New Fanfic?

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Hey guys. So I was just wondering if you guys wanted me to end this story and start a new one, OR continue this one for a while and see how everything goes? I just don't know how a lot of you guys feel about this story because you don't comment or favorite so I can't really tell if the same people are reading it or if more and more are reading.

So if you are reading this, please comment and favorite so I know if you guys actually want me to continue the story. I've only heard feedback from a few people, but I would like to from more of you if you guys like this story and want me to continue. Also let me know if you guys want me to do more shout outs, or if you want me to do something like that at the end of every chapter :)

One more thing! Whoever can think of the best ship name for Edward and Emily, I will dedicate the next chapter to you :)

-Kelli :)

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