Chapter Twenty Five

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I keep my head down as we enter the hospital and then Sherlock's room a while later. I look up and my heart breaks. There, lying unconscious in a hospital is him. Sherlock. MY Sherlock. "Oh, hi. Just in to say hello?" A bubbly nurse says softly, walking in. "No, we're just in to say goodbye." John says stiffly. I keep my gaze on Sherlock and edge slightly closer. I ignore the conversation being held by the other two as my fingers trace over the large bruise in his face. All I can feel is pain. "John can we go? Please I can't do this." I whisper brokenly. He nods in understanding and takes my hand, leading me out the door. "Dr. Watson?" The nurse calls. He turns to her and she holds out a phone that I didn't know she was using towards him. "It's for you."

He lets go of my hand and walks over to her. "Hello Mycroft." He says. I frown. Mycroft? Sounds like a computer company. He ends the call almost as quickly as he picked it up and we walk out of the building. There is a car waiting for us and I slide in after him. The car comes to a halt at 221B Baker Street. John gets out with me and we both walk up to the flat. When we enter there are alot of people in the flat. "Uh what are you doing?" John demands as we enter.
"Have you noticed the kitchen? It's practically a meth lab. I'm trying to establish exactly what drove Sherlock of the rails. Any ideas?" The man sat in an armchair says, getting up. He notices me and his brow furrows. "Who's this?" He asks.
"This is Sherlock's girlfriend Rachel. She lives here." John says for me.
"Girlfriend you say? He must've got really bored without you around Watson. Does she do drugs?" He sneers. I glare at him and he glares back. "I. Do. Not." I grit out.
"It might be best if the girl waits outside." The man tells John. John turns to me and rubs the back of his neck. "Would you mind?" He murmurs. "Fine. Let me just get something." I snap.

I march into the bedroom and pull out my teddy bear that I store under his bed along with a bar of chocolate. I then rush downstairs, hail a taxi and ride back to the hospital. Where else can I go?

When I arrive I ask the woman at the desk if I can go up. "Visting times have ended Miss." She tells me.
"Please. He's my boyfriend. Please can I just stay the night?" I beg. She gives in and hands me a key to which I take and run up the stairs taking two at a time.

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