Chapter Four

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"Hey, wanna go to the library after school?" I nervously speed up to Aurora’s pace.

"Uh, I guess, I could use a few more books."

"Do you want to stop by McDonalds after?" I question, trying to make conversation.

"Are you kidding me? That's extremely unhealthy, I'll pass"

"Oh, right...sorry"

"K." Aurora rolls her eyes.

I make a sharp left turn into my history class. The first thing I see is Mr. Stevens glancing at me, and then waving me over, oh gosh, now what? I question myself, while I walk over to him.

“Ingrid, I have bad news”

“And what would that be?”

“Your failing again. If you come come in after school today to make up some tests that would be great.”

“I cant, I am busy after school”

“Oh, okay, what about tomor-” The bell rings, cutting him off, I look at him, and go to take a seat in the back of the classroom.


"Does this look good" I hold up the book I pulled off of the old wooden shelf.

"Yeah, let me read the back" she holds her hand out to grab the book. After she read the back she turns it back over to gaze at the cover once more. "Yeah it seems good, you should check it out."

"Okay, thanks I will." her mood can change so quickly, I wonder what happened to change her mood around. In the hall today she seemed pissed off at me, and now she isn't. Hm, I wonder if theres something she's not telling me. Maybe theres a guy? I dont know.

Aurora is oddly thin and tall all around, neck, thighs, legs, arms, waist, you name it. She is always talking about losing weight, if SHE out of all people needs to lose weight, I REALLY need to, people call me fat all the time, I am starting to believe them, lately i haven't ate an entire meal, but sometimes i just eat a lot and throw it up. I dont need the extra weight. I must look obese standing next to her. jesus.

I look back over at her and shes got, 1, 2, 3...6 books already. wow, okay, I only have 2, this will do I guess. I tell her that I am going to check them out and then go read until shes done looking. I open up to the first page of the book and begin reading. After reading the first 25 pages I look back over and Aurora has got 10 now. I look at the clock on the wall and it is 5:30pm already. I quickly stand up and walk over to her. “Hey its already 5:30 I should probably get home, my dad might be waiting for me, are you going to be much longer? Because I can just walk home if need be.”

“Yeah, sorry I planned to be for an hour yet, or until they close, I don’t feel like going home, I might just do my homework and stuff here. Are you sure you’re okay with walking?”

“Okay, yeah I’ll be fine, I will see you tomorrow I guess?

“Sure” I turn around and walk out the back door of the library, It is freezing out and I only have my blue aeropostale sweatshirt that I got from the thrift shop down the road. I just bought it a few weeks ago when I finally realized that I should probably wear something bulkier than a band tee shirt. I yank on the sleeves of the thin material and continue walking. 



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