Chapter Four

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Sherlock smiles gleefully and stretches out his arms to me. Molly leaves quickly and I feel a pang of guilt in my chest before closing the door and walking past Sherlock. "No no don't you see? I want a hug!" He shouts as I walk into the kitchen. I ignore him and close the door before examining the chemicals. Most of it is Cocaine, Heroin and Morphine. I dispose of it and place the test tubes in the sink before washing them up and leaving them to dry. I then wash my hands and search through the kitchen for something to eat.

I find a severed foot and a jar of mustard. That's it. I sigh and phone the local Chinese and whilst I wait for them to pick up Sherlock comes barging in. "WHAT THE F*** DID YOU DO?!" He screeches when his eyes land on the empty kitchen island. I ignore him and ask what he wants to eat. "WHAT DID YOU DOOOOO!" He yells. I glare at him and his face slowly becomes red. I gulp and hastily leave the room, running into a bedroom and locking the door. His bedroom.

"Hello Ki Wong takeaway how may I help you?" A man's voice chimes through the phone. "Hello can I place and order to be delivered at 221B Baker street?" I ask.
"Of course Ma'am what would you like?"
"Umm... I'll have - for two - some egg fried rice, chicken satay, beef chow mein and lemon chicken please." I order. I'm then told the total and that it will be here in 20 minutes.

I'm ending the call when I hear a loud knock on the door. "That's my room get out!!!" He shouts. I ignore him and scan the room, my eyebrows rising when I see an extremely messy unmade bed, carpet littered with all types of rubbish and dust centimetres thick lining the surfaces. I shake my head and make a mental note to clean this room. It's disgusting.

I unlock the door and he falls through it, landing ontop of me. He stares at me and I gulp before pushing him off and hurrying into the kitchen to find some plates. When the food comes we eat in silence and afterwards I place the dishes on the side to wash up. Sherlock doesn't bother me again until I enter the living room and he sees me. "I want my hug now." He mumbles, arms outstretched. I smile and wait for him to stand up but instead he pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me.

We stay like that for a while before I grow tired. "You need to sleep." I yawn. "No, YOU need to sleep." He cheeks, smiling sleepily. I roll my eyes and get up, brushing down my blouse and trousers. "Now where's the spare bedroom?" I ask him.
"There isn't one. It's filled." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room. "Ok no." I refuse, crossing my arms. He frowns and looks up at me with puppy eyes "Please Rachel?" He purrs, and I swear my heart skips a beat.

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