Part #11

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TalFishman: @NickMayorga have you heard from Ant yet?

NickMayorga: Yeah, he came home this morning

TonyMayo: Don't worry guys, I'm alright. I was just keeping a friend company

AdiFishman: Oooh, a friend was it?

TonyMayo: Yes, a friend.

AdiFishman: Do we know her?

TonyMayo: How do you know it's a her?

AdiFishman: Come on bro, staying out for three nights without coming home even for a change of clothes. We all know you were with a girl bro, we're not stupid.

AnthonyRivera: Hang on, other Anthony has friends outside of us?

MichaelRosillo: Not everyone's a loser like you @AnthonyRivera

AdiFishman: I stand corrected. Anthony and Mike are stupid, the rest of us aren't.

MichaelRosillo: Hey! Who are you calling stupid? Do you want me to come over there and beat you up?

AdiFishman: Bro, you couldn't even beat up a marshmallow

MichaelRosillo: That is true

But Marshmallows are HARD man. Have you seen them? They got six packs and everything!

TalFishman: How does a mashmallow have a six pack?

MichaelRosillo: They do. The shops sell them and everything.

NickMayorga: I still need to find the rolling eye emoji on this thing...

JosephSimm: @TonyMayo was it that y/h/c girl who I seen you with yesterday who you were keeping company?

TonyMayo: Yes it was

NickMayorga: y/h/c girl? I know a girl with that hair colour 

TonyMayo: There are many girls with that hair colour brother

NickMayorga: Yeah but THE girl has that hair colour, doesn't she? 😉

TonyMayo: Depends on who THE girl is.

NickMayorga: You know who I'm talking about bro

AdiFishman: Oh Y/N!!!

Y/N Y/L/N: Did one of you goofballs summon me?

Ems: @Y/N Y/L/N You're back!

Y/N Y/L/N: I never left

Ems: I know you didn't. 

Anyway, how's everything after that family emergency you had?

CennaRashidi: Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that but I didn't wanna just private message you out of the blue and have you think I'm a weirdo.

JasonWilhelm: Cenna, you ARE a weirdo.

AnthonyRivera: I was meaning to ask you too, but I can't message girls. Daddy gets jealous.

Y/N Y/L/N: Everything is fine now. And you can all message me anytime you like.

JasonWilhelm: Thank you. Does that mean I can ask you a question?

Y/N Y/L/N: Of course.

AnthonyRivera: ooh, Jason's wanting to ask your girl a question. I'd watch your back if I were you, Tony.

TalFishman: What have I told you Anthony?

AnthonyRivera: That you love me?

TalFishman: No, to stop it with the Tony and Y/N thing

AnthonyRivera: Oops, I've been bad. Are you gonna spank me Daddy?


CennaRashidi: Go ahead

JasonWilhelm: Y/N, can I just ask, since I haven't met you face to face yet, what is your hair colour?

Y/N Y/L/N: Y/h/c

JasonWilhelm: I KNEW IT!!!!

TonyMayo: Oh ffs... Don't you start Jason.

Y/N Y/L/N: He only asked me my hair colour? What's going on? What did I miss?

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