Chapter 6

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“Hi, thanks for the ride home last night.”

“No problem” a warm goofy smile forms, then quickly fades too fast. He is actually really attractive. Hm.

“So did you listen to that record yet?” I question him while looking straight at the floor.

“Yeah, it’s amazing. What are you doing after school?”

“Oh, and I am just going home. Why?”

“You should really come over and we could listen to it, it’s sick.”

“Is that okay with your parents?”

“Yeah, they don’t exactly care…”

“Oh, okay, sounds good. Do you have your car?”

“Yeah, I will meet you at your locker after school. Sound good?”

“Of course.” The bell rings alarming me and notifying me that it is time for 1st hour; math. Ugh, I speed walk to my locker and quickly rotate and twist the combination lock and yank in down, unlocking it. I scan my locker for my notebook and find it later than I wished. I slam the rusty red door shut, relock my lock and turn around. The bell rings once again. FUCK.

I walk in the door and keep my eyes focused on the ground.

“Tardy again Miss. Jackson?”


“Take a seat, if you’re late again I am going to send you to office. Got it?”

“Mhm” I look for the first open seat and its in the back of the room, good. I make my way there and get a few whispers and glares from complete assholes and stuck up bitches.




Jesus shit. What kind words I let sink through my ears. Lovely people we have at this school. I make it to my seat alive and slide in. Class begins and I take a deep breath trying not to leave class and skip school. I am suppose to be going over to Jacen’s after school and It sounds like a lot of fun. Would’nt want to miss that! Math is so boring I don’t understand any of this crap. Algebra sucks, I don’t understand it and Mr whats his face could care less about helping me, somehow I am still passing, with around a C or D.

Lunch passes, Aurora sat by us today, eating nothing, just drinking water. Jacen ate a sandwich and an apple. Classic and plain. I like it. I ate some bread and fruit that I packed from home, also some crackers. Aurora read and Jacen and I chatted about basic things like classes, weather and music. He listens to a lot of the same music as I do and I find that amazing because hardly anybody these days listens to like good music. Its all that pop stuff that constantly plays over and over on the radio. Apparently he is good friends with Ollie, interesting. Lunch soon passes by and the end of the day doesn't go soon enough, I don’t know why I am so excited to hang out with Jacen, but it seems like fun, he’s pretty cool.

I glance over and he is leaning up against the locker next to mine. “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, one second.” We walk out to the parking lot, weaving through cars and trucks. Soon to find the familiar small vehicle. He jumps in and reaches over to unlock the door for me. I hop in looking down, stepping over piles of tapes.

“Haha, sorry about that. You can move them onto the back seat if you’d like.” I decide to just leave them. I don’t want to make myself too comfortable too fast. He starts the car and were off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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