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Today is the day. The day I meet Mark, Sean, and Ethan. However, it is also the day I bring them to Dark, Anti, and Blank for them to "get their revenge." I don't even know what they did to upset these demons but they are obviously very angry about it.
I get up and go to the bathroom. When I come out Dark, Anti, and Blank are in my room. I jumped at their surprise appearance.
"Oh sorry, did we scare you?" Blank asks.
"A little." I reply. I look at the stuff in their hands. Dark notices and says,"This is for you to get ready with for your big day." He sets the items on the bed. There's a hairbrush, some makeup, a toothbrush with some toothpaste, and perfume.
"Is this satisfactory, Harmony?" Dark questions. I nod.
"Good." He reply's.
"What do you like to wear?" Anti asks me.
"Just jeans and a long sleeve."
"A long sleeve?? It's like 90 degrees outside!" Blank yells. I laugh.
"Fine, a short sleeve."
Anti creates light blue jeans with some rips in them and a white crop-top with a few flowers on them out of glitches.
"Will this do?" Anti asks me. I nod.
"Alright, we'll leave you to it." Dark says as he walks out of the room. Anti and Blank follows. The door disappears.
I get changed into the clothes Anti gave me. They fit perfectly, which is weird because I didn't even tell him my size.
I finish and go into the bathroom to do my makeup. I put on foundation, concealer, a little bit of lip gloss and some light mascara.
Finally, I brush my hair until it's straight and smooth. I look at myself in the mirror and smile at my work. I think I look okay.
I sit back down on the bed and wait for the demons to return.
A little bit later I see the door appear, but no one comes in. I hear a knock.
"Are you dressed and ready, Harmony?" I hear Dark ask.
"Yes." I reply. They all come in and look at me.
"You look nice." Dark compliments me.
"Thanks." I say in a monotone voice. I don't like his compliments even if they are just nice comments about my outfit.
"She should eat something before she heads out." Anti says.
"Look at you actually caring for someone." Blank says laughing.
"I'm just trying to help. I want to kill Sean soon and we can't have Harmony being hungry during this because knowing them, they'll take her to get something. And that wastes time!" Anti exclaims. That's a good idea to delay time. I'll keep that in mind.
"You're right Anti. We'll be back with food for you, Harmony." Dark says. I nod and they walk out.
They come back with a bowl of cereal. It's FrootLoops.
"Sorry if you don't like this kind of cereal, it's all we have." Dark says.
"Yeah, Anti loves—" Blank gets cutoff by Anti elbowing him in the side.
"Shhhh!!" He yells at him. I laugh. Seems like Anti likes FrootLoops, I was not expecting that. I begin eating.
"We'll get the car ready for you, darling." I nod but don't look up from my bowl. I'm hoping if I keep doing this he'll stop with the flattery. I hear the door open, close, then disappear.
After I finished my food I wait until Dark, Anti, and Blank come back. Am I really going to go through with this? Obviously not but how do I help Mark, Sean, and Ethan? I don't want them to get hurt by what those demons do to them, whatever that may be.
I think about a plan to help Mark, Sean, and Ethan until I hear the door appear and open.
"Are you ready, my dear?" Now Dark is just taunting me. I nod. Dark takes some rope out of his suit and ties my hands together.
"Don't try anything, Harmony. I have the controller in my other hand." I nod again. I won't try anything this time. I'm about to be basically free anyways.
He leads me downstairs and out the door. I get into the front seat just like when they picked me up from the store. They sit in the same places. Dark gets in and unties my hands. He then starts the car and drives.
"You remember the plan, right?" Dark asks.
"Yes." I respond.
"Dark, I have a question!" Blank exclaims. Dark sighs.
"Yes, Blank?" Dark asks annoyed.
"How are we going to know where she is at PAX?"
"As long as I know where she is, I can teleport to her. So, when she's at PAX I can go to her and when she's about to leave I can see where she's going."
"Oh okay."
"So—" Dark gets cutoff by Blank saying, "Can I come when you go with her?" He sighs again.
"Yes Blank."
"So, now you know that I know where you are always, Harmony." Dark says to me. Great.
After a 30 minute drive we arrive at PAX. It's so packed. The line isn't that long but the inside area is full of people.
"I'll go with her to make sure she gets in." Anti says.
"Good idea." Dark reply's.
"I'll see you a little later, darling." Dark says to me.
"Bye!" Blank says excitedly. Dark unlocks the car and I open the door. Anti gets out too. He walks around the car and says to me, "This way." I follow him into the line. We stand there very awkwardly.
"Once we get to the front, make sure you say the pass that you have is the meet the creator pass." He says to me. I nod.
