Chapter Fifteen

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I get a text. Several texts. From him.

Racel Im lozt.



Racel were ar u


Racel r u ded


He continues to text my name over and over again. I also have several missed calls. My eyes widen as I continue down the messages and I giggle slightly. He must be drunk. Or high. Maybe both.

Racel were r ur clethes.

Racel we ben wobed.

Racel thief left burgar in mecrowav


I sigh and shake my head before texting back:

Firstly, my name is spelt Rachel not Racel. I am not dead and we have not been robbed. You didn't want me anymore so I thought I'd get out of your hair. - R

Wen were u in mi hair.

No I - I ment that there is no reason for me to be staying with you. You're still on drugs, you are right now, and I seem to be annoying you. - R

Ho did u now I wes on druggs. I don't went u to leve. Com bakkkkk

This number has been blocked. Tap to unblock.

I set down my phone and get out of bed, making my way downstairs.

At work Molly's phone keeps bleeping. She frowns at the messages and looks up at me. "Sherlock is high and he wants you to come back. Is what he's trying to say." She tells me, bitterness seeping through her words. "You go instead." I shrug, returning to my work. "Nope. He says he wants you and he doesn't want me to come." She says in a clipped tone. "Well I'm not going." I snap. This results in several bleeps and then a buzzing. Molly answers and puts him on speaker.

"Molly get Rachel." He slurrs. Her eyebrows raise and she replies with, "She doesn't want to come."
"I WANT HER TO COME!!! SOMEONE GET RACHEL!!!!!!" He shouts down the phone. I can't help but giggle and Molly glares at me. "Who is dat? Is dat Rachel? Rachel is laughing." Sherlock says. I clamp a hand over my mouth and shake my head at Molly. But she ignores me. "Oh yes that was her Sherlock." She replies. It's silent for a while and then Sherlock asks in a very quiet, raspy voice, "What can I do to get her back?"

I freeze at the words and Molly's jaw drops. "I - I'm sorry?" She stutters.
"I SAID what can I do to get her back? I need her back!" Sherlock whines.
"Um. You could apologise?" I mumble.
"I am sorry." He says immediately. I smile and Molly's eyes narrow so that they are only slits. "Ok. I'll be there in a bit." I say before Molly hangs up.

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