Chapter Thirteen

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I smile sheepishly and he suddenly removes his hand and leaves the flat. In his pyjamas. I brush my hand over where he had touched my cheek and smile. I then take a shower and wonder where Sherlock had gone too. I go into work and chat to Molly about him for a while. "The thing you need to know about Sherlock is that he doesn't FEEL. At least he tells everyone he doesn't. What I'm thinking is that he's starting to feel for someone and doesn't know what to do." Molly tells me. When I tell her about what he said to me she flares up.

"What did you do to him? Have you been drugging him?! HE DOESN'T FEEL! HE NEVER WILL!" She screams before flouncing out of the room. I bite my lip and make a mental note to only help Sherlock with his drug problem. I am NOT allowed to have feelings for him. It'll upset Molly.

When I arrive home I walk in to see Sherlock sat in his armchair talking to a woman. "Sherlock?" I chirp. He gestures for me to go away and I huff, walking into the bedroom. "I'M GOING OUT WITH A FRIEND!" I hear Sherlock yell from downstairs. I peek out of the flat and hear Mrs. Hudson call, "What friend?" I hurry down the stairs and Mrs. Hudson turns to me. "Oh dear. I think he's gone again..... Dear would you follow him? He said he was going out with a friend but I have no idea who she is..." she says. I nod and hurriedly pull on some shoes and run out into the street.

I spot a two figures and run over to them. One stops at a chip truck and buys two portions before continuing down the street, chatting away. To a woman. He then sits down on a bench and continues rambling about relationships and paper. I frown and continue following them. During the night he stops abruptly and starts drawing with his finger in the air. I watch in confusion, to far away to hear what they're saying exactly. That is until I hear a helicopter over head. "Oh. Looks like big brother's watching you." The woman jokes. Sherlock then starts walking again, the woman hurrying after him.

"Sex." She says. I frown and Sherlock turns to her. "I'm sorry?"
"Sex. How did you know... I wasn't getting any?" She asks. My eyes widen and it's then that I decide to interrupt.

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