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vinniehacker. couple more months and i'll be the happiest man in the world

user. is he married?
user. girl to be married you'll need
a girlfriend first

tiktokroom. is he dating @lolalvarez ?
lolalvarez. wouldn't even date him if it were a dare😐
vinniehacker. she loves me she truly loves me

itssissysheridan. you would've been happy long ago if you weren't a dick
vinniehacker. shut it kiddo
itssissysheridan. i'm going to strangle you.

user. someone has to be pregnant

user. tiktokroom looking for clues as to wtf is going on

user. he is so fine

user. 🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰

user. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
lolalvarez. watch it bitch


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