The Eye and Chunin Exams

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[This is my first story so I am not experienced in writing fighting scenes so I will only write about fights in which Naruto is involved. Sorry for this]
~Naruto's apartment
Naruto is sitting on a table and many models of same seal with minor change are spread all across the table.
Naruto gets up and sits in a large array of kanji, after going through aprrox 70 hand seals he put his hands on his right eye and kanji appeared around his right eye then decipated leading to opening of his right eye.
Fukasaku immediately started pumping nature chakra into Naruto's body. Naruto then goes through another 70 hand seals and put his hand on his right eye and kanji erupts from his hand and start glowing and then disappeared and and his right eye is closed now.
"You need a new seal Naruto" said Fukasaku.
"Yes but this is the best I can make. As soon as I become chunin I will leave for land of whirlpool, may be their I can hone my skills to a level so that I can atleast remove some of the backlashes of this seal" said Naruto.
"You know that you cannot fight for more than 20 minutes and can only use one-sicth of your power or seal will break" said Fukasaku in concerning and reminding voice.
"Yes I know, I have Menma and I can summon Toads for help thought I don't think any one except jinchuriki will force me to go into battle" said Naruto.
"Naruto you will summon bunta me and ma from the very begning of your fight with jinchuriki" ordered Fukasaku in deadly serious voice.
"Hai" said Naruto and Fukasaku disappeared in a poof of smoke.
"Kit you should approach 8 tails today, getting his chakra will decrease the pressure on seal" said Kumana.
"Okay lets go talk to him" said Naruto and walked out.
~In Bee's apartment:
Bee opens the door and sees a blond hairs boy with mask.
"I am Naruto Uzumaki. Sorry for intruption but I need to talk to you for a while in private" said Naruto.
"Come in" said Bee.
"Can I put privacy seals because I don't want any of the conversation to go out" asked Naruto and Bee nodded.
"Now let me introduce myself properly. My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am the jinchuriki of nine tails and to stay to the the point I will speak this bluntly, 9 tails and I want to speak to eight tails in your mindscape." said Naruto.
"Bee ask him what is name of 9 tails" said 8 tails to Bee.
"What is name of nine tails?" asked Bee.
"Kurama" said Naruto.
"Let him in Bee" said 8 tails in very serious tone.
~In Bee's mindscape:
"So what do you want to talk about" asked 8 tails.
"I will let Kurama talk" said Naruto and in a poof of smoke Kurama appeared.
"I will keep it simple, this kit have unlocked THE EYE and I trust he is the one and rest you know what to do" said Kurama and 8 tails nodded and offered his hand to Naruto for fist bump.
"I feel much better now" said Naruto.
"So what is the count" asked 8 tails.
"7, 8 and 9" said Kurama.
"What is going on here?" asked Bee.
"Bee do you trust me" asked 8 tails and bee nodded.
"Then shut up and call Yugito" said 8 tails as Kurama and Naruto sweardrop.
~Outside the mindscape
"Stay here I will bring Yugito" said Bee.
Sometime latter.
~In Yugito's mindscape
3 tailed beasts and 3 jinchuriki are standing and 2 tails had shared chakra with Naruto.
"How will you convince 1 tails." asked 8 tails.
"I and Kurama will talk to him like we did to you" answered Naruto.
"After seeing Kurama, Shikaku will attack you immediately" said 8 and 2 tails in unison.
"What have you done to Shikaku, Kurama" asked Naruto and Kurama turned his head in opposite direction.
"Well after seeing this I have no doubt that he is the one" said 8 tails and 2 tails nodded.
"Well I will go with you to talk to one tails" said Bee.
"But his jinchuriki unstable and he won't allow me to enter" said Naruto.
"Then you have to wait" said 8 tails.
"No I can't wait" said Naruto.
"I want Bee and Yugito out of here and cut connection with them for a while" said Kurama with serious to and both did without any questions.
