Bucky X GN! Reader

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{Fandom: Marvel}

Requested: Komasanuwu

So I started online school on yesterday and I want to die. It's not awful; I just got use to doing nothing 98% of the time TvT. There's a slot open for request (ONLY ONE). Remember to wear your masks and to wash your hands. (fucking animals) 



3rd Person POV

A white room.

Nothing more, nothing less. 

Simply, a white room. 

   In said white room, stood a man. He was quite handsome to many people. Soft, brown hair framed his face and almost hid his fearful eyes from him. His strong body was tense and ready to defend himself with a gun sitting at this hip and a knife settled in his large hand. Slightly pink lips formed a sneer. Who could he be sneering at? Was he not alone in the white room? 

   Oh, I guess not. There was another man in the room. He looked opposite of the fearful man. A lean body that was relaxed and calm compared to a rigid one. His hair didn't hid his eyes as he stared at the man with hidden eyes. A red book with a star on the cover sat snugly in his hand. 

"I'm sure you want to kill me," said the calm man.  

Why would the fearful man want to kill him? Has he wronged the fearful man?

'I should.'

'I shouldn't.'

'I should.'

'I shouldn't'

"I should," said the fearful man. His mind raced to figure out how to kill him. A bullet to stomach would bring the upmost amount of pain but stabbing him would bring the faintest amount of pleasure. It felt like hours when he decided a bullet to the head. It was quick, painless even. He didn't move his eyes from the calm man as he reached for his gun. 

   His hands were steady as he aimed the gun at the calm man. Carefully, he approached him. The calm man didn't move nor did he reach for his book. Why did he have a book? Was he fond of it? Or was it important to him?

   The barrel rested against the calm man's skull. He didn't flinch at the coolness of the metal; he seemed calm as if he wasn't about to die. "Tell me something James." Was that the fearful man's name? "Where do you think they'll go?" James didn't move but confusion swam in his eyes. 'Who was 'them',' he thought. He brushed that thought away and his eyes went cold. The calm man didn't react at the sudden change but he did ask again. "You didn't answer my question. Where do you think they'll go? Surely, they must go to Heaven and see the golden gates but I never knew them the way you do. Maybe then, they'll end up in Hell. Do they have unforgivable sins James?"

   The gun barely shook against him temple. James' hands were shaking in the slightly but the calm man had noticed. He had struck a very big nerve. The calm man's lips formed into a wicked grin. "Come on, do it. Pull the trigger."

   His voice came from everywhere and echoed through the white room. James swore the room was spinning as the calm man chanted, "Pull the trigger." James couldn't think; he couldn't move. His brain was on overload before the calm man shouted, "Pull the fucking trigger!"


   The barrel smoked from being shot but the calm man was gone. There was no blood splatter nor was there a body. It was as if he never existed. James dropped the gun and his body finally relaxed. 'Finally. Peace and quiet.' He lowered himself onto the floor of the white room and closed his brown eyes. 'I can finally sleep.' Little did James know that he would never know peace again. 




   He would wake up to the sound of blood dripping off the stained sheets with a bullet in Y/N's head and a gun in his own hand; his lover silent and dead. A bruise the shape of his hand would be a necklace Y/N never asked for while their blood painted James' face.

Maybe the white room was better than his own.


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