The "Party"

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We step inside. I prepare for the worse by clenching my fists and closing my eyes.
"Oh, nobody's here yet." Mark says. I open my eyes and look around.
There's streamers up and balloons floating around. There's plastic cups and plates on the table next to a whole buffet of food.
"Oh okay. Just make yourself at home then, guys." I say. I'm still on edge. The demons could attack at any moment. Mark, Sean, and Ethan start to look around. Sean and Mark sit on the couch and begin talking. Ethan goes straight for a cake that's on the table and cuts a slice for himself. He puts it on a plate and takes it to the couch where Mark and Sean are. They sit and talk.
"I'm going to the restroom, be right b-back." I say.
"Okay!" Ethan shouts with cake in his mouth. I go to the back of my house and into the restroom. I close the door and lock it. I look at myself in the mirror. I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself down. I splash water on my face. When I finish wiping it off with a towel, I look up in the mirror and see Dark in it.
"AH!" I scream. Dark covers my mouth with his hand.
"Shh." He whispers in my ear. It makes me shiver. I hear footsteps coming towards the restroom.
"Are you okay, Harmony?" I hear Mark ask. Dark moves his hand off of my mouth.
"Y-Yes! I just dropped something and it scared me!" I lie.
"Oh alrighty then." Mark says. I hear him walk away.
"What are you doing in here?!" I whisper yell.
"I just wanted to tell you that we are about to begin." Dark says as he smirks.
"O-Okay." I say. He knows that I'm stressed so he's just making it worse.
"I'll see you soon, darling." Dark says as he fades into glitches.
I breathe in and out some more until I've calmed down. I flush the toilet and turn on the faucet so it sounds like I actually went to the bathroom.
I walk out and expecting the worse but Mark, Sean, and Ethan are still in their same spot. I sigh in relief and sit down with them.
"Took ya long enough." Sean teases me.
"Yeah, sorry." I say.
"It's weird how nobody's here yet." Mark says.
"Y-Yeah. I invited like ten other people." I say.
Suddenly, the room starts to glitch in and out. I panic. It's happening. I'm not ready. I have no idea what I'm going to do.
"Oh no." Mark says. He sounds like he's gone through this before.
"I'll grab it!" Sean shouts. He runs into the kitchen and looks for something. He grabs something out of the drawer. It's a knife.
"Not again, not again, not again!" Ethan says trembling. They've all gone through this before.
"Come on Harmony, we gotta go!" Mark says. We all run towards the door. Before we could get to it, Anti appears.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He says. Anti cackles loudly. We all back up.
"Get in the back of us Sean, as far away from Anti as possible." Marks commands. Sean does as he says and gets behind all of us. Anti makes the door disappear into glitches so we can't escape.
"What are you going to do about yourself, Mark?" A voice questions. It's Dark. Mark swears under his breathe.
"Don't worry, Mark. Harmony and I will keep them away from you and Sean." Ethan says with confidence. I nod in agreement.
"Now Blank!" Anti yells. Blank come in out of nowhere and ties a rope around Sean's neck. He gasps out trying to breathe. He dropped the knife.
"Sean!" Mark yells. He picks up the knife and cuts Sean loose. He breathes.
"Thanks Mark."
"No problem."
As we were all focused on what happened with Sean, Ethan was attacked.
"Help!" We heard him scream. We look over and he's tied up in a chair in the kitchen. Dark is looming over him. Mark runs towards him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll kill him right in front of you all." Dark says strictly. Mark stops moving. When he does, Anti leaps on top of him, pinning him to the ground to where his stomach is on the floor. This makes Mark drop the knife. Anti laughs again and ties Mark up to a chair. I hear him swear again.
"This is bad, Harmony. We gotta do something." Sean says to me. What do we do? They're too powerful. As we were contemplating this, Blank appears and wraps his arm around Sean's neck.
"No!" I yell. I pull on Blanks arm, trying to make him let go.
"Harmony no!" Blank shouts at me. As I'm struggling, I feel someone grab my arms and put them behind my back. I look behind me and see that Dark is the one doing this to me. I start to cry. He ties my hands up with a rope and then ties me to a chair.
I watch as Sean is dragged to a chair as well and tied. We are now all tied up. I look over at Mark. He has a scar on his face, probably from hitting the floor so hard. I look at Ethan, he's trying to hold in his tears. Then I look over at Sean, he's breathing heavily and has a red line of his neck from the rope and Blank.
"That was easier than I thought it was going to be." Anti says laughing.
"Yes, and we can all thank Harmony for this." Dark says as he smirks. Mark, Sean, and Ethan look at me in dismay.
"Harmony...why?" Mark says to me in disappointment. I cry even harder.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen." I say. Mark shakes his head and look away.
"I can't believe I trusted you." He mumbles. My heart shatters. Someone I look up to and watch all the time...I made him hate me.
"Mark." Ethan starts, "Look at her." Mark turns around at looks at my wet face and tears.
"She's crying. Don't you think she wouldn't be crying if she was in on this?" Ethan asks. They stare at me for a moment. Then Marks face looks guilty.
"You're right, I'm sorry Harmony." He says.
"I-It's okay." I reply. The tears are slowing but they're still coming.
"This is taking too long! Let's just get on with it Dark!" Anti shouts.
"Right." He agrees.
"W-What are you going to do to us this time?" Ethan asks worried.
"Well, you know we all want different things. So we'll just take what we want." Dark says.