"Naruto remove your mask, shirt and genjutsu" said Kurama.
Naruto did the same and and both tailed beasts were shocked what they saw. Naruto's 40% body was covered in pattern similar to his rinnegan.
Kurama told them about how Naruto awakened rinnegan prematurely.
"Chakra from 4 tailed beasts have slowed down the process but he won't survive more than one year if he doesn't get chakra from all bijus." said Kurama with a sad voice.
"Aww.. you care for this much" said Naruto in play full voice.
"Shut up or I will tear you to shreads" said Kurama.
"Kurama you can simply hold a meeting and get chakra at once" said Bee.
"Kit has placed a seal on his right eyes which is providing him 6 months out of that one year of time but seals and rinnegan togather renders my and his 80% chakra reserves so I can't hold meeting or to say specifically rinnegan alone renders 75% of our chakra reserves so even if we remove the seal I can't host meeting" said Kurama.
"Chakra from Shikaku will increase his fuinjutsu efficiency by atleast 5 time and then we will travell to whirlpool to develop a new seal then I will be able to hold the meeting" said Kurama.
"But Shikaku won't let jinchuriki of Kurama to talk to him" said Bee.
"Naruto you can use mangekyo to enter his mindscape and then can easily controll him and get chakra" said Matatabi.
"I told him to do that but he is against gathering chakra forcefully" said Kurama with a proud voice.
"Well then you have to prove yourself by your actions to Shikaku" said Bee and everyone nodded.
~Academy ( stage 1 )
As team 7 entered the saw a boy argueing with two peoples.
"Move aside. Such a poor genjutsu." said Sasuke.
'Dumbass, always gathering attention' thought Naruto.
"Izumo and Kotetsu please let us pass. We don't want to create a scenes here." said Naruto to the two genins.
The genins cancled their henge and spoke "If you knew who we were then you should have just passed. Why did you have exposed us. It was part of exam"
"Well credit for that goes to my team mate who likes attention" said Naruto and Sakura nodded.
[Sakura after spending time with Naruto is not a fangirl anymone and trains hard]
Both guards disappeared.
[Lee and sasuke's fight goes the same and we will skip till the time where kabuto uses cards]
"I want to know about Lee and Gara" said Sasuke.
"I want to know about Naruto Uzumaki" said Shikamaru.
"Why do you want to know about me?" asked Naruto.
"Well used to have a childhood friend...." Shikamaru was cut off by Naruto.
"So you remember me, huh?" said Naruto "Shika" added Naruto.
"You bastard. So that news was fake..." Shikamaru was again cut off by Naruto.
"Keep it up to you. I don't want to be point of attraction" said Naruto.
"Okay but you owe me explanation" said Shikamaru and Naruto nodded.
"I don't want information about Naruto" said Shikamaru to Kabuto.
"But now I want to know about Naruto" said Sasuke.
"I can't help this" said Shikamaru in teasing tone to Naruto.
[Kabuto gave info about Lee and Gara]
"Naruto Uzumaki isi team with Sasuke Uchiha and sakura Haruno. He with his team had completed 30 D rank, 5 c rank and 1 A rank. He had never been seen in village before graduation exam and very few people know about him" said Kabuto "Well you are quiet a intersting person"
"My my now this is intersting" said Kabuto and continued "He hasn't even touched a kunai in any mission not even in A rank in mission"
"Which means he is weak and depends totally on teammates" intrupted Kiba.
"Please let me complete" said Kabuto "On his behalf a crow named Menma fights. Specialization of crow is in assassination and has even killed jonins"
Everyone was staring at naruto and his team.
"How is this possible?" said choji.
"Yes this is true, Menma removed heart of Zabuza momochi with his claws in mere seconds" said Sasuke.
"Disgusting crow" said Ino and got punched in his face which sent him flying into the wall.
"How dare you, Menma is such a cute crow" said Sakura and everyone's swet drop hearing this except Naruto and Sasuke.
