Flashback no Jutsu

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As Naruto pumped chakra into his left eye to morphed into three tomoe sharingan and then it started spining wildly and his eye morphed blood red eye with black spiral pattern. While his right eye was purple with reppli pattern and 9 tomoe.
"How do you have mangekyo sharingan?" said Kakashi "and what has happened to your right eye?" added Kakashi.
"Well I will tell you but first I want to know when did you got mangekyo sharingan" asked Naruto.
"What!!?" said Kakashi "I don't have mangekyo" added Kakashi.
"No you have mangekyo" said Naruto "And your eye's ability is to use Kamui" added Naruto.
"But how is this possible" said Naruto.
"Yes exactly how can I have mangekyo" said Kakashi.
"No I was talking about your ability. How can you use Kamui?"said Naruto.
Naruto asked Kakashi to pump chakra to his sharingan. As Kakashi pumped chakra his eye morphed into mangekyo sharingan.
"This pattern..." said Naruto in a shocked tone.
"What's wrong with this pattern and why cant I have ability to use Kamui?" said Kakashi overcomming the shock of him having mangekyo.
"Each mangekyo has its own unique pattern and ability and I know one person with this pattern and ability" said Naruto.
"Maybe somehow I got the same ability as the guy you are talking about" said Kakashi "Well what is your ability?" asked Kakashi.
"If I cast any genjutsu using my mangekyo ability then its impossible to break and detect but it drains a lot of chakra and its hard to maintain even C-Rank genjutsu for more than  one minute" said Naruto while he was in deep thought which a person can tell by looking at him.
"Well if its used wisely then its very dengerous ability" said Kakashi.
"Well Kakashi who gave you sharingan?" asked Naruto.
"My team-mate named Obito Uchiha gave me this sharingan" stated Kakashi.
"Are you sure he died after he gave you his sharingan?" asked Naruto.
"His half body was crushed under the debris of cave. No one can survive that." said Kakashi as a lone tear fell from his eyes.
"I am asking was he breathing when you left?" asked Naruto.
"Yes" stated Kakashi.
"Your friends Obito is alive" stated Naruto much to shock of Kakashi.
"How?" asked Kakashi.
"What I am going to tell you is an S-Rank secret" said Naruto.

FLASHBACK(eight years ago):
A four years old blond boy is cornered by mobs "Die demon" said a person as he threw a shuriken at the boy. Suddenly the boy's eyes morphed into blood red eyes with one tomoe in each eye and he was able to Dodge the shuriken but fainted due to exhaustion. Suddenly a anbu appeared and escaped with the boy.
~In Naruto's mindscape:
The blonde woke up and first thought that ran through his mind was 'Am I dead?'.
"No kit" said a large fox with nine tails swinging wildly from behind the bars.
"Who are you?" asked Naruto.
"I am the reason why villagers hate you. I am the Kyubie" said Kurama.
"But Fourth killed you" said Naruto.
"Biju's can't be killed. I was sealed within you by Fourth" said Kurama.
"Oh!" said Naruto with sad look on his face.
"Why did you attacked Konoha?" asked Naruto.
"I am a demon kit." said Kurama.
"No one attacks just for Fun." said Naruto.
'Is he the one. No may be he is just trying to use me like others.' thought Kurama. 'But I find no deception in him. May be I will just play along to find weather he is worthy or not' said Kurama to himself.
"Well a masked man put me under genjutsu using his sharingan." said Kurama "I never liked those filthy sharingan users. And now I got you another one"
"I don't have sharingan." said Naruto.
[Naruto in this story is smart and have basic knowledge about every clan]
"You have sharingan just like your father. Only good thing is you two don't have stick up your ass" said Kurama.
"You know about my parents?" asked Naruto "Can you tell me about every event that occurred that night"
Kurama told every thing to Naruto about his parents, the masked man and every other detail that Naruto don't know.
"Someone is comming. Get out of here" said Kurama and closed his eyes.
