Hoodie X Demon!GN!Reader

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{Fandom: Marbel Hornets}

Requested: RobinPang

Like my previous Hoodie oneshot, I know almost nothing about this character even after extensive research so he might be hella OOC. Also, I changed the request to a demon since I'm too tired to do more research on a wendigo....next time :D




'How sad.'

   Hoodie sat at the foot of my throne surrounded by my fellow demons. The difference is that I knew how to use my brain unlike my more privitave demons. I suppressed a sneer at the thought of how savage they were. The only thought in their empty heads was to kill. It was useful until it wasn't. Speaking of being useful.

   "I do hope you don't mind this. I got bored", I said with half-lidded eyes. My head felt heavy with my horns showing. Normally, I hid them but in order to show my leasy subjects who was in charge, I had them on display. 'Irritating', I thought. I focused on my eyes onto Hoodie's. His mask was shattered in front of him and one of the demons was itching to grab it. They kept turning their head to me with drool pooling by their feet. Sighing tiredly, I waved a hand in their directions without breaking eye contact. Immediately, they took the mask and ran out of the room. 


   "Anyway, as I said before, I got bored. Which means, little human, that you'll die. Such a shame really; you have a wonderful body." Hoodie didn't even flinch when the demons got more rowdy with the word 'die'.  He also seemed bored. I hummed at that and got off my throne. 

Now the demons were practically vibrating as I descending the steps. I almost felt pity in my empty chest for Hoodie. Getting involved with a high-level demon was always bad news; everyone knew that. Still, he summoned me to kill someone out of his comfort zone. 'Silly human', I thought fondly. He has definitely been one of my favorite humans in the many years I've lived.

   The crowd of demons parted as I approach him. His eyes shown but it wasn't fear. I tilted my head as I squatted down. I was still very much taller than him. Suddenly, I grabbed his face with my large hand and stared into his eyes. He raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything.

'What the hell are his eyes showing me?'

   "You're a strange human, Hoodie." He bared his teeth at me in an odd smile. "You're a strange demon, Y/N." I chuckled lowkey and traced a finger across his jaw. I felt my face drop a little at the thought of his death. 

   "Strange. I think I would miss you. That's new." I wasn't even looking at him anymore. I ran my eyes over his entire body, almost like I was trying to memorize it. I flinched when he hand swiped across my cheek. He pulled back and stared at his hand. "You're crying." I almost gawked at him in confusion, "Demons can't cry. It's common knowledge." A smirk settled on his lips as be turned his hand and it was red. 'Blood.' I reached to touch my own face and my hand came away red. 

   Everyone stood on edge when Hoodie started laughing. It echoed and the demons almost lunged at him. I waved a hand at them and they stood as still as a statue. Hoodie continued laughing and it shook me to my core. 

   "Oh that's rich! One of the most powerful demons in existence, crying", his face dropped and he gave me the scariest glare I've ever seen, "Pathetic." A giggle was stuck in my chest but I suppressed it. I grabbed him by his hair and bumped noses with him. "To think I was going to show mercy and give you a quick death. You humans don't seem to like being in pain for a long time. Sad, really! To think I kept you around as long as I did." I wrapped my other hand on slim neck and gave a soft squeeze.

   "To think I wanted to keep you around." His eyes widen right as I squeezed. We all heard his vertebrates separate and snap. The bloody tears didn't stop as I arranged him in my arms in bridal style and carried him away. The least I could is give him a decent funeral. I walked down my vacant hallways and wondered,'Why am I still crying?' It confused me. I've never cried before in my entire life.

   I suddenly stopped in the middle of the hallway and stared at Hoodie. Rage coursed through my chest as I sneered down at him. I wanted to snap his body like a fucking twig. His eyes shown with pity not fear, the stupid human. 

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