'He is easily on level of Jonin the how did he failed so manu times and by info it looks like he is spy.' said Naruto to Kurama
'Snakes' said Kurama.
'Now this is intersting' thought Naruto.
'Menma go inform hokage and tell him that to be on guard and also tell him that I have applied new seal yesterday so I can't fight and give him flying thunder god kunai' said Naruto to Menma.
[I will not be writing about written exam]
~Forest of death (stage 2)
Anko is explaning rules.
'Have you informed jiji?' asked Naruto.
'Hokage-sama told to teleport him to forest if oruchimaru attacks, he will be ready' said Menma.
Anko saw that Naruto was not listening so she took out a kunai and threw so that it would cut Naruto's cheek slightly.
Naruto dodged and before she could move to do anything she felt a claw at her neck.
"So it is crow Kabuto told about" voices came from the participants.
"Anko, Menma is more dangerous than your snakes or even your master's snake" said Naruto as shiver ran down Anko's spine.
"Come back Menma" said Naruto.
'This kid is dangerous' thought Kabuto.
'My my now this is getting even more intersting.' thought oruchimaru.
Naruto made a shadow clone and ordered him to go and mark tower with flying thunder god.
[Team 7 gets the scrols and then oruchimaru enters]
"Finally, I was waiting for you Oruchimaru you are here I have a surprise for you" said Naruto and made two shadow clone one teleported his teammates to tower other got Hiruzen to forest.
"Well sensei how did you knew I would be comming" asked Oruchimaru.
"Leave the crap and get ready to die" said Hiruzen.
"Well I am now intrested in you Naruto kun" said oruchimaru as he left.
"Jiji I will meet you at hokage tower in 5 minutes" said Naruto and teleported away.
Naruto appeared in front of sakura.
"What technique are you using" asked Sakura.
"It is lord fourth's signature move thought I can't use it in battle as I am not that good with it" explained Naruto.
"Why did you stated behind?" asked Sasuke.
"Well I thought he may harm others so I told him that you two are going to inform hokage so he left" said Naruto.
"Clever" said Sakura.
"Bastard" said Sasuke.
~Hokage office-
[ Anbu gone and security seals active ]
Naruto told that he got chakra from two more tailed beasts.
[He had not told anyone about his condition]
"So next will be one tails" asked Hiruzen and Naruto nodded.
"Oruchimaru may strike again so I will be calling jiraya and if we get any info I will inform you. Now leave and check your seal before preliminaries, you used flying thunder god 4 times in succession" said Hiruzen and Naruto nodded and disappeared.
~Prelimnaries :
All matches goes goes same as in anime and sound team fights ninja from kumo and loses all matches.
Kiba vs Naruto:
"I will defeat you and your filthy crow" said kiba.
"Whome are you calling filthy he is more cute than your stupid dog" screamed Sakura.
"Even I agree with that." said Sasuke which got shocked look from everyone.
"Kiba vs Naruto, hajime" said proctor.
"Lets go akamaru" said as he attacked Naruto who ducked.
"Stop kiba, I won't be fighting you." said Naruto "Menma will fight you" added Naruto as a crow appeared on Naruto's shoulder.
"Go Menme finish it fast" said Naruto as the crow flew towards kiba.
Kibs threw few shuriken and said "shuriken shadow clone Jutsu" and hundreds of shuriken appeared in front of Menma.
"Menma use your eyes" said Naruto ans Menma's black eyes morphed into fully matured sharingan and he dodged every shuriken.
"How can Menma have sharingan?" Said Sasuke.
"Well you should ask Naruto, he can explain better" said Kakashi with a calm look.
Back in arena Menma got covered in lightening and sound came off him was like thousands of birds chirping and he flew towards kiba then to normal eyes it felt like Kiba got covered in lightening.
"How can Menma use Chidori?" said Kakashi as he removed his headband.
