Bakugo X Werewolf!GN!Reader

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{Anime: My Hero Academia}

Requested: luna_luke_pheonix

Quirk: Werewolf. You have the strength of a wolf plus ears, a tail, and claws. This is the perfect request for Halloween! Please remember that you can enjoy Halloween inside and away from people so DO NOT RISK PEOPLE'S HEALTH!!!!




My laughter was muffled under my hands when Katsuki smacked Deku across the face with a pastry brush. 'Who knew that could be a weapon?' I was waiting for Katsuki to finally making dinner so I can attack him; he decided to be a total asshole a few days ago and bite my ear while cuddling which was totally uncalled for! So naturally I'm gonna attack him because I don't have the energy to prank him.

   I bounced on the heels of my feet as I heard his footsteps walking towards me. With my wolf ears, it's easier to tell apart everyone's footsteps. Mina was watching me from the couch with her chin resting in the palm of her hand. A small smirk rested on her lips and I winked at her while flexing my fingers.

5 steps

4 steps

   I widen my stance and placed most of my weight on my back foot so I can seriously knock him down. My fingers wiggled with nerves since I knew this was totally gonna piss him off. Being his partner sure as hell won't work in my favor. He'll blast me to hell regardless but my petty revenge was more important

3 steps

2 steps

   I took a deep breathe and lunged. Katsuki didn't know what was happening as he met the floor until he saw my toothy grin. He was laying his side with all my weight on him and the pissed off aura coming off of him was enough for Deku to move farther away even though he was on the other side of the room. "IDIOT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I shoved my finger in his face as he wiggled under me which probably hurt his hip. "You decided it would be funny to bite my ear you vampire so this is payback." I moved back and sat on his side with my arms crossed and a smug look on my face. 

   "Seriously? Get off me!" I barked out a laugh and shook my head at him. "Nope", I said while popping the 'p', "you don't deserve to get off the floor." His face turned bright red in rage and I knew I had exactly 3 seconds to run away.

   His hand sparked as he tried to blast me but I placed my hands on his side and flipped over the explosion. My feet landed on either side of his head before I started running. He quickly put an end to my escape plan by grabbing my ankle and yanking me. 

   I yipped as I fell on the floor. "Katsuki!" I pushed his face away with my foot as he glared at me. Everyone was watching all of this going down with zero help whatsoever which wasn't that surprising. "Come here bastard!"

   He yanked me hard and grabbed my arm. 'Crapcrapcrap!' I sighed dramatically and went lax. "I guess you won oh great Katsuki." I gave him my puppy eyes in hopes that he'll show mercy. He smirked at me and flicked my forehead. "Hell yeah I did. Do that shit again and I'll blast your ass to hell." I patted his face with a grin, "Sure."

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