Meeting Tsunade

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"So any idea where to find obaa-san?" asked Naruto.
"Yes in casino" said Jiraya.
"So are you going to tell her everything?" asked Jiraya.
"Yes but after I change her mind about Konoha and convince her to become hokage" said Naruto.
"Sometime I feel like you are not a kid" said Jiraya.
"No one can remain kid after someone looses everything in life" said Naruto.
Jiraya kept his hand on Naruto's shoulder and said "You still have many things to protect"
[After sometime they found Tsunade]
"Hey Tsunade" shouted Jiraya.
"What are you doing here pervert, this is not a hot spring." said Tsunade.
"I am here to tell you that council wants you to become new hokage" said Jiraya.
"Get lost you pervert. I don't want to listen anything" said Tsunade as she tried to punch but Naruto steped in between and stoped her.
"Sensei I want to talk to her" said Naruto and Jiraya nodded.
"You are strong for your age kid" said Tsunade.
"Can I know the reason why you don't want to return to Konoha" asked Naruto.
Tsunade smacked her hand on table and said "Take your senei and return back to that filthy village" listening to which Naruto got angry and radiated chakra suffogating civillians and cracks appeared on wall.
"Controll your emotions kid. Its not good and you know it better than me" said Jiraya and Naruto calmed down.
"Why don't we place a bet" asked Naruto.
"What kind of bet." asked Tsunade.
"A fight if I lay one hit on you then you will listen to me and Anwer to me and if I loose we will return" said Naruto "Even I you win it will be your choice to become hokage or not. Its a win-win bet."
"Okay" said Tsunade.
Outside the casino.
"Start the fight" said Jiraya.
Naruto disappeared from view and reappeared behind Tsunade and kicked him in back.
"Now you have to talk to me." said Naruto.
"You are good kid but you can't change my mind" said Tsunade.
"We will see about it latter" as he disappeared and reappeared in his hotel room with everyone and put security seals.
"So now are you going to tell me about your reason" asked Naruto.
"Dan,my husband , Kushina,my daughter ,Minato, Kushina's husband and lastly my four years old grandson,Naruto. They all died for that filthy village" said Tsunade as she saw Naruto's wet eye.
"Fox, I told you to you to controll your emotions" said Jiraya in loud voice.
'When did Jiraya became like Danzo' thought Tsunade.
"You are not the only one who lost their close once" said Naruto "I lost my mother, my father, my grandfather, and recently the only girl I loved in my life."
"The only difference is that you see that village as filthy and I see this village as the most previous thing which I have to protect" said Naruto.
Suddenly Jiraya slapped Naruto so hard that his mask got cracked "This is the third time I am telling you to controll your emotions since we came here" screamed Jiraya.
"I am sorry sensei" said Naruto.
'How did Jiraya became so cold hearted' thought Tsunade.
"Everyone is not so strong as you kid" said Tsunade.
"Its not being strong or not Its the will to do what they died trying for" said Naruto "To bring peace to this world so no one else dies like they died"
"So I am asking you once will you help me fullfilling their dreams" asked Naruto and Tsunade nooded.
"So now I am going to tell you something imporant" said Naruto as he removed his mask.
"Minato.." said Tsunade.
Naruto told everything till death of Izumi and started crying and his right eye opened and Tsunade saw the strange pattern on his eye but before she could ask anything.
"This is Fourth time Naruto, controll you fucking emotions" screamed Jiraya and raised his chakra and slaped him again.
"Why are you trying to make my Naruto emotionless freek" screamed Tsunade as hes killer intent became higher than ever and she stood up to punch Jiraya.
Naruto stood up to stop Tsunade but fell on ground unconscious which rendered his genjutsu and scars and rinnegan pattern became visible on his body seeing which Tsunade tried to help the boy but Jiraya stoped her and summoned Fukasaku.
Fusagaku immediately channeled nature energy into Naruto's body which help him come to his sences. Naruto then immediately took out a scrols with large sealing array he then replaced the seal with new one and placed genjutsu on himself again.
Tsunade ran and and hugged Naruto crying. Jiraya was also crying and Sizune was happy beyond measures when she came to know about Naruto but became very worried when Naruto fell down.
"Don't cry you guys. Its nothing like you guys could have done it was just me who failed to controll emotions" said Naruto in weak voice.
"How is this related to your emotions?" asked Tsunade.
Naruto then told everything about rinnegan and that he need chakra of tailed beasts.
"So when I get very sad or fell any kind of emotion very deeply, my seal becomes useless and  my rinnegan activates and if it sucks my chakra like monster." said Naruto "That's the reason why Ero-sanin was going to extend of slaping me so that I can controll my emotions"
"What were the patterns and scars Naruto you never told me about it" said Jiraya in serious voice.
Naruto told them everything about scar and pattern and his plans.
"I would have been dead long ago if it was not for Kurama." said Naruto.
"I want to meet him personally and thank him" said Tsunade and Naruto told her he will do so once he recovers fully.
"So you will be leaving Konoha?" asked Tsunade.
"Yes, for three years." said Naruto "It will take about 3-5 months in whirlpool for creating seal and learning other inprotant things then in remaining time I will be training my rinnegan and other abilities"
"You will travell with Jiraya?" asked Tsunade.
"Yes for council I will be travelling with Ero-sanin and Temari" said Naruto.
"Don't call me that and who is Temari" said Jiraya as a tick mark appeared on his forehead.
Naruto told them about everything that happened with council.
"I will beat the crap out of council for doing this to you" said Tsunade in angry voice.
"Its okay Obaa chan its better to marry a Temari than entering CRA and I also trust Temari and it will also help village." said Naruto calming Tsunade.
"See Naruto I will be saying this once" said Tsunade "You will travell with Jiraya or you will be staying in Konoha"
"But why?" asked Naruto "I can't agree to any of the condition because ..." Before Naruto could finish he got slaped by Tsunade.
"I have lost you once and I don't want to go through that again" said Tsunade crying.
"Ok I will travell with Ero sanin after I finish my work in whirlpool" said Naruto while comforting Tsunade.
"Okay now let Naruto rest, we will be leaving for Konoha tomorrow and Tsunade you can hug me, I will be happy to help you" said Jiraya.
Before Tsunade could Naruto said "Stay away from my obaa chan you pervert or even if I can't do anything, Menma will be happy to shove lightening cutter through your chest" said Naruto as a crow appeared in front of Jiraya.
"I was just joking" said Jiraya and everyone laughed.

[Now updates will be slow because I will be starting another story but I will not leave this story]

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