"Say bye bye, Jackiboy!" Anti says as he forms a knife out of glitches. He starts walking towards Sean who is struggling to get out of his ropes.
"No!" I yell also struggling. I look over at Mark and Ethan who are doing the same as I am. Anti is getting closer and closer to Sean. Oh god, what do I do?
"Mark!" Ethan yells. He looks over at him. "Breakout! Like from Unus Annus!"
"Okay!" Mark yells. He pulls hard on the ropes until they snap!
"Go Mark! Go!" Ethan shouts.
"Grab him!" Dark yells. Blank tries to grab Mark but he punches him.
"Ugh!" He yells as he falls to the ground.
"Anti! Do it now!" Dark yells. Anti turns around to see Mark coming after him. His eyes widen then he turns back around and goes for Sean. Right as he was going to stab Sean, Mark grabs Anti's arm.
"Get off!" Anti screams. He regains his arm.
"Bye bye Markimoo!" He yells as he try's to stab Mark. He dodges but not completely. Anti ends up cutting Marks arm.
"Argh!" Mark shouts in pain. Anti cackles again. Mark punches Anti in the face with his good arm making him stumble back. He then grabs the knife from Anti's hand.
"Hey!" Anti yells. Mark cuts Sean loose.
"Take this!" Mark says to Sean holding out the knife. He does as Mark says.
"Hold him off, I'll get another." Mark spots the dropped knife on the floor from before and picks it up.
He runs over to Ethan and I. Before he can get to us Dark appears in front of him. Mark try's to stab him but Dark grabs his hand before he could.
"Why do you have to be such an inconvenience, Mark? I thought this would be simple, but apparently not." Dark says. He then twists Marks arm.
"Ugh!" Mark shouts. Dark smirks at him.
Sean sees what is happening while he's holding off Blank and Anti. He then races to Dark and stabs him right in the back!
"ARGH!" He screams in pain.
"Dark!" Blank yells. Dark lets go of Mark and focuses on Sean. Dark stumbles towards him but falls in pain.
"Thanks Sean!" Mark says.
"Anytime!" Sean reply's.
"I'll help Harmony and Ethan, can you hold back those two some more?" Mark asks.
"I sure can!" Sean says back.
"Good, lets do this." Mark says coming to us. Sean leaps in front of Anti and Blank as they were trying to come for Ethan and I.
Mark cuts Ethan loose and then me.
"Thanks Mark." Ethan says. I nod my head in agreement. I wipe my tears away.
"Don't worry about it, lets help Sean." Mark says. I look at Sean who's dodging punches from the both of them.
Mark whispers to us, "Sean and I will distract them and then you two attack them from the back, got it?" We both nod. Mark makes his way next to Sean and distracts them.
"Follow me!" Ethan whispers to me. I do as he says and we go behind Blank and Anti. I'm behind Blank. We look over at each other, nod, and strike! I leap on Blank, pulling his hair back so we stumbles backwards.
"Harmony! Why?!" He says trying to get me off of him.
"I'm sorry Blank! You're fine I guess but I gotta do this!" I say as I yank his hair back as hard as I can.
"OW!" He yells in pain. I get off of him and push him into a chair. I find some rope that was lying around and tie him as tight as I can to the chair.
"Harmony! Let me go!" Blank yells. I grab a napkin from one of my cabinets and put it around his mouth so he can't talk. He mumbles something but I couldn't understand it.
I look over at Ethan, Mark, and Sean. They've successfully stabbed Anti in the chest!
"Ugh, you insolent humans! I'll kill you!" Anti yells. He tries to get up but fails. All the guys are just staring at him and smirking. I look at Dark. Surprisingly, he's still alive. I walk over to him. He's grunting in pain. He looks up at me.
"Well played, darling. I didn't think you'd actually help them." He says to me. I put on a stern face. I'm not taking anymore crap from him. He motions me to come closer. I do.
"Kneel down." He says to me. I do but I'm on guard if he tries anything. I get close to him and he takes off my shock collar.
"You're welcome, my dear." He tells me.
"Why did you take it off?" I ask.
"You won fair and square but this doesn't mean we won't try something again." He tells me.
"Goodbye, Harmony." He says as he disappears into glitches.
I turn around and see Anti stumbling to Blank.
"Let's go idiot!" Anti yells at him. They both fade into glitches as well. I sigh in relief and look over at Mark, Sean, and Ethan. Ethan is helping Mark to the sink to wash his cut and Sean is picking up around the house. I help Sean. As we're cleaning he says to me, "I'm sorry about all of this laddie."
"Don't be, its all my fault." I say.
"I'll explain when Mark and Ethan come back over here."
A few minutes later, Mark and Ethan come back from washing his cut. They go sit on the couch. I motion for Sean to do the same. They all sit down. I stand in front of them and tell them what happened. I tell them how I was kidnapped, what the plan was, what I went through. Everything.
"Jesus Christ." Sean says after I finish. Mark stands up and walks over to me. He gives me a hug and says, "I'm so sorry you got roped into this." I hug him back.
"It's fine!" I reply.
"We'll help you clean up some more." Mark says as he smiles and starts picking up trash and things from the fight.
After the house is clean enough, Mark, Sean, and Ethan start to leave.
"I hope to see you around Harmony!" Mark says to me as he hugs me. I hug him back.
"Me too!" I says. Sean comes up to me and hugs me as well.
"Get well soon Sean." I say when we hug.
"Will do!" He reply's. Finally, Ethan hugs me.
"Good job out there today!" Ethan says to me.
They all start to walk to the car and get in. I wave to them and they wave back as they drive away. I sigh in relief and go inside. I can finally sleep in my own bed! I flop onto it a fall asleep peacefully.

                                   The End

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