Ch. 8 - The King?!?

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After that horrible incident with your ex boyfriend cheating on you with your enemy. You and your family packed your things and left his house. Who wants to stay in a house with a cheater. You decided it's time for a fresh start, and focus on yourself. With your house gone, your uncle who heard about the incident was shocked and came all the way from London, England to help you and the family get back on their feet.

Uncle: "y/n darlin I'm sorry for all the trouble you were out through with losing the house" *he has a sad yet comforting look on his face*

Uncle knows what it's like to lose a home. He father who was an absolute drunk almost every day. Burned his childhood house to the ground with him inside. Luckily he made it out just fine, but he never forgave his father for what he did.

Y/n: "i appreciate you come all this way just for us, it means a lot." You give me a hug and which he returns as well.

You tell your uncle that you will be heading out for a bit to try and clear your mind of what has happened to your life. You walk to a beautiful tree in the meadow that was surprisingly not to far from where you and your uncle were staying for a while. You had you favorite book in hand, took and seat, and begin reading. Mid way into the book a ball comes crashes through the tree and hits you on the head. It didn't hurt, but it did cause a slight headache, which went away quickly quickly. You see someone walking towards you except with the sun beaming it's bright light you couldn't make out who it was.

Person: "oh my god, I'm so so sorry, are you okay?"

Y/n: "yes I-" *looks up and your eyes widened* you breathe was caught in your throat you couldn't believe who stood in front of you. He was tall, very handsome, his face almost reminded you of a child, yet his body was of a grown man. His figure was very upright, yet his voice was so soothing it could put you to sleep.

Person: "is something the matter?"
Before you can respond a familiar face comes running behind this mysterious person. "My king are you alright?!" The person behind looks at you.

Chester: "Y/N!! Oh my is that really you?!?" *lends you a hand to help you stand up*

You: "Chester?!" *accepting his hand, you proceeded to hug him in which he returns the hug*

The person standing almost between you and Chester clears his throat. The two of you immediately dropped your faces in utter embarrassment.

Person: "Chester do you know this person?"

Chester: "yes I most certainly do" *a smile on his face: "this is Y/N, I met her in town, she helped me picked those fabrics I brought to you the other day"

Person: "so you're that one Chester has mentioned"

You: "I guess he has" It took you by surprise cuz you have no idea who this person is, and yet Chester mention les them to you.

Chester: "oh where and my manners, miss Y/N I introduced to you the king sir Spencer Reid."

Your eyes immediately widened and you lower your head in respect. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry your highness I didn't know it was you." (Wow you didn't know that was the king *gasp* shame on you)

Spencer: "all is forgive" *a simple smile on his face* He couldn't help but stare at your face, it seemed like he was taking in all your features in that moment. You also stare at him in the exact same way. The two of you got startled by the chiming sound of the towns bells ringing, signifying the end of a day.

Spencer: "well it seems the end of the day has come hasn't it." He looks at Chester and he nods in agreement. "Well it's miss y/n wasn't it?" You nodded "I shall hopefully see you again" he grabs your hand an kisses it farewell. However, it felt more like a see you later rather than a goodbye. The king and Chester walked away waving goodbye, and headed towards the kingdom. You waved in return and watched them. You grabbed your book and saw that they left their ball, quickly you picked it up, but before you could speak they were gone. You held onto it, hoping that you get to return it to its rightful owner.
Authors note:
hello lovelies, and yes i know I know it's been quite some time since the last chapter. Life has been one big battle, however the battle is not over. I won myself some time so I shall use this time for making more for you guys :) ANYWAY HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS MET THE KING!!!!!!!! Does he have feelings for you or does he not. He did stare at your face for a while....mhm what was that about. Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter again I know it been a long time since the last, but I'm back and it's good to be back.

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