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A/N Another disclaimer! This is in the future past when Remus got kicked out and past when Roman and Virgil first met. This takes place when Logan and Patton are both 13/14. The actual "present" time is when they're 17 but we're not there yet. Still, this chapter is important to kick off the plot.


The day that marked a turning point in Patton Castillo's life started out as a normal class field trip to the city aquarium.

Patton had been looking forward to the trip for months. He'd never been to the aquarium before since his Papí couldn't exactly pay the entrance and lunch fee without putting a big dent in what the would eat for the following two weeks.

But this year was different, after an unexpected promotion Patton had been informed of the good news. And now, he was practically jumping with excitement.

"Today's the day!" He yelled enthusiastically, spreading his arms above his head as he burst into his classroom.

His friend, Kayla, snorted, "You mean you're actually excited to go to this boring-ass aquarium? We've been every year, it's really nothing special, Pat."

Sam, another friend, nodded as Patton sat next to him on the couch his home room teacher let them sit on during class. "It's just fancy-looking fish and a bunch of water."

Patton raised an eyebrow at Kayla, "Language, kiddo." He then turned his attention back to the group which consisted of Sam, Kayla, another boy named Jeffery, a girl named Lilliana and a few others Patton didn't know that well but still hung out with as a group. "And I've never gone before so I, for one, can't wait to see all the fancy-looking fish! I heard they have beluga whales!"

Kayla rolled her eyes, "Ok dad." She leaned against her desk which was the closest one to the couch, "I'm just saying; it's good you didn't go to the other trips, at least you get the 'new experience' pizzazz. Being poor saved you, man."

The group laughed and Patton laughed along with them, even though he could feel his face heating up significantly. He'd read somewhere that laughing with people made being laughed at less hurtful. That's what he kept telling himself. The weight in his chest was just exhaustion, right?

He didn't say anything else after that, settling into his usual routine of smiling and listening to his friends chatter on and on about nothing in particular. Patton enjoyed just being in their presence.

But today he felt someone's eyes on him. Patton looked around for whoever might be watching him before spotting Logan Moretti, his family friend since childhood, in the doorway, staring. Catching his eye, Patton smiled warmly and waved. Logan nodded back and then left, hurrying down the hallway to his classroom.

Confused, Patton turned back to his friends. But all the while he was waiting to board the buses he couldn't stop wondering;

What in the world was that all about?


"Sam, Sam look!!!!" Patton was practically bouncing as he raced around the aquarium, "Turtles! And look, Angelfish!!! It says they have a sea lion show at 1, can we go see it? Oh. My. Cookies. THEY DO HAVE BELUGA WHALES!!!!"

Kayla laughed at Patton's antics, "You're adorable, just like a little kid!"

The rest of the group laughed as well but Patton was too busy gaping at every exhibition in the main building to notice their patronizing tone.

They walked around for a bit, just looking at the animals inside their tanks. Kayla made many snide comments about how ridiculous they looked or how boring they were. Liliana, another girl in the group was always the first to echo her laughter, the rest following not much later. Patton laughed along as well but every time he did, he felt his excitement melt away just a bit.

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