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jeongguk squinted as he inspected the premade sandwiches, scrunching his nose at the lack of different ingredients. he sighed and took one from the fridge, shrugging and walking down the other isles of the convenience store. it was quiet, with a few teenagers checking out drinks and various passerby's shopping as well, leaving jeongguk to grab his snack in peace. he smiled as he neared the fridges, taking out an energy drink and heading to the cash registers. the fuchsia frowned as he watched a woman anxiously talking to the cashier, pressing her card against the machine.

      "is everything here alright?" jeongguk approached them, raising his eyebrows at the young man and woman.

      "my apology.." she shook her head, "my card isn't going through. let me see if i have any cash.."

      jeongguk shifted his weight between his feet as he watched the woman fumble through her purse, wincing as her wallet fell out of the bag, various coins spilling out onto the floor. she sighed loudly and apologized once again, going on her knees to pick up the money. jeongguk neared the cash and set his sandwich and energy drink down, "i'll pay for her things as well as mine, please."

      before the woman had time to object, jeongguk pressed his card against the machine, giving her a smile as it beeped. he helped her to her feet, handing her the bags filled with food. "i appreciate your kindness.." they walked out of the convenience store together, an embarrassed look on her face, "is there any way i can pay you back?"

      "no, it's nothing to worry about." he shook his head, "do you need help carrying these to your car? they seem heavy.." she thanked him before handing him a bag, "seems like you've had a long day."

      "you could say that." she chuckled, "my boss made me fill in for someone who couldn't make it, even though i told him i had to get home for my family. but so is life."

      "where do you work?" jeongguk glanced at her neat outfit.

      "just a regular desk job," she shrugged, "and you? were you heading back home to your family? any chance i can give you a ride home?"

      jeongguk's shoulders bounced as he laughed, "no, i live alone. i work as a therapist for teenagers." they reached the woman's car, jeongguk letting her open the trunk, putting the bags of food in the car.

      "a therapist, you said?" she huffed, "for teenagers? that's a funny coincidence.."

      "what makes you say that?" jeongguk frowned with a curious grin.

      "my son actually has quite severe anger problems." she faced jeongguk, lowering her eyes, "keeps getting into fights at school, getting detentions and suspensions.. and nothing seems to be helping.."

      jeongguk cocked his head, "if you'd like, i can give you my email in case you believe he might want to talk to someone about his anger issues. think of it as you repaying me, yeah? i'm jeon jeongguk." he stuck his hand out.

      "kim eonjin." she shook it.


time for jeon's backstory ! :o

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