Bokuto X Shy! GN! Reader

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{Anime: Haikyuu!!}

Requested: No_Brain_Cells728

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Bokuto POV

Blown out eyes,

Heavy pants,

Nails leaving scratches in their wake.

   I couldn't think; I couldn't see anything but them. Their moans of pleasure occupied all the space in my head and left no room for anything else. They were soft and almost impossible to hear. They escaped his mouth involuntarily and slipped into my ear as I grinded against them. I would become deaf from their soft melodies.

   I could only feel them; I couldn't have felt anything else but them. Their skin against my own as well as the pleasure they were so willing to give me. I should be singing praise to them but simple sweet nothings left my lips instead.

"You're amazing."

"You feel so wonderful."

"Thank you."

   It wasn't enough for me but they seemingly drowned in those sweet words. "More, more, more," fell from their lips and who am I to deny them of what they want. I could tell that they were close from the way they were tensing around me. They clung to me in desperation as they attempted to grind against me.

   A sharp thrust cut off their begging. We shuddered and we both started shaking; empty mumbles filled the air as they pressed their hands against my lower back. "Please Ko."

   It only took one more sharp thrust for the both of us to finish. They sunk their teeth into me, muffling their moans. I, on the other hand, moaned into their neck as I continued moving in them. I wanted to make their pleasure last as long as possible.

   They removed their mouth with a soft gasp, "Ko sensitive." They patted my back as I sighed into their neck before I moved back and slowly removed myself from them. A gasp came from the both of us since we were sensitive. Y/N's face was flushed and sweaty. I gingerly leaned over them and slowly wiped their forehead. A muscle in their jaw twitched as they turned their head away.

   "You ok?" I tilted my head at them. They giggled slightly as they glanced at me before looking back at the wall. "Just a little embarrassed." Confusion was written all over my face before they vaguely gestured at me. "I um don't understand." I wrinkled my nose at them.

   They groaned at me and placed their arm over their eyes. "Don't make me say it." My laugh startled them slightly as I poked their torso. "Gonna have to spell it out Y/N!" The groaned more dramatically before saying, "The marks Ko!"

   I scrunched my eyebrows before realizing. "OHHHHHH you mean the scratches and the bite!" Y/N waved their hands around before frantically covering my mouth. "Don't say it so shamelessly!"

   A shriek escaped their mouth as they removed their hands. "Did you just lick me!? What are you, 12?"

   "Out of 10 baby."

   They stared at me with a blank face and a raised eyebrow. "You've been hanging with Kuroo too much." 

   I laughed before pulling them to my chest and kissing their temple. "You love it."

   They pinched my nipple, "Don't push your luck." 

   I pouted before brightening up. "Want to take a bath?" I wiggled my eyebrows at them, causing them to laugh. "Sure sure why not?"

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