Kiss me, you fool

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Prompt: Louis is a primary school teacher and Harry is the newly qualified maternity cover school nurse.

Louis was running slightly late.

It was the first day back to school after the Christmas holidays and Louis seemed to have forgotten where he had left his teacher planner amid his very messy apartment. So here he was, speed walking to his classroom to let his year three class in from the playground.

Though he had been teaching for nearly four years, this was his first time in year three after being moved up from year one the previous September. Because of this, Louis didn't have his lesson plans for spring term week one ingrained in his memory yet so he was frantically reviewing the scrawly hand-written plans he'd made at the start of the Christmas holidays – 'it's a holiday, I'm doing nothing school related after the 23rd'.

Louis turned the corner to the corridor where his classroom resided. He hoped to god that he had left it in a teachable state after his class Christmas party on the last day of term in December. It felt like so long ago that he couldn't even remember if he had taken down the tacky Christmas decorations he put up around the display boards and bookshelves.

Harry was lost.

Despite having qualified as a nurse in the October of last year, he had not found a job until now. It was a maternity cover for the school nurse in a primary school a few minutes away from his house. He was so excited to start this new job he had changed his scrubs 3 times in the morning, unable to decide which pair to wear. (he settled on his blue ones as he decided pink might a bit too much for day one)

The interview in which they gave him a brief tour of the school was ages ago and Harry had never had the best memory with directions, which is why he decided that after he spent his three years of training mostly lost in hospitals that felt more like mazes he would work somewhere small when he qualified. The problem was that all the corridors looked the same and the map he was holding looked more like a collection of weirdly placed rectangles than something he could actually use to find the nurses office.

In retrospect, he should have asked the receptionist who welcomed him and gave him the map to show him to the nurses office but the phones kept ringing and they already looked peeved enough when Harry asked for a map so he went without. 'I can figure this out' he thought. And to be honest, him wandering around a primary school was not as bad as the time he spent nearly 2 hours trying to find the paediatric nurse's station at one of the hospitals he trained in. That was bad and very embarrassing considering he had been training there for 3 months already.

Louis, now reviewing his maths lesson after lunch, was about 10 metres away from the door of his classroom when he walked into something. Or more like someone. That someone was probably nearly a foot taller than him (though he would never admit that out loud) and very solidly built to the point where Louis fell backwards onto his ass.

"For fucks sake" Louis sighed.

He looked up at the person he had bumped into and hoped it wasn't someone important – which it hadn't been. The guy looked confused and awkward and Louis guessed, based on his clothing, that he was the new nurse. The look on his face gave away the fact that he was lost and had been mindlessly wandering the halls hoping to find the right place. Silently the man held his large hand out towards Louis'.

"I take it you're the new nurse unless scrubs are the newest fashion statement or something?" Louis said as he grabbed the hand that had been offered to him and stood up.

"Oh, um, yeah. The new nurse, that's me. I'm Harry by the way."

"Louis Tomlinson. You look lost, do you need a hand.?" Louis said as he let go of Harry's hand and brushed off himself to make it look like he hadn't just flown across the corridor.

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