The Plan

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About two hours have gone by just sitting in this dark room with nothing but my own thoughts to entertain me. I've taken a nap for I don't know how long, and I've been trying to do it again but for some reason I can't. Suddenly, the three demons come into the room.
"Hello, Harmony." Dark says to me. I don't say anything and just stare at him.
"Sorry we left you alone for so long, we just had to take care of some business."
"Just get on with it Dark!" Anti shouts. Dark sighs and says, "it's time we tell you our plan." I'm ready. I want to know why they brought me here.
"We want you to—" he gets cut off by Blank saying, "we want you to befriend Mark, Sean, and Ethan!"
Dark glares at Blank.
"I was just about to say that, Blank."
"Sorry, I got excited."
Wait wait wait, befriended Mark, Sean, and Ethan? There's no way they'd want to be friends with me.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I want to show Mark order, it's been his way for too long." Dark says.
"I want to kill Sean!" Anti yells with a sinister smile.
"I want to take over Ethan's mind." Blank says. His creepy level just went up.
"So why do you need me?" I ask.
"Obviously, we can't just go up to them and be pals. So we needed someone else, someone pretty." Anti says to me. I get the chills.
"And what if I say no?" I question. Anti starts glitching a lot again.
"We'll kill you." He says to me. I should have known.
"Okay." I say.
"Can we go over the plan again?" Blank asks. Anti and Dark both sigh.
"Yes, Blank." Dark says to him.
"The plan is, Harmony goes to PAX in three days. We bought her the meet the creator pass so she can meet Mark, Sean, and Ethan. Once they're all friends, Harmony will invited them to hangout. That's when we strike."
"Oh okay!" Blank says.
I don't want to do this. I've been watching Mark, Sean, and Ethan's videos for years. I got to come up with some way to get out of this.
"Soooo what are we going to do with her for the next three days?" Blank asks.
"She's been in here for a few hours, let's get her some food." Dark says. They all leave. They act like I can't hear them when they're talking right in front of me. However, I am excited for food. I'm starving.
A few minutes later Dark comes in with a plate of food. Anti comes in behind him carrying a table. Finally, Blank comes in with silverware and a drink.
"Your dinner, madam." Dark motions for Anti to set the table down in front of me. He sets the food on the table. Anti leaves. The food is steak and potatoes.
"I hope you enjoy." He says as he leaves the room. Blank comes up to me and places the things in his hands on the table. He smiles at me and starts to walk away.
"You're not going to untie me?" I ask.
"Oh yeah! Sorry." He comes over to me and unties my hands.
"There you are! Now goodbye!" He leaves. I start to eat. I look at the window, they're not there. They must of realized I can hear them. Darn. I finish eating and start to untie my legs from the chair. I walk over to the computer and sit down on a spinning chair. I'm curious what's on here. I move the mouse so the screen can wake up. The background of the computer is solid black. There is one file on the screen labeled, "Girl" I click on it. It takes me to some pictures. I click through them. They're all pictures of me in my house! There's me making breakfast, me watching TV, me cleaning, and me sleeping! This is so creepy! Why are they watching me?
Suddenly, a hand closes the computer. The person spins me around to face them. It's Anti. He holds a knife to my neck.
"How did you get over here?!" He angrily asks.
"B-Blank untied me."
He screams, "IDIOT!" And pushes the knife closer to my neck.
"How much did you see?"
"N-Not much!"
"Good." He grabs my arm and pulls me to back to the chair. He sits me down, knocking over the table and everything on it while doing so. He ties me back up, this time even tighter.
"Ow!" I yell.
"That'll keep you in place. Don't do that again." He says to me strictly. He walks back over to the computer and slams it shut. He leaves the room, glaring at me on his way out.
Alone again. I should probably get used to this. I remember what I saw on that computer. Pictures of me. Why were they taking them? I'm guessing to spy on me so they could kidnap me. Gross. At least that was the only thing on that computer.

An hour later all three of them come back.
"I heard you got out." Dark says. I just sit there. I'm too terrified to speak.
"I hope you understand that that kind of behavior will not be tolerated." I nod.
"And Blank," Dark looks at him. "don't untie her again."
"Okay." He responds.
"Lets get her to bed." Dark says as he takes the rope off of the chair. He ties my hands together and grabs an end of a rope to pull me with. He leads me through the door.
Through there is just a room with that same window, this time I'm looking at the room I was previously in. We go through another door. As we go through it, it disappears into glitches. I stand there for a moment looking at it. Dark tugs on the rope but I don't move. Anti appears in front of me.
"Keep walking." He says to me. I continue walking. We're in a kitchen. There's dirty dishes in the sink, plates scattered on the table, and cabinets open. Geez, do they not clean up around here? I look around some more. I see the front door. Freedom is right there. I'm so close. I look to the left to see a living room. The pillows are all over the place. Dark leads me up some stairs that are in between the kitchen and the living room. We go up and enter a hallway. He brings me to the farthest room down. We go inside and I look around. It's a plain bedroom, with plain white walls and brown carpeting. All that's in there is a bed, a bookshelf, a table with a lamp on it, and an open door leading to a bathroom.
"Your room, mademoiselle." Blank says. Dark brings me in more. Anti and Blank file in. Dark unties me.
"Don't try anything. If you do there will have to be....repercussions." He says anonymously. He begins to walk out. Blank waves then follows Dark. Anti begins to walk away then turns his head at me. His eyes glitch which frightens me. He probably noticed. He smirked and then walked out the door. The door glitches out of existence.
I go into the bathroom to relive myself. I look around once I'm done. Not a single window. Damn.
I leave the bathroom and curl up into bed. It's cold so I pull the covers up as far as they'll go. I'm exhausted. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Kidnapped (Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, and Blankgameplays)Where stories live. Discover now