Chapter Two

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After explaining to Molly the circumstances, Mrs. Hudson is told to ask the lads from the cafè to drive Sherlock to the lab so Molly can test and talk to him.

"LET GO OF ME!!!!" Sherlock yells as the men handcuff his hands. They ignore him and tie his legs together before carrying him out like a log. Mrs. Hudson watches fearfully as he yells and wriggle around in their arms. They bundle him into the back of a car and start driving quickly to the laboratory.

When they arrive they set him down in the room occupied by Molly and leave swiftly. "Stupid idiots." He mutters as Molly hurries over to him. He grumbles and mutters abuse about the men as she removes the things restraining him. "Shut up Sherlock." She snaps after a while. He huffs but stops speaking.

"Molly? I couldn't reach body 78 so I got number 68 is that ok?" A soft voice calls as a young girl around the age of 24 enters the lab in a brand new white coat and pushing a grey tray containing a dead person. Sherlock looks up at the woman as her black heels click across the pristine white floor. "Oh yeah that's fine. Sherlock?" Molly says, trying to get Sherlock's attention so that she can examine his eyes. He ignores her and watches the woman who stops at the table opposite them.

"Oh hello who's this?" She asks, smiling sweetly. "This is -"
"Sherlock. I'm Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock interrupts Molly. She nods and smiles, "Rachel Alten. So you're the man who killed Mary? How are you not in jail?" She asks. He flares up and lunges for the girl only to be restrained by Molly. "Sherlock calm down she didn't know." She whispers as Sherlock glares at a frightened Rachel. "He didn't kill her." Molly tells Rachel who nods quickly and faces down at her work.

Sherlock stares at Rachel as she works and only remembers Molly's presence when he receives a sharp slap on his right cheek. Rachel looks up and her face registers shock. Sherlock turns to Molly, clutching his cheek and she glares at him. "What?" He hisses.
"YOU'RE USING AGAIN!" She screams. Rachel decides to ignore the conversation as it isn't anything to do with her and she is here solely for work, not drama.

The two continue to argue rather loudly and after a while Rachel's had enough. "JUST SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO WORK!" She shrieks. Molly is tomato red in the face and Sherlock is hanging his head in sorrow. "Rachel you don't understand he's using again." Molly huffs.
"Really? I couldn't tell." She snaps back. "It's dangerous! With the amount he's using at the frequency he is he has WEEKS to live. WEEKS!" Molly explains.

Rachel glances at Sherlock and frowns. "Well yelling at him isn't going to help. Why don't you try and help him? Ask him what's wrong?" She suggests. Sherlock looks up and walks over to Rachel who cocks her head to one side in confusion. He then leans his head on her shoulder and mumbles, "Everything. Everything's wrong with me."

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