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A/N I'm back! Hopefully a little early instead of late like I have been since school started TvT. Sorry about that friendos. But I've been working on a fun project I might share with you guys when I'm done ;))) Anywho, enjoy the chapter!


The Neend Café has a clever name.

Remy Chandra had spent weeks thinking it over before finally coming up with the ultimate title for his café. And you can bet he flaunted it whenever he got the chance.

So if you ever happened to go there, you would know the reason for the chalkboard.

Remus burst through the door of the small café and Patton followed behind, apologizing to some other customers who glanced over.

It had a slightly modern theme with everything colored black and white, including the big cushy chairs and beds spread around the room. Some people occupied the beds, napping, while others curled up drowsily with their coffee and pastries in the recliners.

See, "Neend" meant "Sleep" in Hindi but it also sounded like "Need". And café also meant "coffee" in French. So the name could be interpreted as "The Sleep Café" or "Need Coffee". Remy had all of this detailed in the previously mentioned chalkboard that hung right in the middle of the menu, taking center stage. Patton grinned up at it with an odd sense of pride.

He spotted Remy behind the counter, talking to a customer with an air of annoyance and raising an eyebrow behind his dark shades, "What the hell do you mean by 'no espresso shots'?! This is a coffee shop, babe, the shots are the best part." His tone was sharp, as if the lady had personally offended him.

The woman looked startled and distressed, "I have clinical insomnia!"

"Oh." Remy put his hand on his hip and grabbed a latté mug, "Well, girl, you should have just said so. I got just the thing."

A moment later, the lady was walking away confused but smiling with a rented pillow under one arm and a mug of chai latté in her free hand. Remy was washing the steamer when Patton and Remus approached.

"Two family discounted breakfasts are demanded!" Remus said, slamming both his hands on the counter as loud as he could. Some people shifted in their sleep.

Remy didn't even flinch, peering over his shades at Remus, unimpressed, "This is exploitation you bitch. Also keep it down, I got costumers.

Patton giggled, "Don't worry, I got a job this summer so I can pay." He opened his backpack to get some money when Remy let out a loud scoff, reaching out and zipping the bag closed.

"Yeah right," He said, glaring slightly, "The day I let my nephew pay at my café is the day I finally get over my caffeine addiction."

"You-you should actually work on that Tío..."


Patton sighed but it was a fond one. Remus put a hand over his heart and wiped away a fake tear, "That's so sweet, like a funeral eulogy."

Remy folded his arms, "I said my nephew not my idiot best friend's trashy rat man of a brother."

"I'll replace Roman's eyeliner with black sharpie."

"Sold" Remy turned around and started whipping up Remus and Patton's orders from memory.

Patton didn't interfere, making a mental note to warn his Papí about the eyeliner. When Remy and Remus weren't looking, Patton slipped a twenty into the tip jar.

"Have a good first day, kid." Remy said, smirking and ruffling Patton's hair, "If anyone gives you hell, remember you have an endless supply of hot coffee to throw in their face."

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