Is it really a CROW?!!!

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[Naruto's power discussion:
Taijutsu:can hold his own against Guy with weights off and do not use gates but can't win.
Ninjutsu:approaching the level of Jiraya without sage mode.
Kenjutsu:second to none.
Fuinjutsu:level 10 seal master.
Genjutsu: doesn't work on him because of him being jinchuriki and can perform genjutsu only with help of sharingan because of rennigan' disturbance.
Perfected his senjutsu.
Mangekyo(left):ability to modify genjutsu so no one can break it but user can't hold it for long.
Mangekyo (right):can not use right eye due to activation of rinnegan but will have a different ability and will be revealed in pain arc.
Rinnegan:all abilities of pain and one extra ability which will be revealed in pain arc.
Summons:Toads, crows and will be getting new one during his three years training.
Susanoo: will able to use once he shares chakra with all tailed beasts.
Non elemental Jutsu:flying thunder god, space time barrier absorption and rasengan and its variations.
Medical ninjutsu: second to Tsunade but improper rinnegan activation interfared with chakra controll so he can't use high level medical ninjutsu.
Mokuton: can match hashirama's base when Naruto is in sage mode.
Has water affinity even stronger than Tobirama.
Note: Naruto cannot go full power due to rinnegan so for now he is elite chunin level so for now rinnegan is like handicap in all area leaving fuinjutsu and taijutsu.]

[I will not be covering the bell test its same as anime but this time Sakura is tied to the column. Naruto uses Menma to get the bell and give it to Sasuke and Sakura]
"Your new mission is to help the farmer" said Hiruzen.
"No, we want real missions not these daily chores" said Sakura.
"Yes, I also agree" said Sasuke.
Both Sakura and Sasuke glared at Naruto as if saying 'speak or we will kill you'
"I don't care" said Naruto and Kakashi struggled holding his laughter back after seeing Sakura and Sasuke's face.
Sakura tried to smack Naruto on head but suddenly a crow appeared and scratched Sakura's face.
"Calm down Menma. She is not a danger." said Naruto as the crow disappeared.
"Narutooo.. I will kill your crow next time I see him" screamed Sakura.
"Calm down. He ment no harm" said Naruto as he healed Sakura's face.
"Hokage-sama, I think they are ready for C-Rank mission" said Kakashi.
"Okay" said Hiruzen.
"Bring Tazuna" ordered Hiruzen.
A drunkard entered the room with bottle in his hands.
"You are sending these Little brats...." Tazuna was cut off when a crow appeared and kicked him in the face and Tazuna was sent flying into the wall.
"Menma, you don't have to dirty your claw for these small matters" said Naruto.
"It seems to be attached to you" said Kakashi.
"Menma is he not it I told you beforw" said Naruto in angry tone.
"Sorry it slipped from my mind." said Kakashi.
"See sensei, when you are not lying then excuses make sense" said Naruto and everyone in the room burst into laughter.
"Okay, Your mission is to escort Tazuna to land of waves and protect till bridge if completed" said Hiruzen.
"Pack essentials for 1-2 weeks and meet me at village gate in two hours." said Kakashi as they left.
~At memorial stone:
"So you have habbit like mine" said Kakashi.
"Yes and I don't think its bad" said Naruto in sarcastic tone.
"What's up with the crow?" asked Kakashi.
"Some crow summoners get to raise a crow. I got Menma, we are linked by souls so he lives within me" said Naruto as Menma appeared on his shoulder.
"I met Menma when I was five, from then we trained and lives togather" said Naruto.
"What can Menma do?" asked Kakashi.
"Since we are linked by soul Menma has sharingan and we can share vision so he can be used for scouting. He can also use Jutsu which I can use without hand seals and he is very good at assassination" said Naruto.
"Can I get Crow summoning contract?" asked Kakashi.
"Well you have to ask to your current summons if they want to share contract with crows" said Naruto "Crows will agree because they trust me."
"Thanks" said Kakashi "I will talk to the dogs."
"Its time we should get to the gates" said Kakashi as the both disappeared in thin air.
~At village gate:
"If we get attacked then I, Naruto and Sasuke waill fight the enemy and Sakura you will stay with Tazuna and protect him from cross fire or if any enemy slip past us" said Kakashi and the team left for land of waves.
After two hours of walk the team came across a water puddle and instantly Menma appeared on Naruto's shoulder.
"Kill one and decapitate the other" ordered Naruto.
Menma disappeared and reappeared after few seconds.
"Why don't you clean your claws yourself?" asked Naruto.
"Is this blood" asked Sakura trembling in fear.
"Yes, their were two ninja waiting to ambush us." said Naruto.
"Keep this crow away from me in the future" said Sakura.
"Come on Sakura, Menma is so cute and he won't hurt any of you" said Naruto in a playful tone.
"Then what was that in the office." said sakura in angry voice.
"He was just playing Sakura and just now he saved our lives" said Naruto. "Well lets go and interogate the ninja that is alive" said Kakashi.
After interrogation."So Tazuna what do you want to say?" asked Kakashi.
[Everything goes as in anime till Kakashi gets traped in water prison]
"Get me out of here Naruto" said Kakashi.
"What can that brat do" said Zabuza.
"Why can't I gat photo of this moment, Kakashi no Sharingan traped in water prison" said Naruto ignoring Zabuza.
"You Little brat" said Zabuza in angry tone.
"Menma you know what to do." said Naruto as the crow disappeared and appeared after few seconds with two hearts on his claws.
"You need more practice. Their are many drops of blood on Zabuza. You need do this in a way that no even a drop of blood falls from enemy." said Naruto.
"You care about drops of blood. Your crow had removed heart of a person" screamed sakura "and where did this second heart came from"
"You should thank Menma he saved your life again and this second heart is of Zabuza's partner who was hiding in the trees" said Naruto.
"Good work Menma." said Kakashi and Menma flew and sat on Kakashi's shoulder.
"I like this crow Naruto" said Kakashi and Sakura almost passes out hearing this.
'If crow is this skilled then what can Naruto do?' thought Sasuke 'and the way Kakashi asked Naruto for help he must be sure that Naruto can take down Zabuza's or atleast free him from prison.' said Sasuke to himself.

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