: Yeah. I just wanna know how many centimeters dilated I am.

I say putting my hand over my stomach.

Jace: You're probably more than you were before so you might have this baby within the next hour or two.

Y/N: Yeah I'm excited to hold her and look into her little eyes. My baby fever is real!

Jace: Girl it's always real.

We both share a laugh and he grabs my hand.

Y/N: So did you-

*knock knock knock*

I was cut off by the knocking on the door.

Y/N: Come in.

Nurse: Hello. I've came in here once but you guys were sound asleep. How was it?

Y/N: It was very much needed! So glad that it was taken. I laugh a little.

Nurse: That's very good. I have a feeling that you might be at 10 centimeters right now. Have you been feeling some contractions?

Y/N: I've been feeling it but it hasn't been too bad.

Nurse: Perfect. You might be ready to have this baby now!

Y/N: Oh perfect! You hear that bae?

Jace: Lets get this done!

Jace seemed very excited which made me very happy. We couldn't wait to meet our babygirl.

Few minutes later, they checked to see that I was exactly 10 centimeters dilated so I was going to be pushing like real soon. The pain slowly started to come back but luckily with Jace by my side I was still able to tolerate it.

The nurses in the room started setting everything up for when the baby arrived and then it really hit me. I was really about to give birth to my babygirl. It's real. It's happening.

Y/N: Jace!!

Jace: What's wrong babygirl?

Y/N: This is really happening. We're about to meet her.

Jace: Yes love and we'll cherish every moment of this.

Y/N: We will we will. I'm starting to feel some pressure pain though.

Jace: Oh you are? Then it's really happening!

The nurse overheard our conversation and asked me a question.

Nurse: You said you feel some pressure pain love?

Y/N: Yeah it's just below my stoma- ahhh!

It's just really sharp.

Nurse: Okay mama okay seems like this baby is ready to come out right now!

There were 3 female nurses in the room getting to their positions and Jace by my side holding my hand.

Jace: It's okay babygirl just remember to keep breathing. In and out like we practiced remember?

Jace Norman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now