Part #18

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NickMayorga: Alright, who ate the last cookie!!! 😤😤😤

AnthonyRivera: Dude, why did you glare at me while you typed that?

MichaelRosillo: Cos usually you're the one who eats all the food

AnthonyRivera: I told you fools, I'm full. I've been sleeping

JasonWilhelm: How can you sleep with the cat's chorus that is going on in the living room?

AnthonyRivera: Easy, I just get hold of this y/f/c blankie and snuggle up to it like this

NickMayorga: OMG, you've got Y/N's favourite blanket, she's gonna kill you

CennaRashidi: Dude, I'm sure she's found something better to snuggle up to now

AdiFishman: If that's what you call it Cenna

Oh, Nick, bro. I think I found out who ate the last cookie

 I think I found out who ate the last cookie

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TalFishman: Dude, that's not even a cookie

AdiFishman: Yeah, but you ate the last cookie bro. Admit it.

TalFishman: OK I did, but what you gonna do about it dawg?

AdiFishman: I'm not gonna do anything but Nick might kill you.

Y/N Y/L/N: Haven't I already told you guys to stop texting and enjoy my party?

JosephSimm: I wasn't texting, I was ghosting.

Y/N Y/L/N: @NickMayorga have you found that eye rolling emoji yet?

MichaelRosillo: I think dude needs to find the bleach after what he walked in on earlier

Y/N Y/L/N: What did he walk on when?

MichaelRosillo: Come on Y/N, you can quit the act now.

Y/N Y/L/N: What act?

AnthonyRivera: We all know that you've been stuff with other Anthony. Stuff that I don't know about yet but Daddy is gonna teach me about soon

Y/N Y/L/N: @TonyMayo can you please inform me what your friends are on about?

TonyMayo: You called? Oh, what are these du-- I just scrolled up while I was typing that. Yo! Wtf dudes!?

JasonWilhelm: It's alright, we're all adults in here. We all know what adults do together when they're in love

AnthonyRivera: Wait? I'm an adult?

JasonWilhelm: Well, most of us are adults.

Y/N Y/L/N: OMG I've just read up. Me and Tony have NOT had sex. Why would you even imply that Nick?

NickMayorga: I didn't imply, they assumed.

AdiFishman: So what did you walk in on then dude?

Y/N Y/L/N: I didn't know he'd walked in on anything but if he had me and Tony would have been doing no more than kissing

JasonWilhelm: KISSING!? KISSING!?

Y/N Y/L/N: Yes, kissing, Jason. That's what boyfriend's and girlfriend's do isn't it?

TalFishman: Wait did you just...

TonyMayo: Yes, guys, Y/N has finally became my girlfriend

JasonWilhelm: FINALLY!!!

NickMayorga: Awe my brother and my bestie 😍 #CoupleGoals I'm so happy for you both



Hi all, 

So, this is the end of this imagine. I'd like to thank you all for reading and voting, the reaction I've had to this story is the best reaction that I've ever had to a story and I am so happy, proud and grateful. I have got another Free Time Group Chat imagine story up, it's about Ant's little brother, Nick, so check that out if you want. Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know what you think. Also, do you want me to do a part 2 to this where your relationship with Tony grows or...? Let me know what you say about that

Thanks again,


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