Chapter VI: The Seige of North [pt. II]

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Zuko gasped as he collapsed on the snow, he snorted wearily as he tried to move forward, he looked over his shoulder at the path he had just made in the snow, that was not what he expected. First he climbed up one of the longest and steepest unimaginable trails, he did it all bearing the young airbender weight on his back, by the time he reached the top it started snowing and his stomach clenched at the sight of the snowy desolate field that was expanding in front of him, beyond what any common eye could perceive, seriously he did not expect to see that, he believed that he would find more water when he reached the top but instead he ran into that extensive ice field. He simply pulled Aang as close to his body as he could and continued with his journey, accepting the fact that he was going to have a long walk while a snowstorm raged, he could not feel colder than he already was at that precise moment, but without even noticing it, he took a wrong step and the ground began to crumble under the prince's feet and he began to run as fast as he could so as he do not fall towards certain death. That gave him more trouble, but it was worth it, his golden orbs almost straying towards the unconscious boy in the snow next to him, almost. Zuko looked around and his eyes saw a crack in the ice that seemed to be a cave.

A few hours ago...

Before Zhao's invasion of the Northern Water Tribe took place, the admiral was at the Fire Nation palace discussing with Fire Lord Ozai his plan to attack the Water Tribe as they walked down the corridor that He led them into the huge garden that belonged to the palace.

"I haven't heard from my son for quite some time" Ozai said as he walked with Zhao following in his footsteps "do you know where he could be?"

"I haven't heard anything from him, sir" the admiral answered while smiling discreetly because the Fire Lord had no idea what was about to happen to Zuko "but I'm sure some news will come soon"

"The Northern Water Tribe benders have gained their strength from the Moon and the Ocean spirits, it will be difficult to defeat them. But, if for some reason the spirits were not involved, things would be different" the Fire Lord theorized, then he remembered something of the utmost importance and that could be of great help for the Northern Water Tribe siege "what have you learned from the stolen scrolls?"

"We have managed to decipher the exact location of the Moon and the Ocean spirits" the Admiral replied.

"It's our destiny to have found this information, Zhao" Ozai said as he turned his gaze to the horizon "eliminate the spirits, take down that city and we will have defeated the Avatar in the process"

Following the Fire Lord new orders, Zhao prepared an immense fleet to invade the Northern Water Tribe as soon as possible, in an attempt to eliminate the Moon and the Ocean Spirits.

A new day began in the Northern Water Tribe and with it another day practicing waterbending. After being impressed by Katara's fighting abilities using her waterbending, Pakku had no choice but to give in and agreed to train her alongside his other students and her friend, the Avatar. Now Pakku was on the outskirts of the ice palace where the fountains were placed, he was walking from side to side looking at his students who were placed in a row, among them were Katara and Aang who kept a serious face like the rest of the young waterbenders of the tribe.

"What is water?" Pakku asked as he looked at his students standing in front of him.

"The element that flows, the element of change" they answered.

"To control the water, you must release your emotions wherever they take them" the waterbender told them "water teaches us to accept, let your emotions flow like water" he turned his gaze to Aang who was standing by Katara "Aang, would you like to sparr? you haven't sparr in a few days" Aang took a few steps forward and Pakku took an attack position, he bended the frozen water from the snow to create some stalactites that surrounded the young airbender, suddenly, the ice began to move and the waterbender could see how Aang used his hand to cut the stalactites that he created around him. Pakku took out a water sphere that he made from the melted snow, divided it into two small spheres and threw them at Aang who stopped them using his newly acquired waterbending knowledge and held them tightly, the waterbender threw a third sphere, but Aang managed to stop it and (making some movements with his hands) he managed to dissolve them, turning them into small drops that floated in the air around him "great job with defense, now use offense, Aang!"

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