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it's been a while later and it's time for lola's prenatal appointment. in a couple more weeks she would begin to show and that's when she really had to up her game and hide her baby bump.

"how far along are you?" the obstetrician asked her.

"probably about eight weeks," sissy answered for lola. "i counted." she told them.

"ah, well let's get on with the ultrasound," after a couple of minutes, the obstetrician smiled. "you're having twins." lola felt like she could cry.

"don't tell me their gender!" the obstetrician quickly closed her mouth. "i want to have a gender reveal."

"but if you didn't want anyone to know, why are you having a gender reveal?" sissy questioned. she's right, lola's trying so hard to hide the pregnancy so why throw a gender reveal party?

"it'll just be us," she thought about it for a second and then continued. "maybe i could ask vinnie if he's want to come. if he doesn't, once i find out i'll just tell him."

"sorry to eavesdrop but, the father doesn't want anything to do with the babies?" the obstetrician asked.

"he said and i quote abort it as if the child is an object." sissy didn't understand why she would want him there after she told him off and he said he wanted nothing to do with the babies.

"ah, a fuck them kids situation," the three laughed as the obstetrician cleaned up lolas stomach. "you don't need him. those kids will end up fine."

"surprised no ones given me the you're too young, you're throwing your life away speech," lola pulled down her shirt and sat up to face the two.

"my job is to help you not to judge you," she told lola. "besides, you're eighteen, you're grown."

"yeah, grown," she sighed out. "well it's time for us to go, bye." she hopped off the table and thanked the obstetrician.

"how about we start getting things ready for the twins," sissy smiled and held her hand. "after that i'll plan the gender reveal for you, okay?"

"thank you, sis," she pulled in her best friend for a hug. "i can't do this without you."

"as long as i'm alive those you and those twins will never be alone." sissy promised. "just hope i'm the godmother."

"of course you'll be the godmother," she promised. "hell you could be their mother with the way you've treated me." the two girls laughed as they made their way back into lola's car and drove off.

they drive until they found a mall who fortunately, had a carter's, a home depot, and an ikea. first they entered carter's and bought some clothes for the twins. she didn't know if they'd both be girls or they'd both be boys so she ended up buying both.

"i'll go look for decorations for the twins room while you look for clothes," sissy told her. "what vibe would you want for their room?"

"not sure, my mom would probably want the room to have la virgin de guadalupe staring at both of my kids." she explained.

"well, your mom's not the one having the kids," sissy retorted. "how about the twins from hello kitty–is that cheesy?"

"it's actually pretty cute," she admitted. "i like it." sissy gave her a thumbs up and walked off in search for decorations.

she walked around the aisles and for some reason she liked everything there: she saw tutus, dresses, little suits, mommas little boy shirts, daddy's girl shirts that she would take a piece of fabric and write mommy on it. anything that you could put on a kid she loved while some made her cry because she loved it so much.

she took out her phone and decided to call vinnie. she knew he didn't care but maybe he would.

"did you get the abortion?" he asked. "or are you telling me the gender?"

"i know you don't care but we're having twins," she told him. "and uh sissy and i are having a gender reveal, wanna come?"

"guess i gotta know who i'll be paying child support for," he sighed out. "fine. who's coming?"

"just me and sissy, i knew you didn't want to be affiliated with the kids so i just decided to keep quiet about it."

"awe, you're looking out for me?" he laughed. "and how do you plan on hiding a gigantic baby bump?"

"well, once the bump gets too big i'll just not go out until the twins or born," the plan was fool proof. she convinces everyone that's shes on vacation and once the twins or born she's back.

he stood quiet for a bit as if he were thinking of a way to hurt her feelings. "so you'll disappear for a while and then come back? go back to partying and leaving the twins with some rando?"

"look who cares for the kids he doesn't even want," she licked her lips and placed a hand on the wall. "i'm not feeling great, i gotta go."

"lola-" she hung up.

she ran to the bathroom and made sure to bring her cart with her. she left her cart in front of the bathroom and ran into the stalls.

"some teen girls dream of sleeping with vinnie well guess what girls. i slept with him and look where it got me. guess i'm living a teenage nightmare." she muttered. she flushed the toilet and looked for the mouth wash in her purse. "at least i've got you listerine."

"lola?" sissy kinda yelled. "you okay?" once she spotted the girl, her voice got softer. 

"yeah," she assured her. "i talked to vinnie," she pushed her hair back and gave her a weak smile,

"what'd he say? is he coming?" sissy had to admit, she was happy that he at least knows about the twins.

"nah, he said he'd rather die than see them." she knew he was probably lying. you don't go from telling your baby mama to get an abortion to attending their gender reveal. it doesn't make any sense if she were being honest but, maybe he does care.

why was this so long

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