Part #3

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Y/N Y/L/N: And then there were two....

TonyMayo: Yeah. Sorry bout that

Y/N Y/L/N: What about being the only one left in the GC with me?

TonyMayo: No about my brother, what he said

Y/N Y/L/N: Oh, that. It doesn't matter.

TonyMayo: Good, I just didn't want him to upset you after, you know...

Y/N Y/L/N: It's fine. Forget about it.

TonyMayo: How are you doing anyway?

TalFishman: OH MY GOD!!!!!

                            ADI JUST TOLD ME EVERYTHING!!!!

TonyMayo: What do you mean Adi told you everything?

AdiFishman: Yo bro, way to break up a moment.

TalFishman: What?

MichaelRosillo: Dude, couldn't you see that Tony and Y/N were talking?

JasonWilhelm: And you rudely interrupted. Didn't your mother teach you proper manners?

TalFishman: Oops, did you all go off so....

NickMayorga: So Ant can finally talk to Y/N? Yeah, we did.

TalFishman: Oops, sorry for interrupting. My bad.

Y/N Y/L/N: It's fine. You weren't interrupting anything. If me and Anthony wanted to talk we'd go into a private chat.

AnthonyRivera: What? Is that a chick wanting to go into a private chat with me?

Y/N L/N: No. Sorry.

AnthonyRivera: Awwwee 😢 @TonyMayo you need to change your name man, saves me  anymore disappointment

TonyMayo: I'll be sure to have a discussion with my mom about it @AnthonyRivera

AnthonyRivera: Yay! Thanks bro @TonyMayo

MichaelRosillo: Yo bros you missed out on some good food right there. My stomach is soooo full right now

JosephSimm: Glad yours is cos mine isn't @AnthonyRivera ate mine

AnthonyRivera: Not my fault that it looked so lonely just sitting there on the counter all alone

JosephSimm: Dude, I literally stood up to go to the fridge to get a drink

MichaelRosillo: Well, dude, I think you've learnt a lesson there. Don't leave food unattended around @AnthonyRivera

JasonWilhelm: Though personally I think he should have learnt that a long time ago

NickMayorga: Dudes, come on. Leave my brother and Y/N in peace. They need to talk.

TonyMayorga: No we don't.

Y/N Y/L/N: Nope, we've got nothing to talk about

TalFishman: Don't lie

Y/N Y/L/N: We're not lying

TalFishman: You're forgetting I now know EVERYTHING

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