"You're not going to ruin this for us, are you?"Anti asks me. I shake my head.
"Good." He looks over the line.
"This is going to take a minute." He says to me. I don't do anything in response.
"Why are you so quiet all the time?" Anti asks me. I shrug.
"Well now you're just messing with me." I laugh. The line moves up a little. We stand there for a minute.
"Um, Anti. I have a question." I tell him.
"What is it?" He asks.
"What are you going to do once you get a hold of Sean?"
"I already told you, I'm going to kill him!" He growls.
"You think he's going to let you do that willingly?"
"Well that's why we have you."
"But I'm no help once we get back to my house. You don't think Sean will struggle? You don't think Mark or Ethan will help him?"
"Dark and Blank will hold those two."
"Wouldn't you think Dark would want to go first in doing whatever he wants to Mark?"
"Dark may look menacing but I am in charge!" He yells at me. People look in our direction. Anti coughs and looks away trying to get the attention off of him.
"You listen to me, I have done way more terrible things than Dark has ever done! I am the one with the power! Got it?" He whisper yells. I nod, petrified. He glares at me before turning back around to face the line.
We wait there for a little while until it's our turn at the front of the line. The lady at the stand says, "Hi! What kind of pass do you have?"
"Meet the creator." I answer.
"And what's your name?"
"Harmony." She types on her computer for a minute.
"Ah! Here you are! Let me get you your pass." She reaches under her desk and pulls out a pass with a lanyard.
"Thank you." I say.
"Of course! And for you sir?" She looks at Anti. He clears his throat then says, "I'm just walking her here." His voice isn't all scratchy. It sounds a lot like Seans voice, which makes sense.
"Oh okay." The lady says. "Have a great time!"
We walk out of line.
"You know what to do, right?" Anti's voice turns scratchy again. I nod.
"Good, I'm leaving now. See ya later Harmony."
"Bye Anti." I say as he walks away. I watch him go behind a tree where no one is looking and he disappears into glitches. Apparently he can teleport too.
I start walking towards the giant building housing the event. There are tons of people everywhere, all pushing each other trying to get in. I finally get in and look at the huge interior. I look around at the different stands selling different merch items. I walk around some more but get claustrophobic because of all the people. I go to the back of the building where almost no one is. I breathe in and out.
"Are you okay?" I hear a voice behind me ask. I turn around quickly. It's just Dark and Blank
"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer.
"Hi Harmony!" Blank says all cheery. I wave to him.
"If you say so. Well, you better hurry, the panel starts in 10 minutes. You wouldn't want to be late." He smirks.
"Even if I do get to talk to Mark, Sean, and Ethan for at least a minute, why do you think they'd want to hangout with a random fan?"
"Oh! I have an idea!" Blank exclaims. Dark sighs and says, "What?"
"What if she goes to her house with them, locks them in her room, and then we teleport in there and strike!"
"None of my doors have locks on them." I say.
"Oh." Blank says disappointed.
"Hm but you are right. What are we going to do." Dark ponders for a minute.
He says, "Say that you're a YouTuber with 10 million subscribers and you're having a YouTuber party when PAX is over at your house."
"I guess that works, but no other YouTuber is going to be there besides them." Dark thinks for a moment.
"Can you cry on command?" He asks me. I hesitantly nod.
"When they get there, be crying and tell them that nobody showed up. Then, they'll have to stay." He smirks again. So creepy.
"Okay." I say. I keep trying to foil their plans but fail every time.
"Wait, aren't they going to want proof that she has a youtube channel with 10 million subs?" Blank asks.
" lemme create something." Dark makes a phone out of glitches.
"This phone has just a photo on it. The photo is "your YouTube page" with all of your "subscribers". Show them this and it'll win them over. The password to unlock it is 2848." He hands me the phone.
"Okay." I say.
"Alright, you better get going. Have fun, my dear."
"Buh bye!" They both disappear into glitches.
I inhale and exhale one more time before facing the crowd again. I look at signs directing me to where the panels are. I go towards the one that says Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and CrankGameplays. I go inside and almost all the chairs are full and it's a pretty big room. I sit down at the first seat I can find.
I stay there for a minute until all the lights go off. There's quiet whispers all around the room. Suddenly, the lights on the stage turn on. Mark, Sean, and Ethan run out on the floor. The crowd goes wild. I clap but don't shout. Mark takes a mic and says, "Hello everybody!"
Sean takes one too and yells, "Top o' the morning to ya!"
Finally, Ethan gets one and says, "What is up my cranky crew!"
Everyone cheers, as do I. They take a seat at their designated table.
Mark says, "Let's get started, shall we?"

Kidnapped (Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, and Blankgameplays)Where stories live. Discover now