Ushijima X Taller! GN! Reader

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{Anime: Haikyuu!!}

Aggressive reminder to register to vote if you're old enough, wear your mask in public, social distance, and to wash your hands. The pandemic is very real dumbasses. 

Requested: animescoutuwu 



3rd Person

   "Waka-chan." Wakatoshi looked up from his studies and he saw his partner awkwardly standing in the doorway. He almost smiled fondly at his tall partner. As tall as he was, his rarely ever bumped into doorways unlike Y/N. "Come in." Wakatoshi closed my textbook and turned to them with their arms open for a hug. The top of the ace's head reached their mouth and it still startled him how much taller his partner was to him. 

   Y/N didn't play any sports, much to the dismay of the many coaches at Shiratorizawa Academy, and had pretty decent grades depending on the subject. For example, they was smart as hell in science and history but they struggles in math. Maybe because their teacher kinda sucks at teaching or math is just confusing in general. No one really knows to be honest. Wakatoshi loosely wrapped his arms around Y/N while they squeezed him to their body. Wakatoshi could feel everything and gently ran his large hands down Y/N's spine. 




    Y/N flinched when his hands slightly grazed their waist. Wakatoshi stopped and raised an eyebrow even though Y/N couldn't see him. "Are you ticklish?" Y/N tensed in his arms but rapidly shook their head 'no'. "Of course not Waka-chan. Absurd idea. You need to get your head checked." Y/N was still tense in his arms before Wakatoshi took his hands and started moving his fingers all across Y/N's abdomen.

   Y/N squealed in surprise and attempted to push Wakatoshi away as he continued abusing this stomach. "Wakatoshi unhand me! I-." Y/N was cut off by their own laughter as they kept trying to stop Wakatoshi's rude ass fingers.

   "BABE oh my fucking god AHHHH swear I wOn'T wear your AH jer- LET ME TALK!" Wakatoshi's hands finally stopped moving on the taller one's abdomen so they could speak. "What were you trying to say babe?" Y/N playfully glared at him and flicked his nose. "Don't babe me mister. Keep tickling me and I won't wear your jersey for your next game." 

   "You wouldn't do that", Wakatoshi said with confidence and no hesitation. He smiled softly when he saw them falter before leaning down to rest their head on his shoulder. "So mean~" Quiet laughter reached Y/N's ear and they got off of their perch to place a gentle kiss onto Wakatoshi's lips. It wasn't the most fantastic one they've shared; they were both smiling like love sick idiots. 

"I love you", Wakatoshi said against his lover's lips.

   Y/N sighed into Wakatoshi's mouth and cupped his face to kiss him properly. They both felt an overwhelming amount of love for each other in that moment and neither one of them wanted to stop. Naturally, the universe had other plans. 

   "Baki baki ni ore nani wo?" Y/N laughed against Wakatoshi lips before pulling back. "Hello Tendo." They smiled at the redhead while Wakatoshi gave him a look. Y'know, the one that says 'why did you have to come in?'. Tendo simpled smiled at Wakatoshi and said, "A wild Y/N has been spotted!"

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