Mysterious Genin

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~Location: Ninja Academy
Iruka, academy proctor enters the the class filled with genins waring forehead protector of konohagakure.
"Today you all will be devided in teams of three headed by a jonin instructor" said iruka "Also a new Genin will be joining us"added Iruka.
A boy with blond hairs wearing black t-shirt with uzumaki swirl on back, black anbu pants with gloves on his hands enters the class. The boy had mask on covering the face with left voilet emotionless eye visible. He had katana with red hilt on his back.
"Introduce yourself" said Iruka to the boy.
"Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki...."said the boy.
The boy walked and sat on the corner seat of the class. Whole class was staring at the boy.
"Ok, now I will be announcing the teams. Team 1............. Team 7: Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki, your sensie will be Kalashi Hatake. Team 8........."said Iruka and left the class.
Class got emptied leaving only team 7. Naruto was sitting in the corner of class with eye closed. Sakura was hitting on Susuke and Sasuke was ignoring her as always.
After three hours a man entered with gravity defying white hairs and entire face covered leaving one eye.
"Hi, I am your sensei"said Kakashi in bored tone.
"Sensei, you are late" screamed Sakura.
"Late as always"said Naruto.
'Do he know me?' taught Kakashi.
"Get to the top in five" said Kakashi and vanished in thin air.
'In five,huh' taught Naruto and dispersed in murder of crows seeing which Sasuke got angry.
Naruto appeared on rooftop. Kakashi got shocked seeing the crows. He had seen only tow persons using crows in his lifetime, one became missing nin and the other left anbu sometime before him and now his new student.
He got out of his thoughts as Sasuke and Sakura got to the roof.
"Now introduce your self" said Kakashi.
"Why don't you introduce yourself first sensei" said Sakura.
"My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes are........ . My dislike are........ . My hobies are........ . My dreams........ never had one." said Kakashi.
Sakura and Sasuke introduced themselves as in anime.
"You turn" said Kakashi pointing towards Naruto.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki....." said Naruto.
"Never saw you before in the village. Have we met before?" said Kakashi to Naruto.
"Talk about irony, huh. Well yes no one has seen me in the village before except few individuals and to answer your question..... Have we met before... or have we not?" said Naruto.
'Voilet emotinless eye, crow summoner, red hilted katana, blond hairs. Could be be the Shinegami's Fox' thought Kakashi as shiver ran down his spine 'No what could he be doing here and he is also missing right eye and I couldn't imagine a person in this world who could destroy Shinegami's fox's eye' added Kakashi in his mind.
"You remind me of someone" said Kakashi.
"Oh, do I?" said Naruto.
Kakashi told the team to meet tomorrow and vanished in thin air and appeared in hokage's office.
"Hokage sama.." said Kakashi but was cut off by Hiruzen.
Hiruzen signalled the anbu to go and put a silencing seal  witch intreuged Kakashi he was just their to ask about a student.'Is their something imporant to be discussed?' thought Kakashi.
"Yes, Naruto is Shinegami's fox" said Hiruzen "go talk to him at the memorial stone. You are the only one left close to him after me" added Hiruzen.
"What?... I don't know any thing about him. I have only been with him on one mission and I don't even want to remember the scene I saw that day and you say I am close to him" said Kakashi as if he got his life's greatest shock of his life today "the only two person who saw his face and know everything about him are you and...." added Kakashi but Hiruzen spoke suddenly "She is dead". Saying Kakashi was shock at this statement would be and under statement.
"You may not know but you have also seen his face" saude Hiruzen "He is the son of Minato and Kushina" added Hiruzen.
Now this was even more shocking discovery to Kakashi as tears ran down his only visible eye.
"But how he was dead eight years ago" said Kakashi.
"No Kurama saved him that day" said Hiruzen.
"Who is Kuruma?" asked Kakashi.
"Go meet him. He will tell you every thing. Under his mask you will find the kindest person I have ever seen in my life" said Hiruzen as Kakashi left.
Kakashi reached memorial stone as he saw Naruto staring at a photo. Kakashi approached Naruto and kept his hands on his shoulder.
"So, I suppose jiji told you about me." said Naruto.
"Yes and now you will tell me about everything that happened after your death" said Kakashi.
Both ninja disappeared in thin aur and appeared in Naruto's apartment. Naruto secured his house with many seals and both ninja sat down.
Naruto remove his mask and pumped chakra in his left eye and Kakashi's heart skiped a beat.

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