Chunin Exams (finals)

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~Training Ground
Temari was training when a figure appeared at another end of traning ground in swirl of fire.
"Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. If you are free then I would like to talk about something" said Naruto.
"Ya, sure" said Temari.
"Won't you introduce yourself?" asked Naruto.
"My name is Temari from sand" said Temari.
"Wanna eat while talking?" asked Naruto.
"Are you asking me to go on a date if so then I have to think" asked Temari.
"No its so that none of us feel uncomfortable" said Naruto.
"So you are saying no to me so I take you already have one girlfriend?" asked Temari.
"Leave this crap and come already" said Naruto with wet eyes which didn't went unnoticed by Temari.
"Wanna eat ramen or something else?" asked Naruto.
"No I am fine with ramen" said Temari and they walked to Ramen stand.
"Who is she Naruto?" asked Ayame.
"Well I wanted to talk to her so we came here" said Naruto.
"Well as I thought" said Ayame.
"Why can't he bring a girl on date" asked Temari.
"You would think so if you don't know him" said Ayame.
"What do you want to order?" asked Ayame.
They placed their order.
"I want to know what happened to Gara that turned him into a cold Blooded person" asked Naruto shocking Temari.
"Why do you want to know about him?" asked Temari.
"Well I am also a jinchuriki like him but" said Naruto.
"Ok I will tell about him if you tell me about yourself" said Temari.
Naruto burst into laughter and said "You know you are the first one to ask about my life. Ok, I will tell you." said Naruto.
Temari told him about Gara.
"So what do you want to know about him?" asked Naruto.
"Two things.' said Temari.
"First why do you use genjutsu upon yourself" asked Temari and Naruto almost caught up his ramen.
"Lets go some where else" said Naruto ans shunshin both of them to Naruto's room.
"Well do really want to know why?" asked Naruto and Temari nodded.
Naruto remove his shirt and first level of genjutsu and showed scars all over his body then wore back his shirt and placed genjutsu again.
"You are a jinchuriki, you can heal them then why are you not healing them" said Temari.
"Sometime past gets to important to be forgotten. I got all these on a mission and remind of biggest mistake of my life" said Naruto.
"So what else you want to know?" asked Naruto.
"When I if asked you have a girlfriend your eye got wet. I want to know the reason" said Temari.
"Izumi... Izumi is the name of the girl whome I loved. She died in the same mission on which I got these scar. I let her fight someone who was league above her" said Naruto.
"So, that's your life's biggest mistake." said Temari.
"Well I will try my best make Gara realize that he also have people who care about him" said Naruto and Temari smiled.
TIMESKIP(One month):
~Kage Both:
"Who do you think will win the match Hokage-dono" asked Kagekage.
"I would have placed my bet on Naruto but due an recent incident his chakra is messed up and I don't to which extend and would take time to recove. Let the match progress, once I see the damage that he had recieves due to that incident then I can place the bet" said hokage.
"Naruto Uzumaki vs Gara of sand, hajime" said proctor.
Naruto took few kunai and threw them at Gara. Gara's sand formed a wall to protect him.
"Menma, now" said Naruto.
Menma shoot out large fireball turning sand into glass immediately after the attack hit the wall of sand Naruto began going through hand seals and said "Wind style: great break through" and shoot a gust of wings towards gara shattering the glass and Naruto in a burst of speed kicked gara sending him flying into the wall.
~Kage Booth:
"Kid has trained his crow well" said Kagekage and Ay nodded.
Suddenly a hand made of hand erupted from ground and caught Naruto by his leg.
"Sand cofin" said Gara as sand covered Naruto.
~Kage booth:
"There is no escape for your genin now" said Kazekage but Hiruzen only smirked.
As the sand covered Naruto, Menma's eye morphed into sharingan and he got covered in lightening and immediately cut through sand coffin setting Naruto free.
Naruto took out his katana and formed Chidori over his katana's blade and activated his sharingan and meved towards gara im burst of speed. Only red light was visible eminiting through his sharingan to normal eyes and Naruto made several shallow cuts on Gara's body completely destroying his sand armour and Gara's screams were hered all over the stadium.
~Kage boot:
"Even that crow can participate in the chunin exam seperately" said Raikage when he saw the crow using lightening attack of such high level.
"I have never seen anyone escape Gara's sand cofin or hurt him" said Kazekage.
"I don't think the incident has affected him that much" said Hokage.
~Contestents' booth:
"Now Menma can also use lightening cutter also" said Kakashi "and why did I never thought of using Chidori on sword"
"Because you were lost in road of life sensei" said sakura and all the jonins laughed their ass off.
"Well Kakashi what came into your mind that you made him learn lightening cutter" asked Guy "See now his crow is using S Rank jutsu"
"I tought it to Naruto, I never thought he could make Menma learn that" said Kakashi.
