Chapter V: The Seige of North

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Aang, Katara, and Sokka were flying over Appa on their way to the North Pole in order to find a waterbending master who could train Katara and perhaps teach the Avatar some techniques, at least until Katara was ready to teach him herself. The journey was uneventful for a while, until Sokka began to get bored and spoke to break the quiet environment.

"I don't want to complain, but can't Appa fly higher?" Sokka asked.

"I have an idea why don't we all get on your back and take us flying to the North Pole?" Aang asked as he turned to see the Southern Water Tribe boy a bit annoyed.

"I would love to" Sokka replied sarcastically while pointing to his back "everyone get on, Sokka is ready to take off" the only one who jumped on his back was Momo.

"Look, I know we're all tired and in a bad mood" Katara told them trying to calm the situation "but it's because we've been flying two days in a row"

"And all for what? we could not even find the Northern Water Tribe" Sokka insisted "there's nothing here."

Suddenly, some ice spikes appeared in front of them. Aang tried to make Appa dodge them but one of the spikes caused the flying bison to stumble and fall into the water, then some boats appeared cornering them.

"They are waterbenders" Katara said looking at the men standing in those boats "we found the Water Tribe"

Unfortunately, the Avatar Team would bring bad company with them upon reaching the Northern Water Tribe. A camp of the Fire Nation army had been installed in the surroundings of the Earth Kingdom, that camp belonged to nothing more and nothing less than Admiral Zhao, who had installed that camp with the firm intention of preparing a strategy to stop the Avatar.

"It has been confirmed that the Avatar is traveling to the North Pole" Zhao told to his men while showing them a map where they traced the travel routes "I firmly believe that he is traveling to the Northern Water Tribe, the Avatar child only knows control of its native element, the air. I think he's looking for a teacher to learn the discipline of water, he has gone looking for someone in the Northern Water Tribe, where they have lived beyond our reach and openly practice waterbending"

"So what are we waiting for? let's go find him" Captain Li suggested, clenching his fist with determination.

"Patience, Captain Li" the admiral said "this is not a small Earth Kingdom village that we can easily access. The Northern Water Tribe is a great nation, there is a reason they have survived a hundred years of war, the frozen tundra is treacherous, the landscape itself is an ice fortress. We will need a massive invasion"

Guided by the boats carrying the waterbenders, the Avatar team sailed through the icy water to a central wall made of ice that had the Northern Water Tribe symbol engraved on it, some waterbenders that were on top of the wall and also in the boats opened the passage so Appa could swim across it, while the flying bison swam through the passage, Aang could notice how some of the waterbenders who were standing in the main canal of the city closed the passage turning the water on ice. When they reached the heart of the city they could see the people gathered on ice bridges or looking at them along the icy and snow covered edge of the main canal, both Aang and Katara were amazed at how they had prospered over the years, the Southern Water Tribe girl had to admit for herself that the Northern Water Tribe was bigger and more beautiful than she expected, totally different from her birthplace. After getting off Appa, the trio arrived at the ice palace where the royal court was waiting for them while some of the servants were in charge of pulling the flying bison out of the icy water and taking it to the stables so that he was warm, comfortable and received enough food. The Northern Water Tribe chief, Arnook, welcomed them as did his daughter, Princess Yue, a beautiful young girl with white hair who had caught Sokka's attention upon seeing her. Aang showed the chief and his court that he was the only airbender alive and even did an airbending demonstration to prove his point, when he finished his demonstration, he was accepted to be trained in the art of waterbending by Master Pakku, the best waterbending master of the tribe.

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