Chapter 19

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***Emily's P.O.V.***

I woke up having a strong feeling that today would be a good day. I smiled to myself and got up to get ready. Looking out the window to see what it was like outside. Beautiful blue skies and not a cloud up there. I then went to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. A white short sleeved shirt, high waisted navy blue skirt with a brown belt, tan flats and purse, and some sunglasses. I decided I should curl my hair with two braids meeting at the back of my head. To hide the bobby pins, I put a navy blue bow on top.

For makeup I decided to go with a natural smokey eye, thin eyeliner, and some mascara. I looked at myself in the full body mirror and smiled. Perfect! I then headed downstairs and went into the kitchen for some breakfast. Since I had enough time, I decided to make a waffle and eggs. It smelled and looked so good. My stomach began to growel at me, telling me it wanted food. Once my breakfast was done, I sat down and ate, scrolling through my Instagram.

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I then got a text from Marcel asking if he could come over and talk to her about something. He said it was important. I replied and said that I'm always here when he needs to talk. As I finished eating, my phone went off again. Marcel had texted me back and said he would be there soon. I locked my phone and put my plate in the sink.

I wonder what's going on with Marcel. I hope it's nothing bad. It would break my heart to see Marcel upset again. I can't stand it when such sweet guys like him are heart broken. Just then the doorbell rang. Marcel must be here. I walked over to the door and opened it. Marcel looked happy. I smiled at him and a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders seeing that he was alright.

"So what was so important that you needed to talk to me about, Marcel?" I asked as we sat down on the couch.

"Well.. There's this girl that I like..." He said, his cheeks turning a rose color. I smiled with excitement.

"Oh my gosh, Marcel! Who is it?" I said eagerly.

"Hannah." He finally said, he cheeks turning even more red. My smile got even bigger.

"Oh, Marcel. That's great! Hannah is a really sweet girl. Perfect for you. Not to mention, she's very pretty." I said smirking at him.

"She really is. But, she wouldn't go for a guy like me." He said looking down.

"Are you kidding? Why wouldn't she? I mean, you are one of the sweetest, kindest, smartest, most caring person I have ever met, Marcel."

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