"Well it saved our one of the most promising genin so I see no harm in it" said Kuranai and Asuma nodded.
'I have to finish this quick' thought Naruto.
Gara started changing form and his half face got covered by sand.
~Kage booth:
Kazekage stood up to stop gara himself but Hiruzen stop him and said "I place my bet on Naruto"
Five Adamentide Chains with rinnegan's pattern on them erupted from Naruto's back and pinned Gara to ground.
"How are you so strong" asked Gara.
"Well I will quote words of someone else 'You become strong when you want to protect someone'" said Naruto.
"I don't have anyone like that" said Gara.
"Well you have your sister and your brother and if you want friend then one is standing infront of you" said Naruto shocking Gara.
"You really want to be my friend" asked Gara and Naruto nodded.
Naruto released gara and moved his hand forward which gara accepted smiling.
"I forefit" said Gara.
"Winner is Naruto Uzumaki by forefit" said proctor.
~Kage booth:
"I like that kid, I never thought someone can make gara smile" said Kazekage smiling.
~Contestant's booth:
Temari and Kankuro came to Naruto who was talking with Gara.
"Thanks Naruto" said Temari.
"I only full filled my promise to my friend so why are to thanking me and I also made a new friend" said Naruto making Temari blush and Kazekage smiled noticeing this.
Naruto forefited against Yugito saying he if it is not nessessary to win for becoming chunin then he don't want to fight unnessessarly.
"How does he got nara clan's laziness" asked Asuma.
Yugito won the tournament.
Promotions: Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Temari and Yugito.
TIMESKIP(two days):
"Well Gara are you ready" asked Naruto as Gara nodded and laid down on a large sealing array.
Naruto then fixed the seal and shared chakra with Shikaku.
"I don't know how will I repay you Naruto" said Gara.
"I told you before, we are friends" said Naruto and the three shinobi from sand smiled.
"Well if we are really friends then show us your face" said Temari
"Well its acceptable" said Naruto and removed his mask.
Temari started blushing after seeing Naruto's face which was noticed by both Gara and Kankuro.
"You don't look bad then why do you use mask?" asked Kankuro.
"Well I started using it to avoid getting beaten up by villagers but then it became my second nature" said Naruto.
"Hope we meet again soon" said Gara as they started leaving for their village.
Temari suddenly hugged Naruto and then ran towards village's gate without saying anything while blushing heavily.
Gara caught up to her and said "If you like him then just go say to him, he is a nice person" and Kankuro nodded in agreement.
"There is no such thing like that" shouted Temari.
"Yes if you say so" said Gara.
~Back with Naruto:
An anbu appeared and said "you are requested to appear in council meeting" hearing which Naruto shunshin to hokage tower.
Naruto's full heritage is revealed to village and he is now clan head of Senju clan.
~Council meeting:
"Why did you called the meeting koharu" asked Hiruzen.
"Well keeping in mind the fact that Naruto posses Uzumaki Chains and sharingan and is also one of the two Senju alive we want him to enter CRA" said Koharu.
"What if I reject" said Naruto.
"It is not an option kid you are related to three greatest clans to ever exist in Konoha and are of great importance and you have ability to subdue biju" said Koharu.
"I need time to think" said Naruto.
"Well we can give you time. The second reason is that Kazekage has proposed allaiance with konoha which would help Konoha greatly and we can't reject that in any case" said Koharu and everyone in the council nodded.
"How is that related to me." Asked Naruto.
"Well one condition for allaiance is political marriage between you and a girl from Suna" said Koharu.
"Can I know who the girl is" asked Naruto.
"Well the girl is Temari, daughter of Kazekage and it seems to us you are fairly close to girl so you should not have any problem" said Koharu.
Naruto looked towards Hiruzen to which Hiruzen replied "Allaiance is very important for Konoha so I want you to accept it."
"I will accept it if council promise me to remove me from CRA" said Naruto.
After some discussion council accepted Naruto's demand.
"And one more thing Naruto, now that you have accepted the proposal, you will be getting engaged next month and as per demand of Kazekage you two will be put in two man cell and you will do mission and travelling togather" said Hiruzen.
"As you will be leaving Konoha for training so do you think you can trust her?" asked Hiruzen
"Well I have spent time with her and I think I can trust her." said Naruto.
"As you are head of Senju clan I would like to know your opinion on a imporant matter" said Hiruzen and Naruto nodded indicating Hiruzen to continue.
"I am leaving the post of hokage. I am proposing Jiraya and Tsunade as candidates to be next hokage. I need your opinion on this" said Hiruzen.
"Jiraya's spy network is of too much importance to village so I think Tsunade should become next hokage and being relative of two hokage will provide her with great support from villagers" said Naruto.
"Then I appoint you and Jiraya to retrive Tsunade because it will be easy for you to convince her" said Hiruzen and everyone nodded "you will leave tomorrow"

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