"Wait, can I talk to you again?" asked Naruto.
"Just get lost and let me sleep" said Kurama in angry voice.
Naruto woke up in hospital and saw Hiruzen standing in front of him.
"I want to talk to you in private old man" said Naruto to Hiruzen.
Hiruzen told anbu to leave and put security seals when Naruto asked for it.
Naruto told Hiruzen about masked man, Kyubie.
"So what do you want to do" asked Hiruzen.
"I want to be dead" said Naruto with serious voice.
"What!!?..." said Hiruzen with shocked expression.
"Mobs run after me frequently. The next time they chase me I want you to fake my death" said Naruto.
"But why?" asked Hiruzen.
"After my death I will train and when I am strong enough I will join anbu so I can search for the man and find out about his plans." said Naruto.
"Are you sure about this?" asked Hiruzen.
"Yes" said Naruto.
"Ok then I will do as you say and you will be training under one of my trusted ninja and you will be under name fox" said Hiruzen and Naruto nodded.
Timeskip ( 1 year ):
Naruto was walking when he saw a girl of his age being bullies by several boy's.
"You filthy half-blooded, you don't deserve to live" said a boy as he threw a punch at her but was surprised when the punch was blocked by an blond with fox mask on his face.
"Get out of here. It is personal affair of Uchiha's" said the boy.
Naruto threw a kick at the boy breaking his few ribs and the boy cough up bood.
"Run he is a monster." said another boy as they ran away.
Naruto turned towards the girl and asked "Are you fine?"
"Y..Yes" the girl said.
"What's your name?" asked Naruto.
"Izumi..... Izumi Uchiha" said the girl nervously "What's your name" asked Izumi.
"My name is Fox" said Naruto.
"Where is your home?" asked Naruto.
"I don't have one. When my mother died I was kicked out of the Uchiha district because I am a half-blooded Uchiha" said Izumi.
"Well then lets go talk to hokage." said Naruto.
"But what can he do?" asked Izumi "And why would he even help me" added Izumi
"He can atleast provide you with an apartment and monthly allowance till you become a genin. And you can train with me till I am in this village, if you want to." said Naruto.
"What do you mean by till I am here?" asked Izumi in worried tone "And can you tell me your real name?" Added Izumi.
"My real name is Naruto Uzumaki but you can't tell anyone and you don't have to worry for where I am going" said Naruto in cheerful voice.
Timeskip ( I year) :
Naruto is now 6 years old and is preparing for training with Jiraya.
Naruto has fully matured his sharingan and is proficient of ninjutsu, genjutsu and has created his own taijutsu style. His chakra reserves are already above average Joinin's and are rapidly reaching kage level but however this has not effected his chakra control very much. He has three chakra natures(lighting, wind and fire) and has signed toad and crow summoning contract.
Naruto had also won the trust of Kurama and they are partners now.
Naruto is walking towards Izumi's apartment with crow sitting on his right shoulder.
"How are you going to tell her about this" asked the crow.
"I don't know." said Naruto.
"Someone is following us" said the crow to Naruto.
"Yes I know. The businessman from last mission has sent him. Go take him out." said Naruto as the crow's eyes morphed in to sharingan and he flew away.
After two minutes the crow returned and sat on Naruto's shoulder with blood on his claws.
"You should learn to wipe out blood from you claws." said Naruto as he cleaned his claws.
Naruto knock the door of a apartment as a girl came out.
"Izumi I want to talk to you about something" said Naruto.
"Come in first" said Izumi.
Both ninja sat down. "I am leaving village tomorrow for two years for training" said Naruto and immediately got a smack on his head.
"What was that for?" asked Naruto in childish voice.
"See I know you have to train to avenge your parents but you could have atleast told me a week ago that you are leaving" said Izumi in sad tone.
"I got the news 5 minutes ago and I have to leave immediately." said Naruto "But don't worry I will be visiting you every month" added Naruto in cheering voice.
"Lets walk to village gate togather" said Izumi.
