Epilogue 🔥🌪️

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A year had passed since Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko made their relationship with the other nations public and during that period of time, they had gone through many challenges and adventures that sometimes hindered their relationship, but it was nothing that they could not get over with. In that year, both of them were working with the Earth King, Kuei, in an agreement to relocate the Fire Nation colonies on the Earth Kingdom lands, Zuko made a deal with his sister, Azula, who had been sent to a mental hospital because her mind was very deteriorated and he was more than sure that there was no longer any chance that she could redeem herself in that condition, to take a journey to Hira'a with Aang, Sokka and Katara, and thus search for their mother, the former Fire Nation queen, Ursa. But they were not always together in all their adventures, there were days when they had to be apart for a while taking care of their own duties, Aang also had some missions apart with his other friends, but when he was about to go to the Southern Water Tribe with Katara and Sokka, Zuko had to send him a message asking him to come back to the Fire Nation as he needed his help there, so the young Avatar had to postpone his visit to his friends home and go back to the Fire Nation.

Upon arrival, both he and Zuko had to deal with the recent emergence of an organization that still remained faithful to the reign of the ex Fire Lord Ozai, known as the New Ozai Society, confront the threat of the Kemurikage and disappearances of children in the Fire Nation capital. But thanks to his effort and the help of his friends, most of the problems could be solved, with the exception of the inconveniences that arose in the Cranefish town, so Aang felt that he needed to stay there with Katara for a while to make sure everything was going well and also because he felt a connection to that place, he was not sure what it was, but it made him believe that as long as he could solve Cranefish people problems, in time it could become a very special place.

Now, Zuko lay on his bed in one of the Fire Nation's warships bedroom staring up at the dark roof. They had been traveling for eight long months and Zuko was starting to get bored, he missed Aang, who was still in Cranefish town with Katara working together to solve all the problems they could, eight months had passed since Aang told him about his decision to settle in that place for a while and now more than anything he needed to have the young Avatar with him. He was about to fall asleep to distract himself from his boredom when, suddenly, he heard a loud bell ringing throughout the ship. He jumped to his feet, pulled on a red robe with gold trims and ran to the door.

"He's finally back!" he thought, opening the door with a loud creak, he ran towards the stairs and slid down the cold metal railing, then ran onto the deck, his bare feet slipping on the metal deck. He looked up at the sky, covered his eyes to protect them from the strong midday sun, he could barely see, but then his eyes sharpened his vision and he could make out the familiar blue wings of Aang's glider behind a cloud "prepare the cannon!" he ordered to the soldiers who were with him on the ship, none of them questioned his order and in a matter of seconds a spring cannon was on the deck, they loaded a small capsule and positioned the cannon "alright, at my signal" he said marking the blue spot in the sky "FIRE!"

The capsule shot into the sky, the smoke dragged it and a bright light emerged from the tip, managing to briefly outshine the midday sun, that flare disappeared and so did the glider behind the cloud. Zuko watched and waited, he saw the glider spinning towards the ground almost as if it was out of control, it was falling straight towards the ship, the glider kept falling and falling, it took a little push with the wind and headed towards the deck, Aang's feet touched the deck, he dropped the glider, letting it slide towards the metal railing, ran towards Zuko and jumped into his arms.

"Zuko! I'm so glad to see you again" Aang exclaimed on the verge of tears. He had not seen the Fire Lord since he stayed in Cranefish town with Katara and was beginning to miss him terribly.

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