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taehyung's legs bounced anxiously as he waited for his therapist to enter the room, staring at the door in anticipation. deep down, he was just wishing for the door to never open, hoping he'd sit in the chair alone and no one would walk in. his palms were sweating in his pockets, fingers trembled as they clutched onto his phone, waiting to press the record button.

      a breath of disappointment left taehyung's lips as the door opened, watching dr. jeon enter the room with a gentle smile, "hello, taehyung." his dark eyes trailed along the male's body, "how are you doing today?"

      "i don't really know, the pills you gave me last week are fucking up with his head," he pressed the record button, taking his hands out of his pockets and laying them in his lap, "i don't think they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. plus, if anything, i've been feeling more irritated than usual? at this point if someone even breathes the wrong way i feel like punching them."

      the fuchsia sat down with a soft moan, opening his folder and beginning to write in it like he always did. taehyung frowned and crossed his arms, glancing from the folder to dr. jeon's face, feeling his impatience building up like a pot about to overflow with water.

      "what is it?" dr. jeon caught taehyung's annoyed glare, "are you curious to see what i'm writing? here." he handed the brunet the folder.

      taehyung's eyes scanned the paper for anything that was suspicious or irrelevant, rereading it over and over to find nothing but notes, quotes, and the symptoms he had when he first took the seroquel and scopolamine. he handed the folder back to dr. jeon with a defeated sigh, crossing his arms again and slouching back.

      "now, i told you to take the two medicines at home," he raised his dark eyes to taehyung, allowing the memories of his sweaty and trembling body to come back and disturb his mind, "judging by how you told me they were messing with your head, how do you feel they're doing that?"

      "every time i taken them, i just completely black out? which, for one, isn't normal.. i never ever remember what goes on after i taken them, too. i always find myself lying on the ground, sweating and panting like i just ran a marathon or something. aren't they supposed to be helping me with my anger?"

      "do you have them with you?" dr. jeon kept his eyes on his notes, "if so, why don't you take them and i can see what happens."

      taehyung frowned at him, feeling a wave of unease rise up. "why? i just told you they're not working. why do you need to see me on them?"

      "taehyung." dr. jeon looked up at him and removed his glasses, biting on the earpieces, "by seeing you on them i can locate the problem. you know i don't like it when you question me."

      taehyung gulped and lowered his head, nodding. he lifted his bag, slowly unzipping it and taking out the bottles, feeling intimidated by dr. jeon's piercing stare. he put one of each pill into his palm, looking at dr. jeon before throwing them in his mouth, gulping them down with the help of water. he clenched his jaw and blinked quickly, feeling his vision slowly blurring and the familiar nausea returning, putting his hand on his forehead to keep himself from toppling over. 

      "what are you feeling, taehyung." the fuchsia set his folder down, leaning forward to rest his forearms on his knees, "hm?"

      "i'm dizzy.. d-dr. jeon.."

      dr. jeon grinned and stood, nearing the brunet and kneeling down in front of him. he looked up and placed his hand around the male's jaw, gripping it as he inspected his face happily, watching as his eyes were slowly turning upwards, starting to pant heavily with drool building up at the corners of his gaping mouth, threatening to slide down his face. he traced taehyung's bottom lip with his thumb, feeling sparks of excitement rush through his system. he pushed his thumb into the brunet's mouth, soft moans escaping both males.

      he pulled his hand away and hummed joyously when he noticed the erection in taehyung's pants, knowing that that was the sign that the drug had taken its full effect. he got on both knees and spread taehyung's legs, rubbing the clothed limbs leisurely but firmly. "are you okay, taehyung?" the latter's breaths grew heavier, "it seems you have a.. problem down here."

      he cooed as he watched taehyung struggled to raise his arms to his lap, delighted by his attempt to try and relieve himself. he placed his hands on taehyung's, looking into his eyes and smiling at his painful expression, whimpers leaving his mouth. "does it hurt?" he pouted, "do you want to relieve yourself, taehyung?" the male whispered a 'yes', "do you want me to help you? hm?"

      after taehyung sluggishly whispered another 'yes', dr. jeon undid the string from his pants, exhaling shakily at the sight of the stain in his boxers, seeing his cock pulse under the fabric. he peeled back the cloth, heat filling his body when taehyung's dick sprang out. he licked his lips and dragged his finger around the head, the organ twitching from his touch.

      "you know, taehyung," he looked up, "you're so vulnerable right now. i could do whatever i want with you; i could easily rape you right here, and no one would even know. i could kill you, drag your pretty body somewhere and bury you in a ditch, who knows." he sighed, "you should really learn to be less naïve, taehyung. but oh well, it's too late now anyways." he grinned again, "do you want me to touch your dick? i can help you, but i need your approval."

      "p-please.." taehyung sloppily thrusted his hips, body begging to be touched.

      "yeah? you want me to help?" he slowly started massaging his red cock, "you do, don't you, taehyung? you know all i want is for you to get better, right? my job is to fix you, after all. with me, you never need to worry. i assure you, you are in completely safe hands. you trust me, don't you?"

      dr. jeon snickered before pulling some hair behind his ears and his head down, taking all of taehyung in his mouth, immediately bobbing his head up and down. taehyung gasped and let his head fall back onto the chair, moaning loudly as his eyes rolled back, cheeks painted a dark shade of red from the heat burning through him. he weakly bucked his hips upwards, panting at the blissful feeling of dr. jeon's mouth around him.

      the therapist released from taehyung and squeezed the base of his cock, licking stripes up him, giving the head kisses and kitten licks. "you have such a pretty dick.." he laughed breathily, "it's so long with such a nice curve.." he wrapped his other hand around the head, grinning as taehyung whined painfully. "aw.. were you about to cum? did i ruin your orgasm? oops.." he frowned when taehyung didn't answer his question, squeezing the base tightly and slapping his cock with the other hand, making the male grunt. "answer me."

      "yes.. y-yes, dr. jeon.."

      "that's much better," he started stroking him again, stopping every few moments and basking in the beauty of taehyung struggling, "why don't you beg a little. show me how badly you want me to pleasure you."

      the younger heaved himself from the chair in attempt to sit up, quickly failing and toppling onto dr. jeon, sending them both to the ground, panting heavily into his ears. he closed his eyes and sleazily grinded on him, whining at the lack of stimulation he was getting.

      dr. jeon bit his lips and slid his hands into taehyung's pants, using one hand to squeeze his ass and the other to tease his hole, feeling himself start to harden. taehyung moaned and continued grinding, feeling himself come closer and closer to climax, tears falling from his eyes from the sheer amount of pleasure he was now feeling.

      "dr. jeon.. d-dr. jeon.." he cried softly, "please.." his messy movements grew faster, whimpering noisily in dr. jeon's neck, "i'm.. i'm close.."

      his body shuddered as he came with a low, drawn out moan, white ribbons landing on dr. jeon's shirt, quivering as he finished, breath hitching quietly. the fuchsia slowed his ragged breath, stilling for a few moments before pushing taehyung onto the floor, quickly standing and looking down at his soiled shirt and the bulge in his pants. he looked back at taehyung with widened eyes, clenching his fists shut as his systems screamed at him to ravage the brunet.

      "i'll.. see you next time, taehyung." he cleared his throat before leaving the room, leaving the male behind.


that "my job is to fix you, after all" gave me some overhaul vibes and i'm not complaining ":)

joce: Viagra just aint enough for some ig...dont forget ssc kids..

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