Ch. 1 - Beautiful Morning

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What you need to know:
H/C: hair color
F/C: favorite color
S/F/C: second favorite color

It was a lovely morning in Arsel, you had gotten woken up by the rooster outside of your window. You always hated that damn rooster, but it at least made you wake up so you can enjoy the day rather than being in bed. Your mother comes into your bedroom and ask if you want some breakfast that your father and brothers have made. Without saying a word your stomach growls, you both laugh at the sound of it. You get out of bed and did your morning routine: fix your long/short H/C hair, through on your f/c dress, and finally put on your shoes. However, they didn't seem to quite fit. So you called your mother so she can help you solve the problem.

You: "Mother can you come here please?"

Mother: "whats the matter Y/N?"

You: My shoes doesn't seem to quite fit me anymore!

Mother: "oh my!! Well you're growing up and becoming a women, she chuckles."

*You sit in silence*

Mother: "Oh don't worry poppet, we'll just go into town and get you some new shoes."

You get to excited that you spring up and hug your mother. She hugs you back just as tightly.

Few minutes go by

You and your mother have arrived in town, and your quite a bit nervous. You haven't been in town since you were a child. Your mother tells you that she has to get somethings for the house. You nod at her and she then disappears into the crowd of people. As you stand there alone and by yourself, you shake off the nerves and start walking. It was quite the walk and then something caught your eye, you realized that every guy there has been eye balling you. You just ignored them and went about your day. You heard people talking, children laughing, some are arguing about prices. Your feet were getting tired so you say a lovely tree up on a small hill and sat down next to it. A nice morning breeze rolls through your hair and it blows along with it. At that moment you wish times would just stop but only for a moment so you can enjoy the lovely, peaceful moment.

Later that day

After your mother has gotten what she needs, she takes you to the shoe keeper and lets you pick out your shoes, with her help of course. You saw a beautiful S/F/C pair of high heels that caught your eye, you don't usually wear heels but you kept them just in case. Your mother sees them and tells you "you want those? Well they are rather beautiful." You nod and she nods, then she hands you the money to you can buy them yourself. On your way out the store you bid the shoe keeper a farewell and he did the same. You and your mother walked back to the wagon that you got there in. She puts the stuff in the back, then the two of you make your way back home.

Later that night

Once you and your mother settled in the house after putting everything away. You rushed to your bedroom cause you were so excited to try on the shoes. You put them on and walked to the mirror, you could help but spin in them. They looked so beautiful on you *you thought to yourself * You quickly took them off and placed them back in the shoe box. The shoe box is placed on the top shelf in your closet. Then soon after you grew a bit tired so you got ready for bed, you laid in your bed as you watched the beautiful night sky. You feel asleep the sound of the owls hooting through the night.

Author's note:
Sorry if this story isn't that well written and kinda short, I tried my best. Like I said in the intro this is my first every sort of fanfic I ever wrote. lol Also i wouldn't mind if you guys gave me tips on my writing, I'm not much of a writer so. Anyway that was chapter 1, I hoped you enjoyed it and don't worry it'll get more eventful through out the chapters. If you guys have any ideas/request you want me to add in the story, please don't be afraid to ask. So I guess that's all I gotta say, bye bye (for now)


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