Chapter 15

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***Edward's P.O.V.***

"Marcel, can you help me carry the drinks?" Emily asked Marcel sweetly. I looked over at Marcel who was smiling like a dork. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Of course I can." He said and got up with Emily walking into the kitchen. I watched Emily walk into the kitchen with a small smirk on my face.

You're probably wondering how Emily knows me. You see, we were together before Zayn came along. We were inseparable. We were in love. Until Zayn stole her from me, planted things into her head that weren't true.

The real reason I'm here is to get revenge on that ass hole for stealing her away and hurting her as much as he did. She doesn't deserve to feel this pain. But there's one person who does. And that one person, is Zayn.



"Hurry up slow poke!" Emily yelled as she ran ahead of me. I smiled at her and ran up to her.

"Come on we're going to be late!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me along the curvy path.

Emily had a surprise for me and I had no idea where we were headed. We were coming up to a dark stage in the middle of the park. All of our friends were there. I looked over at Emily confused, a smile planted on my face.

"What's going on?" I asked her chuckling. She just smiled and let go of my hand, cupping both of her hands around her mouth.

"NOW!" She shouted and the stage lights turned on, fireworks went off, and my favorite band Panic! At The Disco started to play.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone shouted. I had a huge smile on my face. I couldn't believe she did all of this for me.

"This is amazing Emily. Thank you." I said smiling and pulled her close. I then leaned down and kissed her passionately. When we pulled away she had a huge smile on her face.

"I love you." She told me. I smiled at her and cupped her cheek with my hand as she leaned into it.

"I love you too."


I wiped my eyes before anyone could see that I was crying. Emily and Marcel came back into the room and set down the drinks. I took one and opened up the can, tilting it back and feeling the carbonated liquid fill my mouth. I looked around at everyone in the room and saw Harry staring at me. I gave him a look as if to say "What?" and he looked away with his eyebrows furrowed together.

What the hell was that all about?

***Harry's P.O.V.***

I don't think Edward realizes that I caught him staring at Emily, daydreaming, and then crying. He wiped his eyes trying to act like nothing happened, but I saw it. He's thinking about when he and Emily were together. He misses her, I can tell. He looked over at me with a look as if to say "What?". I looked away with my eyebrows furrowed together.

I took a drink of my soda and looked over at Emily. She was smiling at everyone and talking about what we should do to celebrate Edward coming home. Emily had suggested bowling, lazertag, and mini golf.

"Sounds like fun!" Marcel said. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Let's do it!" Edward said. Emily clapped excitedly and got up.

"I need to fix my hair and makeup first. I'm a mess." She said.

"Gemma has some makeup you can use. She won't mind." I tell her and she smiles and heads upstairs. As soon as she's gone I lean in to start talking to the guys.

"Start taking Edward." I say and he gives me an annoyed glare.

"What could I possibly have to tell you?" He asks, leaning back with his hands rested behind his head, feet up on the coffee table, and his eyes closed.

"Why are you here? We all know that it's not for family and friens. You're up to something." Marcel speaks up with a sudden burst of confidence. Where did that come from?

"I told you this once. You clearly didn't understand, so I'll tell you again. It's none of your god damn business. Alright?" He says looking at us angry and annoyed. I roll my eyes and look at Marcel as if to say "He'll never fess up." He nodded getting what the look meant.

"Whatever, dude." I said and leaned back on the couch. A few minutes later, Emily walked down with fresh make-up on and her hair up. I stood up and smiled at her, and she returned it.

"You boys ready to go?" She asked. Marcel and Edward stood up and nodded.

"Let's go." She said and smiled.

***Emily's P.O.V.***

When I was upstairs cleaning up, I don't think the boys realized that I could hear everything they were saying. They were trying to get Edward to talk about why he was here. He told me he was here to see friends and family. But now that's all a lie? Why was he really here? The last time I remember seeing him was when he told me he was leaving after Zayn and I had gotten together. He never told me the reason why. Then it all started to come back to me.



I had just got done with work late at night and was driving home. It was also pouring out and I could hardly see anything. I turned on my windshield wipers, but every time they wiped the water away, it would just keep re-appearing. I goraned in annoyance trying to figure out where I am. All I could see was water and a blurred light in front of me. I then realized that I was on the wrong side of the road and tried to swerve out of the way, but I was too late.

The car crashed into mine, causing me to roll off of the side of the road, I hit by head hard on something. I put my hand on where I had hit it, and felt something warm and gushy coming from my head. I looked at my hand and saw that it was full of blood. I was stuck in my position and upsidedown. Then all of a sudden, darkness.


I woke up and looked around, seeing four men I couldn't recognize standing around me. Three of them looked alike, two had brown curly hair and the other had theirs slicked back. The fourth male had dark, dark hair and brown eyes. Who are these people?

"Babe are you okay?" The dark haired boy said and rushed to my side, grabbing my hand. I looked down at our hands then back up at him in confusion.

"Who are you?" I asked him. He looked at me with hurt eyes.

"I'm you're boyfriend, Zayn." He explained and I nodded.

"Oh, okay." I said and looked at the curly haired boy with a black lip ring, he was staring at the dark haired boy, angrily, that I have just learned is my boyfriend named Zayn.

"And who are you?" I asked the boy with the lip ring. He looked at me and his angry expression turned into a hurt one.

"You're friend, Edward." He said quietly and looked back at Zayn, shaking his head. I looked at Zayn who was smirking at him.

"And these are my brothers, Harry, and Marcel." He explained pointing to each one of them. I smiled at them and they returned it. They all seem like sweet boys.


My eyes widened as i realized what had happened that day. I got into a car accident and lost my memory. All the memories of Edward and I dating came back into my mind. I remember Zayn always being jealous around me and Edwrad. Zayn hated him. I never knew why, until now.

Zayn had taken advantage of my amnesia and told me that I was his girlfriend before Edward could tell me anything. That's why he looked so hurt, and stared at Zayn angrily, while he smirked at him. That pig!

Oh, Zayn is SO getting what's coming to him. And I know just how to do it.

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