Chapter 13

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***Emily's P.O.V.***

I smiled to myself as I walked up the stairs, ready to surprise my boyfriend with everything to make him feel better.

I opened the door and see that he has chosen to lie about being sick, and be with another girl. And that girl just so happened to be my best friend.

He looked at me with cruel eyes and laughed evilly. She then began to join him in the obnoxious laughter, glaring at me with her devilish eyes.

"You were never good enough for me." He spat at me with a harsh tone.

"I knew there was always something off about you. Something that just made me SICK!" He said furrowing his eyebrows together. He got up in just his boxers and walked towards me with cruel eyes.

"Do you know what that something is, Emily?" He asked staring into my eyes, sending shivers down my back. I knew the answer, but I didn't want to admit it. Nor did I want him to say it.

"You would never put out. Never even touch me in any way. Never even look at me that way." He said in disgust and began to circle around me as he spoke.

"You know what you are? You're pathetic. A pathetic little girl, who thinks she's too good enough for me." He shook his head, stopping directly in front of me.

"A pathetic, little, virgin..." He whispered the last word harshly into my here.


My eyes open and I find myself in an unfamiliar place. I'm sweating and shaking. I look around and my surroundings to try and figure out where I am.

Band posters, book shelf, pictures of family, huge closet, personal bathroom, laptop on a desk. This room looks just like.. Marcel's room!

"Marcel?!" I yell nervously. I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as I hugged my knees close to my chest. My horrifying dream fills my thoughts and I start to cry harder.

All of a sudden, the door swings open and someone is running towards me. I look up to see a worried Marcel. He's wearing his glasses and not his contacts. But his hair isn't gelled up like usual.

"Emily, what's wrong?" He asked getting in the bed with me and wiping my tears away. I keep crying and more and more tears fall down my cheek, causing Marcel to constantly wipe them away.

"My dream... It was horrible... Zayn.. And... And S-Sarah... They laughed.. At me.. And-" I tried to tell him what happened but couldn't. He held me close in his arms and rubbed my back gently, telling me everything is going to be okay.

"It's okay. I'm here." He said quietly and stroked my hair softly. I felt so safe in his arms, and I never wanted to leave them.

***Marcel's P.O.V.***

I tried comforting Emily as much as I could. I can't stand to see her hurting so bad. Her smile lights up the whole room and gets everyone in a good mood. I hate to see her this way. And I hate the fact that Zayn is the reason for it.

I look down at Emily who's eyes are closed and cheeks are wet from crying. I gently wipe them dry with my thumb and kiss the top of her head. I grab my phone and text Harry to see if he's on his way home. I lock my phone, waiting for a reply, and just hold Emily close.

A few minutes later, I hear my phone go off and see that Harry had texted me back.

Almost home. Is something wrong? -Harry

I quickly texted back a reply.

I brought Emily here. I'll explain later. -Marcel

I locked by phone and sat with Emily cuddled into me. I covered her up with the blankets so she wasn't cold. I rested my head on top of hers, my eyes getting heavier, and heavier.

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to just close my eyes. And then, darkness.


Sorry this chapter was so short. It's 1:17 AM right now and I'm super tired. But I felt like I needed to give you guys an update on the story.

So, I hope you liked it! If you did don't forget to favorite and comment!

Love you guys!

-Kelli :)

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