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A/N Hey guys 😅
Sooo...guess who hasn't finished the story chapter again?
That's right,
*jazz hands* This train wreck of a person right heere!
Introducing: "Meanwhile" chapters!
These chapters will be small cute scenes that can have happened at any point before the //real// Now chapters where Logan and Patton are 16/17.
They will mostly be one shots to help stimulate my creative whimsy but also gifts to you guys for not making a real chapter on time.
So enjoy this first one!!!!


The first thing Janus noticed when he walked into Roman's apartment was the powdery, white baking flour all over the carpet.

After living with Remus for four years, this didn't exactly strike him as odd or concerning in any way. So instead of freaking out like any normal babysitter, Janus calmly set down his canvas satchel and made his way to the kitchen.

"Patton? Are you in here?" He asked.

His question was answered with the sound of pans falling on the floor and a joyful voice shouting, "Tío Jan!"

Janus smirked as Patton attacked him with a bear hug around his torso (the small boy couldn't reach any higher). But of course, he hugged back, patting Patton's head, "My, have you grown taller since I last saw you?"

Patton looked up at his Tío with an expression of excitement, "Have I?!?!"

Nodding, Janus swiftly lied, "I do believe you have. And I advise you to stop it, you're growing too fast."

Patton giggled and took a step back from Janus. He looked down at himself in awe, "Actually, I do feel taller!" He began to walk around in the tips of his toes, bouncing like an astronaut as if his new height changed the gravitational pull of the Earth.

Janus smiled at this and then glanced into the kitchen and raised an eyebrow, "Hm, what happened here?"

Patton beamed at his uncle and grabbed one of his gloved hands, pulling him into the kitchen, "I was making cookies! Look!"

He held up a tray of raw flour and milk with a bit of egg yolk visible here and there and small crystals of sugar sprinkled on top. The rest of the kitchen was an utter mess, milk was spilled on the floor and globs of dough hung off the cabinets. The stovetop was flooded with rainbow sprinkles and there was an empty bag of sugar on the ceiling fan. Janus took the tray and looked at it, then the kitchen and then at Patton, "You did this all by yourself?"

Patton nodded excitedly, swaying on the balls of his feet as he waited for Janus' reaction. The older man stared at the "cookies" and then smiled at Patton, "I'm impressed. Though, I know what else we could add."

"What?" The small boy asked, following Janus as he walked over to the cabinets.

Janus pulled out a bag of M&Ms and waved them at Patton, who grinned back. "And of course, we must cook them. Though it was very responsible of you not to use the oven alone."

Patton beamed and started jumping up and down, cheering, "Baking! Baking! Baking! Baking!"

Janus rolled his eyes, smiling, and placed a hand on Patton's head, "Yes, yes, settle down. We should have our cookies done and maybe some other delicacies before it's time for Family Night."

Patton scrunched his nose in thought, "What does 'delicacies' mean?"

"Delicious foods."

"Oh! I like delicacies a lot!" Patton said, looking happy to use his new word. "Are you good at baking delicacies, Uncle Jan?"

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