"Well you should ask Naruto, he can explain better" said Sasuke with a calm look "But you Chidori cuts through the opponent then why is it looking like Kiba is covered in lightening?" asked Sasuke.
"No kiba is not covered with lightening. Menma with the help of wings can easily change direction which I can't do with may hands. As Menme don't want to kill Kiba so he is giving Kiba shallow cuts all over his body and due to his speed it looks like Kiba is is covered in lightening.
"Cruel" said Hinata.
"But Naruto is never like this he is very kind" said Sakura.
"How can someone train crow to this level. This crow can easily take on jonins." said Kuranai.
"Well that's true." said Kakashi "Menma killed Zabuza Momochi in blink of an eye" added Kakashi and every Jonin was shocked.
"You mean demon of the mist" asked Kuranai and Kakashi nodded.
"If crow is this skilled then can you tell us about Naruto's skill" asked Asuma.
"No he never faught a battle in any mission only Menma fights" said Kakashi.
Back in the arena:
As Menme attacked Kiba, Akamaru tried to free Kiba but got hit by Menma and rendered unconscious.
After few seconds Menma appeared on Naruto's shoulder and Kiba was on ground unable to move but their was no wounds present on Kiba's body.
"Winner is Naruto" said the proctor.
"Their is no wounds on Kiba's body, how is this possible?" said Kakashi.
Jiraya appeared out of no where and said "You were right(pointing towards sakura), Menma used Chidori to gain speed and chakra scalpels on his wings to cut muscles on Kiba's body which can easily be healed"
"Who are you?" asked Sakura.
"I am the Great Toad Sage, one of the three legendary sanins" said Jiraya as Sakura's eyes got filled with respect.
"No need to be respectfull Sakura, he is just a big pervert who peeps on ladies in hot spring in his free time." said Naruto and all respect disappeared from Sakura's eyes and disgust took its place.
"You Little brat" said Jiraya as tick mark appeared on his forehead.
"How do you know about that" asked Asuma.
"When he was training me I frequently got beten because of his peeping" said Naruto shocking everyone.
"You trains under a sanin" asked Asuma and Naruto nodded.
"Then why do you have crow contract instead of Toads" asked Kuranai.
"I have both Toad and Crow contract" stated Naruto.
"Naruto how do Menma have sharingan?" asked Sasuke.
"Well I and Menma are linked by souls so he also has sharingan and can use all the Jutsu which I can use without making handsigns" said Naruto "and I don't know how I have sharingan maybe one of my parents were Uchiha"
"Why didi'nt you told me before?" asked Sasuke.
"With your previous attitude you wouldn't be this calm after knowing this" said Naruto and Sasuke turned his face to opposite direction.
"So the crow uses your chakra?" asked Asuma.
"No the crow has chakra levels of that of low Jonin" said Neji getting schocked looks from many "But why is your chakra levels are of that of low chunin" asked Neji"
"Chakra supressing seals" said Asuma.
"Keep it down I don't want bounty on my head even before becoming chunin" said Naruto.
"Would we be seeing you fight or only Menma will fight?" asked Asuma.
"I will fight if I got to fight Gara or Yugito." said Naruto.
"What's special about those guys?" asked Sasuke.
"Jinchuriki" said Naruto and suddenly silence covered all the jonins.
"Well today's day is full of shocks" said Asuma.
[Proctor told everyone about finals]
Gara vs Naruto
Yugito vs Kankuro
Sasuke vs Shino
Sakura vs Neji
Temari vs Shikamaru
Dosu vs Samuh
Winner of Match 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4, 5 vs 6.
Finals will be battle royale of 3 nijas.
Everyone left the arena.
"You should ask to hokage about your parents" said Sasuke to Naruto.
"Yes I did." said Naruto "He said that once I am chunin he will tell me about my parents"
"Well that's great" said Sasuke.
"Well I have to meet someone. So bye." said Naruto and disappeared.

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