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"jeon jeongguk?"

      jeongguk turned as he felt a hand press against his bicep, eyes landing on the woman from the previous night. he smiled at her, "kim eonjin, what a coincidence meeting you here." he faced her, raising his eyebrows. it was the middle of the afternoon, and he was at the convenience store picking up some more hair dye.

      "i saw you walk in," she grabbed her elbow, looking up at him sheepishly, "i didn't mean to stalk or anything, i was just wondering if you had a moment."

      he looked down at his watch, "i suppose i do, what can i help you with?"

      "i'd like to buy you a coffee." she crossed her arms sternly, "as a thank you for the other day, and you're not allowed to say no."

      "sounds like i'm being forced," he chuckled, "is this a public kidnapping?"

      "of course not," eonjin rolled her eyes, "i'd never do something so absurd.. i'll wait for you outside, okay?"

      jeongguk looked her up and down before nodding. she watched her walk out of the convenience store, biting his lip in delight at the kidnapping joke. he sighed and picked a hair dye container off the shelf, heading to the cash. he didn't really want to be repaid; he didn't even really care about her. he paid for his items and stepped out of the store, feeling his mood drop when he spotted eonjin speaking with another woman, a teenage male standing by them. he gripped tightly onto his bag when they met eyes, putting on a happy face. "i hope you don't mind that i'm taking time out of your day for this."

      "it's no problem at all," he breathed in the fresh air, "it can get quite stuffy in my office."

       they walked down the busy streets, jeongguk keeping his eyes on the street in front of him, with his hand stuffed in his pockets. it was just small talk for now; talking about their days, where to get coffee, life, nothing that sparked interest in jeongguk. they finally reached the coffee shop, jeongguk ordering a simple americano.

      "you said you worked as a therapist right?" eonjin handed him his coffee, "for teenagers?"

       he nodded, taking a sip from his drink, "i've been working as one for nearly three years now."

      "could i ask for some advice?" she looked down at her drink, "my son, taehyung, we've tried everything for his anger, but nothing is working. either it doesn't work, or he gets too fed up and quits."

      "have you ever thought of having him see a therapist?"

      "he's seen quite a few, though unfortunately had to leave for trying to.. fight them." she pursed her lips, "i feel like it's hopeless. especially with how he acts in school; i don't want him getting kicked out.. he won't even talk to my husband about it, if we ask he only raises his voice."

            "i could give it a try. talking to him, i mean." jeongguk glanced from the rim of his cup, "you have my email, right? i think it would be helpful to set up a meeting." he scoffed as her eyes widened in anticipation, immediately pulling out her phone.

      jeongguk stifled when another woman came into view, hugging eonjin from the back with a loud laugh. he looked out the window, paying no attention as they caught up with each other. he exhaled, annoyed and exhausted and wanting to just go home. he glanced at the stranger as she stood next to him. "jeongguk, this is my friend, mijeong, and her son, jimin. mijeong, jimin, this is dr. jeon jeongguk." eonjin nudged her head towards them.

      "nice to meet you." jeongguk stared at the male as he stretched his hand out, grabbing and shaking it firmly with a smirk.



i hate writing chapters that focus on dialogue :( makes the chapter feel short and uneventful

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