"No, I will be using reverse summon" said Naruto and got another smack.
"Why did you even bothered to come here? You should have send Menma to convey the message" said Izumi as tick mark appeared on his forehead.
[Menma is name of crow]
"All of it just happened suddenly" said Naruto.
"When will you be visiting again?" asked Izumi.
"At the end of this month" said Naruto.
They hugged and Naruto left.
Timeskip ( 3 years 10 months):
Two figures with fox mask(Naruto) and Crow mask(Izumi) are running past the forest. Their mission is to help 7 tails jinchuriki( Fu ) from two attackers who have demolished Takigakure in order to capture Fu.
"We are close" said crow.
"Yes kurama can sense the 7 tails." said Fox.
"Menma go scout the area" Fox ordered.
[Menma and Naruto are linked by soul so when Naruto wants he can see what Menma sees]
"Whole village is destroyed, no survivors. Fu is fighting Sasori and Kisame" said Fox.
"Why are missing nins after 7 tails?" asked Crow.
"They are from akatsuki. I don't know much about the organization" said Fox "Let's got and ask them" added Fox as they jumped and landed in b\w of akatsuki members and Fu.
"Konoha has sent Shinigami's Fox. Such an honour for us missing nins" said Kisame.
"By the end of the fight I was the lone survivor" said Naruto as tears broke up from his eyes and his right eye opened.
Naruto quickly wiped his tears and returned to his emotionless state and his right eye got closed again.
Kakashi had never seen eye like this before.
"Its ok to show your emotions Naruto. Being ninja doesn't mean that you have to be emotionless in front of others" said Kakashi in attempt to make Naruto feel better.
[Naruto can't be very emotional and reason will be disclosed in FUTURE]
"When Izumi died I awakened mangekyo and rinnegan" said Naruto.
Naruto told Kakashi that about the sage of six paths, indra, Asura and rinnegan.
[NARUTO know story after biju's were created so he don't know about kaguya]
"Somehow I am reincarnation of both Indra and Asura. This may because I have both Senji and Uchiha blood but I still don't know how my father had Uchiha blood." said Naruto.
"After that mission I left anbu and joined academy" said Naruto.
"Why did you left anbu?" asked Kakashi "You can't take revenge of Izumi's death while you are genin" stated Kakashi.
"My rinnegan only awakened due to Izumi's death but I don't have power to use it and in my current state I can't fight akatsuki" said Naruto.
"So what's your plan?" asked Kakashi.
"To use my rinnegan I need indra's chakra or sage's chakra which is not possible as far as I know" said Naruto "Other was to use rinnegan is to gather chakra of all the failed beast. I have Kurama inside me and 7 tails has shared chakra with me during last breaths' of Fu. Now seven biju's are left." s Naruto.
"Now that Naruto is alive again Akatsuki will come after me if they are really after tailed beasts and that masked man which attacked my father for Kurama whome I suspect to be Obito may be in that group" said Naruto.
"If he is alive then I will be with you in this but how will you gather biju's chakra if you are in village?" Said Kakashi.
"Once I am chunin I will leave the village with Jiraya" said Naruto.
"Then I will come with you" said Kakashi and Naruto smiled.
"Do you know how do you have senju blood?" asked Kakashi.
"Yes, my mother Kushina was daughter was of Tsunade Senju and Dan Uzumaki" said Naruto "Due to which I also have mokuton"
"Any else sectret?" asked Kakashi.
"No" said Naruto "As for my powers you will see in missions"
"No that I saw with my eyes when you cut down 200 shinobi into peices in few minutes and got got the name Shinigami's Fox" said Kakashi.
"Does Tsunade-sama know about you?" asked Kakashi.
"No. If she got to knew about me being alive then she wouldn't allow me to accomplish my plans" said Naruto "Hiruzen told her that I died because of Kurama being inside of me".
"Have any plans tonight?" asked Kakashi.
"Yes. Ramen" said Naruto "comming?".
"Yes" said Kakashi.

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