The Panel

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The crowd cheers as the panel begins.
"I kinda forgot what we're doing today." Ethan says looking at the other two and laughing.
"Don't tell him." Sean says to Mark.
"I won't." Mark says.
"No please! Tell me!" Ethan shouts.
"Alright alright!" Marks exclaims. "We are answering questions, talking about Unus Annus, have random fans come up and talk to them, and give some information about the future of our channels."
"Oh yeah!" Ethan says giggling.
"So who's starting?" Sean asks.
"I guess I'll go." Marks says.
The crowd cheers as Mark starts talking. I really want to pay attention to what he's saying but I just can't focus. I'm too stressed on what's about to happen to these guys. I don't want to do it but I don't know a way to help them. The only thing I got is how to delay some time. After that...I have no idea.
I know that Anti isn't going to kill Sean right then and there. He'll taunt and torture him. I don't want that to happen either but it gives him more time to live. I'll try and help him out as best as I can.
For Dark, he wants to show Mark order. I'm guessing he's going to take over Marks life. So thankfully, Mark won't die. Though, I still want Mark to continue doing Youtube and I don't want Dark to start. Mark is probably just going to be tied up like I was. I can help him out there.
With Blank, it's tricky. He said that he wants to take over Ethans mind. How is he going to do that? From what I've seen in movies, the villain just ties the person to a chair and uses his machine or his powers to control the persons mind. I can also help him out too.
I'm still worried about Sean though. I don't know what I can do. I'm already on Anti's bad side so I can't just ask him not to kill Sean. Even if I was on his good side I doubt that would even work. I guess I could help Mark and Ethan then have them help me save Sean. That seems like a good plan.
As I was thinking about all this the room went silent. This snapped me out of my trance.
"Well? Are you coming up here or am I going to have to carry you up here?" I hear Marks voice ask. I look up and he's looking at me. I sit up straighter and point to myself.
"Yes you! Get up here!" He shouts. The crowd laughs. I get up quickly and go on the stage. Why would he want me up here? What am I even doing? I wasn't paying attention at all!
"Took ya a minute, didn't it?" Sean asks me playfully. I laugh nervously and nod. Mark hands me a microphone that was on the table.
"So what's your name?" Ethan asks.
"It's nice to meet you H-Harmony!" Marks says. I laugh.
"You seem very nervous." Sean says.
"I-It's just how I am." I say.
"I can tell." Mark says. "What do you do for a living?" Before all this happened I did work in a pharmacy but I'm pretty sure Dark wants me to say YouTube.
"Oh! What's your channel called?"
"H-Here, I can pull it up." I take out my phone and log in. I show Mark the picture. His jaw drops.
"May I?" He gestures towards the phone. I nod. He takes it from my hand to show Sean and Ethan. Their eyes widen.
"10 million subscribers?!" Ethan yells. The crowd gasps.
"That's more than I have! How long have you been doing YouTube?"
"Umm." Dark never told me what to say to that question.
"It says three years on her profile." Mark says. Thank god. He's a savior.
"Only three?!" Sean exclaims. I nod.
"How did you get that many in three years?" Mark asks.
"H-Hard work I guess. I just put out what I want and a-apparently people like it."
"Interesting." Sean says.
"You're making Ethan jealous, Harmony." Mark says laughing.
"No! I'm not jealous at all!" Ethan yells. Everyone laughs.
"You seem very introverted to be a YouTuber." Sean comments. I shrug because I don't know what else to say. Sean giggles a little bit.
"Alright anyways, where are you from?" Mark asks.
"Oh not too far from here then!" Mark says. I nod.
"Well, we had a lovely time talking to you Harmony!" Sean says.
"Same here!" I say.
"Bye!" Ethan says waving. I wave back and walk to my seat.
That was both the most terrifying and amazing thing that ever happened to me! I know I'm supposed to talk to them later but I already got to. Sure, it was on stage in front of hundreds of people and it scared me really bad but, it was nice.

After the panel, I walked out of the room and went back to the spot with almost no people. I needed to calm down before I go talk to them again. I breathe in and out a few times.
"Are you ready?" I don't jump this time. I know it's Dark. I turn around and nod.
"Where's Blank?" I ask.
"He got too annoying for me to handle so I left him."
"Oh okay."
"I saw you on the panel up there with them. You seemed like you were having fun."
I nod.
"Don't get too attached though. You know what's going to happen."
" Dark?" I ask.
"Yes, darling?" He reply's.
"I was talking to Anti and I asked who's going to go first with doing they want to there other part." Dark glares down at me. I guess he doesn't like me calling him Marks other part.
"A-And he said that he's going first." I ended. Dark liked at me angrily then it fades.
"He obviously doesn't know who is in charge then. I am going first! Besides, mine won't even take that long." He says professionally.
Dark straightens his suit and says, "Anyways, you better get going. You don't want the line to get long."
I nod.
"I'll see you soon, my dear." He disappears into glitches once again.
I start heading to wear the meet and greet is being held. I walk into the room and see the line is very long. I can't even see Mark, Sean, and Ethan. I sigh and get in it. This is really going to take a while.
You know, I hadn't realize until now that I'm turning Dark and Anti against each other more than they are already against one another. This is great, hopefully they'll start to fight and I can figure out a way to do something to help Mark, Sean, and Ethan.
The line moves up some. Now I can actually see all of them.
I still need to think of a way to stall for time with them. I'll get in trouble if I ask them to get something to eat with me but that's okay. I can handle the pain that the demons will give me.
The lines moves even more. I'm close to the front now.
I haven't even thought what they're going to do to me after they get what they want. Which hopefully they won't but if they do, what will happen to me? Obviously they won't just let me go even if they had said so.
The line moves again and I'm at the front. I wave to the three of them.
"Oh Harmony! It's good to see you again." Mark exclaims.
"Yeah. Um, would you guys like to come to a party with me after this is all over? It'll be at my house and I can give you my address if you'd like. It's gonna be me and a few other YouTubers you guys probably know." I say. They look at each other and nod.
"Sure! We'd love to come!" Sean says.
"Okay. I'll meet you guys outside when you're done here." I wave and walk away. I didn't even expect them to agree. I wish they hadn't though.
I walk out of the room and out the big doors that lead outside. I stand at the tree Anti disappeared by. I sigh and look at the sky. It's so blue today. Too bad I can't enjoy it in all of its beauty. I'm too stressed to do anything. I close my eyes and just breathe.
"Good job, darling." I open my eyes slowly to see Dark very close to me. I jump a little bit and move back some. Well, as far as I can, the tree blocks my movement.
"I'm glad that you're not resisting our little plan here." I don't do anything. I'm very uncomfortable.
"We have everything set up at your house to make it look like you are throwing a party."
I nod.
"Goodbye for now, my dear." He fades into glitches again.
I wait for a while, go around PAX some more, eat some food and come back to Mark, Sean, and Ethan.
"Oh h-hi! I hope you guys weren't waiting long."
"No not at all." Mark says.
"Okay good."
"Man I'm hungry." Sean says.
"So am I." Ethan agrees.
"Harmony, are you hungry?" Marks asks.
I think for a moment. This could be my opportunity to stall.
"Yeah." I say.
"How about before we go to your party we go get something to eat at a cafe?" Mark questions.
"That sounds delightful!" Sean exclaims.
"I agree!" Ethan shouts.
"We can go in my car." Sean says.
"Okay." Mark says. They start to walk. I stand there still trying to process what's going on."
"Come on Harmony!" Ethan yells. I get back into reality and follow them.

Kidnapped (Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, and Blankgameplays)Where stories live. Discover now